
Chapter One-Hundred And Twelve: The Journey of Time

From there Kat cleaned up the breakfast dishes while Manitou got cleaned up and dressed in a simple sapphire and silver traveling tunic along with the Staff of Time in her right paw. Once the dishes were cleaned and put away Kat went out to the buggy to radio back to the O'Hare Compound.

"High Commander Tombs to O'Hare Estate. Come in O'Hare Estate." called Kat over the radio.

"Where Have You Been! Bed Empty! Armor Gone! You Could've Been Killed! or Worse Captured!" came a very angry and irate female voice on the other end of the radio.

"Easy now Vixi. I'm safe and alive." replied Kat into the radio shaking his head as he caught the first glimpse of Manitou coming out of her secret cave home. "I had to camp out in a secured location due to being on the hunt for an ancient relic."

"And why exactly do we need this relic? Val said that you managed to defeat your uncle the Droid Lord." replied the voice from the other end of the radio.