
Cursed till the full moon

A boy who was cursed due to his mother's past, falls in love with a girl that does not want to have anything with him.


Early in the morning, Mr Jason woke up to get ready for the day, after getting ready he headed down stairs just to meet his secretaries arguing

over some random issues, " what is going on here, have you guys run nuts" " Good morning sir we are sorry" " and what's good about this morning" " We are sorry sir it would not occur again" "Keep your sorry and let's go".

In the company Mr Jason was in his office when Annie his secretary came to inform him about his mother's visit he told her to let her in, "Good morning mom, what brought you here? " "I need you to explain what is good about this morning, when are you going to bring a wife home? " "Come on mom..... " Knock Knock "Come in" Annie came in to inform Mr Jason about his meetings, "Good morning ma" "Good morning beautiful, Jason I didn't know you had a girlfriend, why didn't you tell me?" "mom she is not my.... " "Shut up, please don't mind this old man who refused to get married " "Mom" "Stop there don't worry dear I will surely make you my daughter-in-law" "Thank you for the offer but " "No buts, I have to leave now take care of yourself, as for you Jason prepare to get married" "Take care mom". " sit you have a meeting with Mr Paul by 9am and another one by 3pm" "Okay, go prepare the file for the meeting" "Yes sir excuse me".