
Cursed Legacy

When the Amberster Dukedom fell and was destroyed on charge for colliding with the devil, Aleks was hit so hard. A high noble suddenly becoming a commoner is like losing everything you have in life. Luckily, he remembers a legend that he used to hear when he was a child, a legend that people deemed as false, the fact that there is another living dragon soul residing in their country! Aleks who wants to restore the honour of his family will do anything to get those power. Sadly he loses his life trying to get the impossible. If all those powerhouses couldn't get it, what makes him think he can get it by himself? And that's when I wake up as Aleks. Becoming one of the tragic characters in the novels that I read. I know the future event, but even the knowledge of the future can't guarantee my survival. This is not a journey to power. This is a journey about trying to avoid using power as much as possible to survive. cover: https://www.deviantart.com/megatruh/art/Age-of-Valor-Awakening-586183063

DaoistfG1FmB · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Common Man Issue

A week passed just like that. Ever since that incident, I haven't spoken with William and his party. But I don't feel the slightest bit of sadness, I just feel that this is the way things should be. Me, Aleks, being friends with William, shouldn't be happening in the first place.

"Ku ku ku, but I didn't expect that you'd use my power to save that girl, though", Laughed Balaur to me.

"You won't get it even if I told you", I replied to him.

"Is it for your own self-satisfaction? You know that you're changing her fate right?"

"Nah, from the moment I interact with the core main character, I already alter the future somewhat", I replied indifferently, "But I'm glad that thing has become what it should be"

"So what are you going to do from now on?", He asked happily. I just feel that he wants me to use the power again.

After using the power heavily for the first time, I feel slightly tired. Balaur forgot to explain that a human body was not capable of fully utilising the dragon's power. Furthermore, he gives me his full blessing. Using his power continuously would take a toll on my body. I should be careful in the future.

As for my lifespan? Nah, I already give up on that. It's impossible to clear all obstacles without using the dragon's power, I already braced myself for it.

'But at least, he should have told me sooner about this whole full blessing thing and my body, dammit', I utter to myself.

No wonder the dragon in the novel could give blessing to many people, but it turns out that they never give them the full blessing. That's not even I, as a reader know. Indeed we learn something new every day.

So now I'm back to my previous schedule. I go to class, go to the cafeteria after that, and sometimes to the library just to pass my time. Really, there are not many things to do in this world. On weekend, I just stroll around the city. And that's it.

Of course between that schedule, I often caught up with Jack and his followers trying to get me, etc. But, hey, it's not that bad you know. I kind of enjoy this new lifestyle of me. Except for studying, I'm doing what a normal student usually does in this world.

As an adult, you have to be comfortable with yourself on any occasion. It's also a way to show gratitude to the "real" owner of this body. Although I say it like that, it's not like I don't envy those who had friends to spend time with.

"My plan? I guess just enjoying the moment until the end of this semester?"

I don't think this academy has a whole concept of "semester", but even the novel didn't explain much about the education system in this world.

"Tch, boring"

Yes, it is boring. Most adults are living a boring life, don't you know that? I don't hate the "boring". What is hate is the "unexpected things". When things go out of hand and sh*t hits the fan, that's what I hate.

Sometimes I spotted William and his party in several places at the academy. They won't look my way like they hate me to the core, they don't want anything to do with me. Being hated by Alice, Hector, Vanessa, and Selena is one thing, but being hated by the main character, William, is a whole different thing.

Anyway, there are two problems that I can't solve and keep bothering me right now.

The first problem is the academic problem. I can't even cast basic magic. I already try to do it many times after class, but I always failed. I don't know if this is an "Aleks" problem or a "me" problem. Even though Balaur said that I can learn normal magic just fine.

This problem also connected to the final exam a few weeks later. I suck at theoretical magic, now I also suck at practical magic. I get a feeling that I won't be able to pass this semester. As an adult, this is a feeling that I haven't felt since my teenage year.

"ha ha ha, you have the full blessing of a Dragon, why'd you still try so hard to learn that inferior magic?", Mock Balaur.

As if I'd use dragon power to do simple things. Also, it's connected to the problem of my chance to keep staying in this academy. Won't people become suspicious if I can't conjure up any magic until I graduate?

And the second problem is the financial problem. Now, this is the tricky one. I'd say that this is the problem that concerns me the most. This is also the problem that almost every adult will face in their life. Even I, in the previous world, couldn't solve it, what makes you think that I can solve it now?

I still have a bit of money left by the real owner of this body. But I won't be able to survive with that much money. I have to think of another way to think of in order to money.

I've been considering doing some adventurer jobs. I've considered some small-time jobs like gathering plants or doing some menial chores. As an adult, you have to be flexible in hard times like this.

"Ha ha ha, you got my power but still considering those small-time jobs?", Mock Balaur again.

If I use your power to solve every dangerous job, it's like putting a cart before the horse. Sure, I'll get rich instantly, but I lose my lifespan. Which do you think is more important? Lifespan or money? Do you even need to ask?

Anyway, I learn that I can use my dragon aura to enhance my physical strength and ability. There'll be a slight change in my body like my eyes and muscles, but it's not a notable change. So I'm not afraid to do hard physical jobs, I can just activate the dragon aura if needed. Common people won't even realize those auras or the changes in your bodies. And the best thing is, Balaur said that it won't cost me my lifespan. At last, something that's not going to take my lifespan is here! I'm going to use it hard.

And just like that, A few weeks has passed.