
Cursed Girl

In the millennia that passed since Kaizer's disappearance, Sanguine City underwent a remarkable transformation into a technological marvel fueled by Blood Technology. Kaizer's memory faded into obscurity, forgotten by Vampire Society. The populace of New Sanguine City, now dominated in numbers by Ascended Vampires, and ruled by the original Noble Vampires, saw unprecedented power and prosperity through the transformative capabilities of Blood Tech. Humans, once prey, now live within a secure compound, leading relatively ordinary lives during daylight hours as essential members of the city's workforce. In the sequel to "Shadows of Sanguine," the Vampire princess Darcia embarks on a perilous journey haunted by a Curse, a consequence of her grief over the loss of Kaizer, the Lost Child of Nocturnastra. Bound by a mechanical muzzle that evokes a skeletal grin and cursed with hair turned white and eyes ablaze with fiery red, Darcia's constant pain is a testament to her refusal to feed. Her power wanes, and the only hope for salvation lies in reuniting with her lost love. As Darcia navigates the streets and alleys of New Sanguine City, she seeks to uncover the truth behind Blood Technology, for she finds it peculiar how the advent of Blood Tech severed the traditional link between Vampires and their primal need for Human blood, and it came almost right after Kaizer's disappearance. Darcia becomes the linchpin of a secretive resistance group known as "The Kaizer Project." Led by the rebel princess, the group seeks to unveil the mysteries shrouding the technological advancements in Vampire Society and discover Kaizer Anderson's whereabouts. Darcia faces a dual challenge as a looming threat emerges from the Underworld. Alessia, concealed in the depths of Acheron, stirs with a strengthening Curse. Meanwhile, Isyra's prophecy predicts an apocalypse, fueled by the fear of Alessia's potential escape. Darcia's path is fraught with peril as she confronts not only the supernatural forces within New Sanguine City but also the relentless pursuit of her mother, Queen Hundred, the Noble families, Elites, and The Cauldron. Exiled from Vampire Society and branded a wanted criminal, Darcia must navigate her operations with utmost discretion, with every move calculated to avoid the watchful eyes of those who would see her destroyed. Leading the "Kaizer Project", she grapples with immediate challenges in New Sanguine City while contending with cosmic forces that threaten chaos against Sanguine and the Overworld as well. Amidst the struggle for truth and the quest for Kaizer, the characters navigate a perilous landscape of Vampires, prophecies, and the supernatural, facing an uncertain future. With her fate entwined with Kaizer's, Darcia faces a race against time, battling not only the formidable challenges of the Vampire hierarchy but also the debilitating effects of her Curse. Can she overcome the shadows of her past, break the Curse, and reunite with Kaizer to alter the destiny of Sanguine forever? The sequel unveils a gripping narrative of love, rebellion, and the quest for truth in the mysterious depths of the Vampire underworld. Asher, an Ascended Vampire residing in the gritty corners of Sanguine City's ghetto, dreams of escaping the shadows and ascending to Elite status. Living in a cramped apartment with his sassy roommate, Celeste, a dark fairy, Asher works as a mercenary, taking on dangerous assignments for Nobles and Elites in hopes of climbing the social ladder. Despite his lethal skills, Asher finds himself stuck in the underbelly of Sanguine society, struggling to earn the coveted ascension in rank. His mundane life takes an unexpected turn when his boss, a member of the secretive Cauldron organization, assigns him a mission to capture individuals associated with the Kaizer Project.

37 Chs


[Darcia's Perspective]

For a solid two weeks, Isyra fervently prayed to Alessia, and her dedication bore fruit. She approached us with a radiant joy, claiming she had received a vision from Alessia, securing a temporary reprieve from the impending Curse. Isyra's negotiations had granted us an additional six months before Alessia's wrath would escalate.

In Shadowpaw's workshop, where blueprints for the Chrono-Disruptor sprawled across tables, and welding sparks filled the air, we absorbed the news. The weight of impending doom seemed to lift.

"Thank goodness," Isyra sighed, nodding with relief. "This means surely we can do it!"

Iris smirked confidently. "Of course we can. Even if we only had one month, we could do it… right?"

Shadowpaw chuckled, his welding tools in hand. "Hell no. I just said I'd help 'cause I was bored. I'd need at least a few months to make another one — 5 tops. One month was cutting it more than close."

Zachary added, "One month to stop the apocalypse is kinda crazy."

"I wish there was some way I could speak to Kaizer right now…" I murmured, feeling the increasing burden of pain. Sighing, I left the workshop. "I'm going to go relax in the living room."

The unbearable pain, a reminder of my unfulfilled thirst, became more frequent. Having abstained from injections since our arrest by Bloodguard, I needed blood. Collapsing onto the living room couch, I winced in agony.

Isyra slithered into the room. "Darcia?"

"I need… blood…" I groaned. "Injection."

"She needs her blood injection," Iris stated, entering the room with a packet, tube, and needle in hand. With precision, she administered the Best Blood into my system, and I released a long sigh.

"Thank you, Iris," I expressed my gratitude.

"Of course," she replied with a smile. "I'm here to help."