
Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals

Taken in as an orphan by Aurora de Martel, "Kai" found himself thrust into the dangerous world of vampires. Despite his new life of privilege, Kai soon discovers that he must fight for survival and reclaim what was taken from him.

NoirPato · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
13 Chs

The Night We Met

Tristan strode into the room, his posture composed and confident as he prepared to face Aya Al-Rashid. The dark-skinned beauty was already seated, her slim figure accentuated by a sophisticated dress that exuded elegance and poise. As renowned for her sharp intellect and quick wit as she was for her beauty, Aya's gaze fixed unflinchingly on Tristan, her eyes probing for any hint of weakness.

Their greetings were polite, but the tension in the room was palpable. Tristan could feel Aya's piercing gaze examining his every move, seeking any information she could glean from his body language or facial expressions. It was a battle of wills, a contest of wit and cunning, and Tristan knew he had to stay on his guard if he was to come out on top.

Aya wasted no time in getting to the heart of the matter, pressing Tristan for any information he had on a certain vampire whose name went unspoken, but whose identity was clear to both of them. However, Tristan proved to be a worthy opponent, evading her questions with a deftness that spoke to his experience.

Rather than give her the answers she sought, Tristan instead turned the tables on Aya, questioning her about a routine operation that had gone awry. He knew that someone had intervened to help their target escape, and he wanted to know if Aya had any information that might shed light on the matter.

A smug smirk spread across Aya's face as she burst into laughter, clearly relishing the upper hand she had over Tristan. He bristled with annoyance at her blatant disrespect, but he knew he had to keep his cool. "What's so funny about a missing target?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the anger simmering just below the surface.

Aya's laughter subsided, but her smugness lingered as she dismissed Tristan's concerns with a wave of her hand. "Oh come on, Tristan," she said with a derisive snort. "It must be a joke that someone like you allowed such a thing to happen."

Tristan bristled at the insult, but he forced himself to remain calm. "I did everything I could to secure the target," he said through gritted teeth.

Aya rolled her eyes. "Clearly not enough," she said with a smirk. "If the target was so important, why didn't you have someone more capable running point? Someone like Kai de Martel, perhaps?" She leaned in closer, her eyes glinting with malice. "Your sister's devoted and highly skilled ward would have secured the target no matter who he was up against."

Tristan furrowed his brows, his eyes narrowing as he tried to decipher the meaning behind Aya's words. Was she simply trying to belittle him, or was there something more to her taunts? He couldn't tell from her expression, which remained unreadable.

Aya's eyes gleamed with haughtiness as she brought up Tristan's sister. "Speaking of your sister, how is the lovely Aurora doing?" she asked, her tone dripping with insincerity. "Where was it you said you'd sent her?"

Tristan felt a surge of anger at the mention of Aurora, he didn't appreciate Aya prying into that as well. "I didn't say," he replied flatly, his frustration growing with every passing moment. He had hoped that this meeting with Aya would be productive, but so far, it seemed like a complete waste of time.

Aya's smirk only widened at his response. "Of course you didn't," she said, her tone mocking. "Well, I'm sure she's doing just fine wherever she is. After all, she's a resilient woman, isn't she?"

Tristan bristled at Aya's condescension, but he knew that losing his temper would only give her the upper hand. He forced himself to remain calm and composed, despite his growing frustration. "Is there anything else you wanted to discuss?" he asked in a flat tone, his voice laced with a hint of smugness. "As the leader of the Strix, I have important matters to attend to."

Aya's calculating gaze lingered on Tristan for a moment before she stood up, smoothing out her dress. "I'll take my leave then," she said coolly. "Don't want to keep the fearless leader from his important duties."

Tristan offered her a small smile, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He too was eager to be rid of her presence. "Of course," he said smoothly. "Always a pleasure, Aya."

As she walked towards the door, Aya turned back to face him, a sly grin on her lips. "We should do this more often," she said teasingly. "I always enjoy our little chats."

Tristan's smile turned into a grimace at her words. "I wouldn't count on it," he replied, his voice cold.

Aya's grin widened as she disappeared out the door. Tristan was left alone, his mind racing with thoughts of their conversation. He couldn't shake the feeling that she was hiding something from him. He would have to be careful moving forward, it was clear Aya still held him in contempt and hated his guts and would do anything to cast him out of the Strix.


A brown coyote dashes through the dense forest undergrowth, her movements a mesmerizing display of speed and agility. The rustle of leaves and the gentle padding of her paws are the only sounds that fill the air around her. After a few minutes of running, the coyote arrives at her den and is greeted by the sight of Kai. He's covered in blood, his hands expertly skinning a buck with swift, precise cuts.

Kai's warm smile brightens as the coyote approaches. "Hey there," he greets her in a soft voice. "Looks like we both hit the jackpot today."

The coyote drops the rabbit she caught and sits back on her haunches, her eyes fixed on Kai as he deftly finishes skinning the buck. When he's done, he stands up, wiping his hands on a rag. "You hungry?" he offers, gesturing towards the freshly caught prey.

The coyote eagerly nods, her tail wagging in excitement as Kai cuts off a few chunks of meat, tossing them to her. She hungrily devours the meat, the taste of the fresh prey an explosion of flavors in her mouth.

Kai watches her with a gentle smile, admiring her fierce and primal nature. After a few minutes, the coyote finishes her meal and looks up at Kai with a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes.

Kai returns the coyote's grateful gaze with a warm smile before turning his attention back to the buck. With skilled precision, he breaks down the animal into smaller pieces, his knife effortlessly cutting through the flesh and bone.

As they return to their own, there's a sense of calm and contentment that envelops them, broken only by the rustle of leaves and the soft clink of Kai's knife. They enjoy the comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts and appreciating the tranquility of the moment. It's a peaceful moment, and one that both of them cherish.

That said she does feels a twinge of annoyance as she watches Kai work on the large animal carcass. But what irks her the most is his insistence on sharing the meat, claiming it's payment for staying in her den. She finds the exchange absurd, especially considering Kai's towering frame that can barely fit inside the small den, with his entire lower body sticking out. She lets out a small huff, still a bit miffed about the situation.

She mind then shift on how it's been three weeks since she met Kai, the strange guy who accepted a coyote as his companion. She's grown quite fond of him, but at the same time, she worries that he may know what she truly is and will abandon her for it. So, she often acts more wild and animalistic, hoping to keep her secret hidden from him.

It's a dreadful feeling, as she's grown attached to Kai and believes he feels the same way. He treats her as an equal, speaking to her as he would to any other person and not like a wild animal. It's a feeling she treasures, especially after spending years wandering the preserve alone. Despite her fears, she's grateful for Kai's company and hopes that they can continue this journey together, even if it means keeping her true nature hidden.


Later that night, as the two of them lay lazily next to the fire that Kai had started, the coyote's ears perked up at the sound of a faint howl in the distance. It was unmistakably a wolf's howl, and she instinctively glanced over at Kai to see if he had heard it too.

To her surprise, Kai's eyes had also darted in the direction of the howl, indicating that he had heard it as well. The coyote couldn't help but feel intrigued by the coincidence, but she knew that Kai was by no means a normal person. No human could possibly outrun her in the woods or catch wild game with as much efficiency as him. Despite her suspicions, she had no way of confirming her hunch.

For now, she decided to put it in the back of her mind, just like all the times before. As for the howl, it was quite far away, and she doubted it would cross over into her territory. With that thought, she leaned back down next to Kai, watching the flickering flames of the campfire. The warmth of his body next to hers gave her a sense of comfort, and she closed her eyes, ready to drift off to sleep. But suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the peacefulness of the night, causing her to jolt upright.

Instinctively, she turned to Kai, who remained seated with his eyes closed. "Don't," he cautioned her, "it's none of our business." He added, "If you go there, there's nothing you'll be able to do."

She stared intently in the direction of the scream, feeling torn between her curiosity and concern. She glanced at Kai, unsure of what to do. Part of her wanted to listen to his advice and stay by the campfire, but her instincts were telling her to investigate the woman's scream. She knew she was strong enough to face a wolf, having done it before, and she wanted to prove it to Kai. With a newfound determination, the coyote got up and ran towards the direction of the howl. Her brown coat shimmered in the moonlight, and her eyes glinted with fierce determination. She was ready to face whatever was out there and show Kai just how strong she really was.

Back at the fire, Kai lets out a long sigh. "It's not my place to intervene," he mutters, his mind swirling with conflicting thoughts. He's grateful for the shelter the coyote has provided him, but he can't shake the feeling that he shouldn't interfere. He then glances back at the small den, faintly smiling thinking how absurd he looks when he sleeps with his legs sticking out. "Have I always been this indecisive?" he wonders aloud, shaking his head in frustration. But then he rises to his feet, determined not to let fear or uncertainty hold him back. He too disappears into the woods, his heart pounding in his chest as he heads towards the source of the scream.


Her heart pounded in her chest, like it wanted to break free, as she gazed at the terrifying creature towering over a defenseless woman on the ground. Without thinking, she stumbled back, and the beast responded with a fierce growl aimed straight at her. Fear paralyzed her, urging her to escape from the monster as quickly as she could. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to run, run, run.

But then she thought of Kai, how he always seemed fearless and unshakeable. If she wanted to be like him, now was her chance to prove herself. Despite her fear, she took a step forward, determined to help the woman she had rushed over to save.

As the beast advanced towards her, she readied herself, preparing for the worst. But then she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Get down!"

It was Kai, the person she trusted above all others. Without a second thought, she dropped to the ground and rolled out of harm's way just as the beast attacked. In a split second, Kai was there, intercepting the monster's deadly claws that were aimed straight for her head.

She watched in awe, as Kai faced off against the monstrous creature with ease, parrying its razor-sharp claws and dodging its deadly bites aimed at his face. She could see him analyzing its every move, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Suddenly, the beast howled in agony as Kai landed a powerful kick to its thigh, causing it to stumble. Then, with lightning speed, he delivered a devastating knee to its exposed abdomen, followed by an uppercut to its drooling maw, sending its head flying upward. Just as he was about to land the finishing blow with a left hook, a surge of pain rippled through Kai's body, followed by a sickening popping sound. He fell to his knees, clutching his left shoulder in agony.

Without a second thought, she raced to Kai's side, forgetting all about the monster. As she looked down at him, she couldn't help but worry that the beast had managed to strike him. Why else would Kai be shivering in agony like this? Just as she was about to ask him what had happened, she heard another popping sound, and Kai let out a strained breath before slowly looking around, as if trying to assess the situation.

"It got away," he said in a low voice, frustration evident in his tone. She could tell he was blaming himself for not finishing the monster off.

Just as she was about to try to cheer him up, a strained voice called out from behind them. She turned around to see the woman from before, still lying on the ground. Without hesitation, she rushed over to check on the woman's injuries, hoping to provide some relief in any way she could.

Despite the woman's injuries, she couldn't help but notice her striking beauty. Even with her long brunette hair disheveled and her clothes ripped and stained with blood, her lean athletic body shone through. She couldn't help but admire the woman's strength and resilience in the face of such danger.

As the woman struggled to sit up, she couldn't help but notice her eyes bouncing between herself and Kai, lingering a little longer on the latter.

"I'm extremely grateful for your help," the woman said, her voice strained. "Had you not interfered, I fear I would have been killed by that wild beast."

She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at the thought of having saved someone's life. Despite the danger, she knew that it was the right thing to do, and she would do it again in a heartbeat.

Kai stood a few feet away from her and the injured woman as they spoke. "Aren't you also one of these wild beasts?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Laura's eyes shone with curiosity as she looked at him. "I'd be greatly offended by your comment, to the point of clawing your face off, but I'm not ungrateful to do so to my savior, so I'll just take it as you being ignorant to our ways," she replied, with a slight smile. "Also, name's Laura, Laura Hale."

Laura noticed that Kai didn't introduce himself and seemed to be purposely avoiding her gaze. She wondered if he was always this distant or if it was just the adrenaline from the fight that was causing him to act this way.

Laura let out a small laugh, trying to break the tension. "You know, you remind me of my little brother. Always brooding and refusing to answer when a stranger talks to him."

Kai's expression softened slightly at her words, but he still didn't say anything in response.

"No worries, I really appreciate you for rescuing me. I won't ask too many questions, but can you at least tell me your name?" Her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she gazes at Kai. Who nods towards the coyote between them.

"It was her, not me. She's the one who saved your life," Kai explained in a flat tone.

"Oh, of course." Laura started to speak but her voice trailed off as she gazed at the animal with amazement, taking in its appearance for the first time. "You're a werecoyote! I've encountered a few of them with my mom, but I've never seen one that can transform completely."

As soon as the coyote heard Laura's words, it quickly scurried away, just like the first time it had met Kai all those days ago.

"So that's it." Kai murmurs in a low voice, his words reaching the coyote's ears. She trembles, afraid that her worst nightmare might come true and that he would leave her.

"Hey, are you done? Let's head back home," Kai says in a firm but gentle tone as he waves at her, almost as if he knows she's watching him.

"Wait a minute, are you this coyote's packmate? Are you a werecoyote too?" Laura asks with a hint of excitement as she begins to slowly stand up.

"Nope. C'mon little pup," Kai says dismissively as he calls for the coyote once again. After a while, the coyote slowly walks out of its hiding spot and makes its way towards them. It eventually stops in front of Laura, who looks down at it with a hint of skepticism.

Kai remains silent but keeps his eyes fixed on them both, ready to move at a moment's notice.

"What is it?" Laura asks politely.

The coyote looks down, lost in deep thought, before looking up and meeting Laura's gaze. It lets out a low whimper before nodding towards Kai. Laura takes a moment to decipher the coyote's intention before finally realizing what it was trying to communicate.

"You want to transform back... For," Laura said before she was interrupted by the coyote nudging her shin pretty hard in protest.

"Okay, okay, I got it," she said, rubbing her shin gently. "But to be honest, the only way I know how to do that is supposed to only work on werewolves in my pack."

Laura then turned to look at Kai, who had come closer to the two of them.

The coyote seemed to understand what Laura was trying to convey. If she wanted to proceed, she would have to give in. Her head was screaming to turn and see Kai's expression, but she ultimately decided against it. This was her choice, and she would stick with it.

The coyote then looked back at Laura and nodded in agreement.

"Alright then," Laura said as she placed her right hand over the coyote's forehead. "Welcome."

Suddenly, her brown eyes turned a menacing crimson red, and she let out a deafening roar that was so loud and powerful that Kai instinctively retreated a few steps.

After the roar died down, sitting in the middle of the dark forest on top of shrubbery and dirt was a beautiful young girl with long, curly brown hair cascading down her back in loose waves. Sharp, piercing blue eyes framed by thick, dark lashes looked around in confusion as she tried to get her bearings.

Please Read Me!


Before anyone starts commenting that this will be a harem, no it's not. Malia's character will be that of a little sister type, someone Kai can hold onto and use as a substitute for Aurora. (Who he does love, but we'll it's complicated.)

Also if you have any ideas that you'd like to see let me know along with any questions you might have.

NoirPatocreators' thoughts