
Cursed Spirit of the Abyss

A cursed spirit wakes inside of a endless abyss with an overprotective father and some abilities. ---------------------- (I know the synopsis sucks, but I don't particularly care.)

Cause_and_Effect · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Heroes and Villains

(A/N: Sorry for the late upload, I had unforeseen essays sprung upon me at an unfortunate time.)


After an.. undetermined amount of time, Void grew bored of continuously watching anime and reading books that her father stol- borrowed from neighboring dimensions.

The Abyss however was worried about how he could keep its daughter entertained.

Void -as if sensing his worry- changed the topic, "Papa? Could we visit those worlds we watched on the.. Tee-Vee?" she questioned innocently while slightly mispronouncing TV.

Feeling the expectation of its daughters question, Abyss began to slightly ponder it itself before coming up with a definite answer.

[It.. might be possible, yes. My actions would be somewhat.. limited if we were to visit another world but yours shouldn't be as you have a permanent semi-physical form. Which one of these 'worlds' are you thinking about in particular?] the Abyss stated as it questioned its daughter.

Void beamed with visible excitement as she pondered over the last question, "Hmm, what about Jujutsu Kaisen world Papa?" She asked as she knew her abilities 'originated' from that particular world.

[NO! *Cough* I mean no. You aren't strong enough yet, especially since you are a cursed spirit.. you would -most likely- be captured/killed on sight.] The Abyss frantically said in an attempt to persuade its daughter from choosing a more dangerous than average world straight off the bat.

"Papa how did you cough? I thought you couldn't?" Void questioned innocently while tilting her head slightly.

[Moving on, how about that one world with the heroes and villains? What was it called again?] the Abyss asked while trying to avoid the question of how an interdimensional force of destruction and nothingness could cough.

"Uhh.. the hero school one?" Void asked.

[Hmm, that world could work. There's only about 4-5 people that could actually threaten you once you train a good bit as you inherited most -if not all- of my power, but if they get to close I could always annihilate them..] The Abyss continued to list off ways to castrate and torture someone if they came to close.

Void giggled a little, "It's fine Papa, plus you'll be there to beat them up if anyone goes to far!" Void said as she mimicked kung-fu moves.

[Hmm, yes I suppose so. I think that we -you- should be going now. I'll always be in contact and watching over you.] The Abyss said as it coiled around it's daughter and carried her to a pitch black portal.

"Y-you can't come with me?" Void asked while she was on the verge of tears.

[It's fine Void. I can't directly enter a world or well.. bad things would happen. I can interact with the world from afar though so I can still be 'with' you] The Abyss said as a warm feeling sprung inside Void's heart.

Void pumped her fist into the air while shaking off the remnant of tears, "Alright! Family vacation trip ago!" She said while buzzing with excitement.

The Abyss -if it could- would've been smiling as it watched it's favorite -and only- daughter walk through the portal. Before she could fully leave however he attached a unnoticeable charm that would allow him to watch over her.


"Woah! The buildings are so big!" Void murmured as she walked out of an alley wearing a large black t-shirt and black sweatpants that she assumes her father summoned as she left.

She garnered a few odd looks from her talking, but Void however was barely sparing them a glance as her eyes wondered over the enormous buildings surrounding her. The people walking down the streets had a variety of physical mutations such as elongated ears, animal parts, etc.

Void darted between people as she examined the passerby's. After walking down the street for another 15 minutes and examining what other living beings look like in real life, Void hummed in excitement.

As she was enjoying herself, a shockwave rippled throughout the street. Throwing some of the weaker people off their feet. Void however wasn't affected. Even though she hasn't trained her body physically, her natural untrained state is already stronger than the average person by a small, but noticeable, margin.

"What was that!?!" A frantic male voice rung out beside her.

"VILLAIN ATTACK!" An even more frantic female voice screeched as if she was a banshee somewhere to Void's left.

Void rubbed her oversensitive cat ears in an attempt to stop the ringing caused from her shrill voice. "Ow," Void stated blandly. After a few seconds of recovering from the sudden noise and covering her ears with her small hands, she finally saw the source of fear.

A man wearing a cold-war gas mask with blonde hair coming out in strands from under its straps. He had a tall body but his exact proportions were undeterminable as he was covered in a heavy trench coat. In his hands was a large metal flamethrower with various nicks and scratches dotting the surface.

With a sickening hiss, green flames spewed from the flamethrowers nozzle towards some unnamed civilians. Seeing the civilians about to die, Void felt... nothing. As if it was inconsequential to her in any way. "Why don't they just run?" She thought while throwing them an questioning look.

"Are the dumb?" She asked to herself as she saw the green flames about to consume them completely. However, as the flames licked their skin a figure appeared and pointed his/her finger towards the flames. With a pop, an opening appeared on her gloved hands and sucked in the flames with what seemed a tiny black hole.

"That was.. sorta cool, but Papa could do way WAY better," Void said to herself as she looked at the source of the black hole.

A.. male? Female? It was hard to tell under the oversized white spacesuit and large black orb shaped helmet adorning her/his head. The seemingly out of place yellow sneakers didn't help to put a great, heroic figure into Void's mind.

The unnamed space-suit wearing hero whipped towards the two civilians who were about to meet death and spoke, "Move!" The voice sounded feminine in nature but was still distorted, most likely due to the hero's mask.

Void continued to watch from the empty sidewalk as neither the villain nor the hero seemed to notice her. The, obviously insane, villain decided that after seeing someone who could summon black holes he STILL had a chance and rushed towards the hero.

The hero saw his approach and summoned an even tinier black hole causing the villain to stumble from the sudden pulling force. The villains head slammed into the concrete ground knocking him unconscious.

Void was speechless, "That was... so disappointing. He.. he literally tripped and the fight was over," Void pouted as she wanted to see an ACTUAL fight.

The spacesuit wearing hero walked over as the details finally clicked in Void's mind. Thirteen, she was a hero that was shown in the USJ Arc and can 'make' small black holes on her fingertips as a quirk.

"Are you alright there?" A kind voice exited the masked hero. Void numbly nodded as she was still upset at the anticlimactic ending of the fight.


(A/N: Also yes, I know that Void is a very original and cool name -Sarcasm-. Love interest suggestions would be appreciated, doesn't have to be MHA.. any character can be suggested.)