
Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals

Taken in as an orphan by Aurora de Martel, "Kai" found himself thrust into the dangerous world of vampires. Despite his new life of privilege, Kai soon discovers that he must fight for survival and reclaim what was taken from him.

NoirPato · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
13 Chs

Operation Daybreak

Kai moved silently through the villa's corridors, leaving no sound or trace of his presence. His mission demanded precision and efficiency, leaving no room for mercy or hesitation. Sadly, even women and children were not to be spared.

However, despite his reputation as a ruthless killer, Kai struggled with a difficult moral dilemma. Tristan, had chastised him repeatedly for his perceived softness, but Kai couldn't bring himself to harm a child. When faced with that situation, he would seek a vampire to erase the child's memory of the horrors they had witnessed, sparing them the burden of the gruesome memories.

As Kai made his way deeper into the villa, he couldn't help but notice the unusual stillness that filled the air. The usual sounds of servants going about their duties were conspicuously absent, and he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. His intuition told him that the staff had been intentionally reduced in number before his arrival, but he couldn't be certain. Regardless, it was important to him, to minimize innocent or non-hostile casualties as much as possible.

Frustration gripped Kai as he entered the deserted office, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of a clue. He had anticipated finding an empty desk, as the mission briefing mentioned a secret passageway underneath. However, what he hadn't anticipated was the encrypted passkey that made it impossible for him to gain entry.

He considered his options, his mind racing with different strategies. But then an idea struck him, a risky and unconventional plan that just might work. Without hesitation, he discarded his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

Taking a deep breath, Kai focused his energy and channeled it into his body. His muscles bulged and strained against his shirt, threatening to it apart. Summoning his immense strength, he prepared to force his way through the passageway. It was a dangerous gamble, but he had no other choice. Kai gathered his power and charged forward, slamming his shoulder into the nearby wall with all his might. The sound of cracking and splintering wood filled the air as he punched a hole straight through the weakened wall. A grin of triumph spread across his face as he peered through the hole, catching a glimpse of a compartment on the other side.

It was exactly what he needed - the filtration compartment that was directly connected to the secret bunker. Kai believed that he could squeeze himself through it. He retrieved his jacket and put it back on, smoothing out the wrinkles as he prepared to drop down into the unknown depths below. A thrill of excitement coursed through him as he stepped off the edge and plunged into the darkness.

Kai's eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness as he fell through the ventilation system, his body picking up speed. He could feel himself hurtling towards the end of the shaft, and he knew he had to prepare himself for impact. Taking out his sharp claws, he slowed himself down, carefully maneuvering through the narrow space to avoid making too much noise.

Kai landed on the metal floor with a soft thud, his body immediately assuming a crouched position as he prepared for action. He quickly scanned the narrow space he had landed in, his eyes quickly settling on a nearby vent. Moving with precise and controlled movements, he made his way over to it. With a swift motion, he ripped off the vent's upper portion, revealing the narrow passage beneath.

Kai wasted no time and crawled inside the vent, his body tense and prepared for any sudden movement. It was a tight squeeze, but he was accustomed to it. He had undergone rigorous training for situations like this, where he needed to move swiftly and silently through cramped and narrow spaces.

Kai stopped his crawling, his ears trained to pick up any sound. He heard muffled voices in the distance, causing him to pause and listen closely for any indication of who or what he was up against. Although he couldn't discern the exact words, the tone and number of voices suggested that there were multiple individuals in the room ahead.

As Kai crawled through the vent, he moved with precision and caution. He knew that the slightest mistake could alert the guards and compromise his mission. He listened intently to the muffled voices in the distance, trying to discern their location and number. His mind raced with different scenarios, and he prepared himself for whatever lay ahead.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally reached the end of the vent. He peered through a small opening, his eyes widening as he saw the target and his guards in the distance. It was time to make his move.

Kai listened intently to the conversation, his eyes narrowing as he heard the target speak. He had supposedly been informed by a spy inside the Strix that "Anima" was coming for him. That meant that Kai's cover had been blown. The target then ordered his guards to guard the bunker's entrance. The sound of a reinforced gate being locked resounded throughout the bunker. Leaving the target entirely by himself and an awaiting Kai ready to pounce.

However Kai was slightly distracted by the spy who'd warned the target to escape. He was definitely eager to interrogate him, but that would have to wait after dealing with the remaining security detail.

Just as he prepared to leap out from the vent, his plan was abruptly interrupted by a surprise attack. The metal sheet beneath him forcefully ripped away, and a clawed hand seizing him.

Kai's survival instincts immediately kicked in, fighting desperately to break free. However, the person's grip held firm, yanking him down to the ground below. Despite the harsh landing, Kai managed to keep his balance and avoid a painful collision with the cement floor.

Kai's survival instincts immediately kicked in, and he fought desperately to break free. However, the hand held him firmly, yanking him down to the unforgiving ground below. Despite the harsh landing, Kai managed to keep his balance and avoid a painful faceplant, unlike the security guard from earlier.

As soon as he touched down, Kai's eyes scanned his surroundings, trying to absorb as much information as possible. But before he could fully process his surroundings, a heavy boot charged towards his left calf. Kai quickly dodged to the right, but his attacker was not alone, and from the shadows emerged another assailant who knocked him off his feet. Kai hit the ground hard and was swiftly surrounded by a dozen men, all wearing black tactical suits emblazoned with the Strix Insignia on their shoulders and chest.

"Why..." Kai began to ask, but before he could finish his question, a strong hand seized his head and lifted him off the ground. It was no easy task since Kai stood at 6'4" and towered over most men, yet his assailant lifted him with ease. It didn't take long for Kai to recognize the gravelly voice speaking behind him.

"I've caught myself a pussycat," the voice said.

Kai seized the arm that held him and twisted his lower body, unleashing a roundhouse kick. But his attack was quickly blocked, though it did enable him to identify his assailant.

"Mohinder," Kai spat upon recognizing the monstrous figure of the ancient vampire. Mohinder was infamous for his barbarism, cruelty, and his taste for vampire blood. Kai despised the man and would have gladly eliminated him long ago, but the brute was Tristan's loyal attack dog. Upon surveying the scene, it became evident that his supposed target was one of Mohinder's men in disguise, and the individuals who had been been momentarily sent away were also part of Mohinder's group.

As Kai made the final connection, he pieced together the reason why Mohinder had set an ambush for him. However, he wanted to hear the words directly from the rabid dog's mouth.

"So Tristan has finally sent his dog after me. Does this mean I am being expelled from the Strix?" Kai asked.

"Heh," the enormous vampire chuckled before his crooked smile twisted into a sadistic grin. Mohinder released his grip on Kai's head and launched a flurry of blows at him while he hung suspended in mid-air. Kai managed to block most of the blows, but he was caught off guard by an attack from behind, leaving him defenseless against Mohinder's powerful strikes. Each blow carried so much weight and force that it rattled Kai's bones.

Desperate to create some distance between himself and his attackers, Kai attempted to dash away. But he was quickly caught by Mohinder, who grabbed him by the ankle and lifted him high into the air before slamming him hard onto the cold cement floor.

Kai was dazed and disoriented, his arms lifted and held in place by the other vampires. Meanwhile, Mohinder pummeled him mercilessly, landing blow after blow on his head and body. Kai was helpless to defend himself.

After several minutes of this brutal assault, a bloodied Kai slumped down from the grip of his attackers. But instead of mercy, he was met with vicious stomps from the group of vampires.

Kai desperately tried to protect his face and body from the stomping of his attackers, but they continued to rain insults and humiliate him with cruel jokes.

Thinking that Kai was defeated, Mohinder ordered his men to bring him before him. To his surprise, Kai let out only a pained grunt as he was manhandled and dragged in front of him.

As he was held in front of him, Mohinder laughed and spat on Kai, speaking with a mocking tone and lifting kai's chin to ask, "Who is the most feared member of The Strix? Is it the mangy cat before me or the mighty Mohinder?" He continued, taunting Kai for thinking he was his equal. "Now look at you," the man boasted as Kai kneeled before him. "You let yourself believe you could stand next to me, but the truth is, I am the greatest warrior this world has ever seen!"

Mohinder grew annoyed by Kai's indifference to his insults and so he decided to strike where it would hurt the most. With a wide grin, he mocked, "Of course, you're weak. After all, you were just a crazy bitch's housecat."

The second he insulted Aurora, Kai snapped, he broke free from his captors, and with his left hand clawed at Mohinder's face inflicting a deep and bloody wound. The vampire let out a painful cry as he grabbed his face, which was now covered in blackened blood that dripped down to the floor.

However, a weakened Kai is quickly captured again and held up to receive Mohinder's retaliation. Starting off with a brutal stomp to his chest and followed by a tight grip on his left arm, threatening to rip it off. Despite Kai's screams of agony, he is unable to break free from Mohinder's grasp, and he hears a sickening popping sound as his left arm is dislocated.

In an attempt to silence Kai's struggling, Mohinder wraps his massive hand around Kai's face and drags him across the rough concrete floor, causing deep cuts and bruises to form. Then, with a heave of strength, he flings Kai through a nearby wall, the impact shattering the wall into rubble and sending Kai's battered body flying through it.

Even after several minutes, Kai lies motionless, a cloud of dust shrouds his figure and debris rains down on him. The sharp pain coursing through his body, a sign of multiple broken ribs, and his left arm lies limply at his side, useless.

As his eyes meet the infuriatingly smug expression and arrogant gaze of that old vampire fuck, Kai's hatred intensifies. He wishes nothing more than to wipe that arrogant smirk off his face and gouge out his shit colored eyes.

In a fit of frustration, Kai bellows out, "Quelle Vie De Merde!" reminding himself that he cannot afford to go down. Someone is counting on him, so he can't give up, he won't, not until he fulfills his promise to her.

Mohinder's annoyance boiled over as he saw Kai rise to his feet once again, muttering under his breath, "You should have stayed down like the mangy cat you are."

However, Mohinder was slightly caught off guard when Kai suddenly tore off the tattered remains of his suit jacket and shirt, exposing his lean yet well-toned physique.

Feeling weary, Mohinder gestured for his men to surround Kai.

Kai eyed them with a sadistic grin on his face, his heart racing as he felt the first tremors of pain wracking his body. A low growl rose from his throat as his body began to contort and shift, his bones creaking as they elongated and reshaped. Thick black fur sprouted all over his body, and his once-human hands morphed into massive paws with razor-sharp claws. He could feel raw power coursing through his veins, his muscles bulging with newfound strength and agility.

As the transformation reached its climax, Kai let out a deafening howl that echoed through the bunker, a testament to his newfound power.

The vampires were in shock as they gazed upon Kai's lean yet powerful form. His thick black coat was adorned with magnificent golden rosettes that resembled printed silk.

With a wild snarl, Kai launched himself forward, his powerful limbs propelling him towards Mohinder, who was eager to take on the newly transformed werejaguar. However, just as they were about to collide, Kai vanished into thin air before anyone could react. A panicked cry was heard before the sickening crunch of bones, followed by that of a body falling to the ground.

With lightning speed, Mohinder repositioned his body to investigate the commotion, only to discover one of his men lying lifeless in a pool of his own blackened blood with a gaping hole in his chest.

In a frenzied state, the vampire scoured the bunker to locate Kai. However, his confusion mounted when he stumbled upon Kai standing in the same spot as before, seemingly motionless as if he had never shifted from his original position.

"Vous allez tous mourir," spoke the fully transformed Kai, his voice echoing with a menacing tone that resembled a bestial growl more than a human utterance.

As Mohinder readied his response, Kai vanished from his sight once more. Despite swiftly locating Kai, Mohinder was too late to stop him from taking down another one of his men. Kai held up the lifeless body before flinging it in Mohinder's direction. Without wasting a moment, Kai dashed towards another one of Mohinder's vampires.

The remaining men of Mohinder's group quickly rallied to provide cover for one another, thinking that Kai wouldn't be able to launch another surprise attack in such a large group. However, they were sorely mistaken. Seizing the opportunity as they huddled together, Kai made the bold decision to charge straight towards them, steamrolling over anyone in his path. It was clear that he had no intention of backing down and was determined to take down as many of Mohinder's vampires as possible.

Mohinder quickly reacted to the chaos, throwing the corpse of his man to the side as he moved to intercept Kai. He believed that once Kai noticed him charging at his rear, he would back off. However, to his surprise, Kai showed no signs of stopping. Even when he was certain that Kai had spotted him and was aware of his approach, Kai didn't retreat. Instead, he gained more speed and momentum, crashing into the group of vampires with full force. It was evident that Kai had no intentions of backing down, and he was willing to risk everything to take down Mohinder's entire group.

"Meurs meurs meurs!" Kai energetically shouted out as he approached, his eyes gleaming with a frightening ferocity. It was clear that he wanted to eliminate every last one of Mohinder's vampires, and he wasn't going to stop until he succeeded.

The impact of Kai's charge sent the majority of Mohinder's men flying through the air, their bodies tumbling in different directions as they were caught off guard by the sheer force of the collision. Some of the more unlucky ones had their bodies crushed under the weight and power of Kai's charge, their bones cracking and their flesh tearing apart as they hit the ground. The scene was gruesome, and the sound of bones breaking and flesh tearing filled the air. It was clear that Kai wasn't holding back, and he was willing to do whatever it took to eliminate Mohinder's group.

Despite the devastating impact of Kai's charge, the attack left his back exposed, which allowed Mohinder to seize the opportunity and grab onto his waist. With all his might, Mohinder executed a perfect suplex, slamming Kai headfirst into the hard cement floor. The force of the impact was immense, and Kai's jaguar-like head was buried deep into the ground.

Thinking that he had finally subdued Kai, Mohinder stepped back, satisfied with his victory. However, to his frustration, Kai effortlessly shot up from his supposedly immobilized state, standing toe to toe against Mohinder. It was clear that Kai wasn't going to give up easily, and he was willing to fight until the bitter end. Mohinder knew that he was in for a tough fight, and he needed to prepare himself for what was to come.

"Tu es un vilain fils de pute. Je prendrai mon temps pour te déchirer en lambeaux, oh comme je vais apprécier ça!" Kai said with a sinister snarl on his transformed face.

Without backing down, Mohinder swung his thick arms with his claws out towards Kai, roaring as he did so. Kai matched his movements and also swung at Mohinder, resulting in both of them receiving deep wounds on their chests. Undeterred, the two began trading blows and exchanging wounds, with blood staining their bodies and the cracked floor beneath them.

The fight was intense, and the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed throughout the room. The two opponents were evenly matched, and it was clear that neither was going to give up easily. The bloodshed continued, with each strike and counterstrike leaving its mark on their bodies. The Pollock-like painting on the floor grew more vivid with each passing moment, the colors of their blood mixing together in a gruesome display.

Despite the pain and exhaustion, both Mohinder and Kai refused to give up, each determined to emerge victorious in this fierce battle. It was a fight to the death, and only one of them would come out alive.

As the fight progressed, Mohinder's attacks started to slow down, while Kai's seemingly got even faster, landing two blows for every one of Mohinder's. Mohinder was surprised by what was happening, and he looked into Kai's eyes, only to see pure excitement and pleasure in causing pain. Kai seemed to completely ignore the pain inflicted upon his person and relished every moment of the brutal fight.

As they continued to exchange blows, Mohinder was horrified to hear what he believed was Kai's mad laughter. The sound filled the air as one of Kai's blows ripped a chunk of flesh from his right arm, sending shockwaves of pain throughout his body. Despite the agony, Mohinder refused to give up, his determination to win the fight unwavering.

However, as the battle wore on, it became clear that Mohinder was at a disadvantage. Kai's speed and ferocity were too much for him to handle, and his wounds were taking their toll. Mohinder knew that he had to find a way to turn the tide of the battle, or he would not survive.

"Allez, divertis-moi davantage ! Tu ne veux pas me tuer !? N'es-tu pas le guerrier le plus redouté de tous les temps ? Alors montre-moi !" Kai's words hit Mohinder like a hammer, and for the first time in his seemingly endless life, he felt fear. He realized that this was not just a monster but a force of pure evil, and he knew that he was in serious trouble.

But despite the fear and pain, Mohinder refused to give up. He knew that he had to keep fighting, summoning all his strength, Mohinder launched himself at Kai once again, determined to emerge victorious or die trying.

Their clash was fierce, and the sound of their blows echoed throughout the room. Mohinder fought with all his might, but it was clear that he was no match for Kai's insane strength and speed. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of brutal fighting, Mohinder collapsed to the ground, his wounds too severe to continue.

As he lay there, struggling to breathe, he realized that this was it. This was the end. He had fought bravely, but in the end, he was no match for the monster that stood over him, laughing in triumph. With his last breath, Mohinder whispered a prayer to his gods, hoping that they would take mercy on his soul. But deep down, he knew that if there were gods he would surely be dammed.

Despite Mohinder's certainty, death's cold grasp did not come. Instead, he heard Kai's painful howl, and as he looked up, he saw the crazed werejaguar writhing in pain, clutching his head. Mohinder then noticed the gate, which was now open, and saw the familiar silhouette of a young girl in long black hooded robes.

"It seems that even you were no match for 'Anima'," the girl said with a smirk as she approached Kai, who was now on his knees in pain. "Tristan will surely not be pleased when he hears about this."

Despite his anger at the girl's words, Mohinder regained his footing and began to land powerful blows to Kai's head. The latter of which was unable to defend himself, as the intense pain was too much for him. Eventually, Kai fell unconscious, whether due to the witch's magic or the vampire's blows to the head was unknown.

Please Read Me!

I apologize to any French speakers/readers, for the Google Translated French. If you have a better translation please let me know.

This was an early release since I wanted more time to work on and edit the next few chapters.

If you have any questions let me know in the comments.

NoirPatocreators' thoughts