
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Family Decree

"Patience brother don't you want to make this official by hearing my vote or do you want to give Kyle here a way around our family decree?" asked Mark with a grin.

"He's right son all members have to properly voice their vote before a decision can be made official and binding." replied Mr. Thompson, "So Mark how do you vote?"

"Well, seeing as everyone else got to voice their opinion first I will do like wise…" started Mark only to be cut off be Dan's whining.

"This is a waste of time just spit out your no vote and lets be over it." interrupted Dan as he was starting to get frustrated with his older brother.

"You do realize where not going anywhere anytime soon and we might as well milk this thing out unless you honestly want to just sit here in complete silence for the next two and a half hours." teased Rebekah before motioning to her eldest brother and adding, "You were saying."