
Cursed Fate: Teen Wolf x The Originals

Taken in as an orphan by Aurora de Martel, "Kai" found himself thrust into the dangerous world of vampires. Despite his new life of privilege, Kai soon discovers that he must fight for survival and reclaim what was taken from him.

NoirPato · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
13 Chs

From The Strix With Love

México, 1990

As the sun began to set on another scorching day in southern Mexico, the dusty village streets echoed with chatter and laughter. Amidst the bustling crowd, a young boy with tousled brown hair and heterochromia, one hazel brown eye and the other a striking lightning blue, cautiously made his way through, his thin frame barely covered by ragged clothes.

While weaving his way through the bustling marketplace, the boy's stomach growled with hunger, a feeling he had become all too familiar with. He had been left alone in this cruel world after losing both of his parents in a terrible accident, and hunger was a constant companion.

With desperation in his eyes, the boy scanned the market for anything he could steal to alleviate his hunger. As he stretched out his hand to snatch a shiny red apple from a fruit vendor's cart, a tall and stunning woman with long blonde hair and dark sunglasses suddenly caught him in the act.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked the woman sternly, though a hint of amusement carried in her voice. The boy's striking eyes caught her attention, and she found herself inexplicably drawn to him.

Expecting the worst, the boy trembled in fear. However, to his surprise, the woman's expression softened as she gazed down at him.

"Come with me," she said, extending a hand. "I could use someone with your skills."

The boy hesitated for a moment, but the promise of a better life was too tempting to resist. With a deep breath, he took the woman's hand, and she led him away from the market, the bustling crowds slowly vanishing behind them.

Undisclosed location, 2010

With a defined build and messy brown locks, sharp cheekbones, and piercing mismatched eyes, a tall and lean young man strode through the hallways of The Strix headquarters with a clear sense of purpose.

Despite the cold gazes of the surrounding vampires fixed upon him, he paid them no mind, his focus solely on his destination.

Upon arriving at his destination, the individual took a deep breath, steeling himself for what awaited him inside. He knocked on the door and waited patiently to be invited in. A few short moments later, he received the invitation and entered the room, his gaze immediately drawn to the sole person inside: Tristan de Martel, ancient vampire and leader of The Strix.

In a respectful tone, the young man inclined his head in deference and addressed Tristan. "Tristan, I've come to speak to you about Aurora."

Tristan looked up from his seat behind the large desk and studied him for a moment before responding.

"And what is it that you wish to speak to me about regarding Aurora, Kai?" Tristan's voice was cool and controlled.

Taking a deep breath and choosing his words carefully, Kai replied, "I would like to be by her side during this turbulent time and offer my assistance."

Tristan's expression remained unchanged, but Kai could sense the tension in the room.

"In order to protect my dear sister, I had Aurora sent away to a secure location where only I know her whereabouts," Tristan spoke in a low voice. "This ensures her safety from any who may wish to harm her. And I believe solitude may be beneficial to her healing."

Kai took a step forward, his eyes flashing with determination. "I understand your concern, Tristan. But Aurora is not a fragile flower that needs protection. She is a strong and capable woman, and if anyone were to threaten her well-being, I would rip their throat out. Of that, I assure you."

Tristan leaned forward, his anger clear in his eyes. It seemed Kai's veiled threat wasn't so subtle.

"Do you dare question my judgment, Kai?" Tristan's voice was laced with a warning. "Remember who you are speaking to."

Kai didn't back down, meeting Tristan's fierce gaze with his own. "I speak only as Aurora's loyal servant, Tristan. I would do anything to ensure her safety and well-being, even if it means challenging you."

The silence between them was tense, each waiting for the other to back down. Finally, Tristan leaned back in his chair, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Tristan's tone softened as he spoke, "I admire your loyalty, Kai. Very well. I will consider your petition. If that's all, you may leave."

"Thank you, Tristan," Kai replied, bowing respectfully before turning to leave the room. As he walked out, he hoped that his years of service to The Strix and by extension Tristan, would work in his favor.


Tristan's demeanor changed as soon as Kai left the room. He walked over to his desk and picked up the phone, dialing a number and waiting for the person on the other end to answer.

"It's me," Tristan said as soon as the call was picked up. "Operation Daybreak will proceed sooner than expected. I want you to be on standby. I won't tolerate anything less than success on this, mark my words."

The voice on the other end growls with menace. "Consider it done. I've been waiting for this moment."

Tristan ends the call, his expression cold and calculating as he turns to face the portrait of his beloved sister, Aurora.


"It's your fault," Tristan mutters to himself, his eyes fixed on the portrait. He raises a cup of crimson liquid to his lips, savoring the metallic tang of the blood as it washes down his throat. "If only you had reined in that loyal dog of yours, all of this could have been avoided."

He sat the cup down and leaned back in his chair, his thoughts consumed by what's to come. He knew Kai's loyalty to Aurora was unwavering, but he had hoped he could keep him at bay for a little longer. The threat of his sister figuring out his secret was too great, and he couldn't take any chances. But now, he had a feeling that this decision would come back to haunt him.


Displeased with how their discussion went, Kai felt the urge to release his frustration and decided to head to the training room. Although he referred to it as the training room, it was officially known as the T.B.S.C, or True Battle Simulation Center, catering exclusively to vampires. This cutting-edge facility was designed to test the limits of The Strix's operatives and boasted the most advanced equipment and technology, all presented in a gothic and dark aesthetic. The vast, sterile space was a favorite of the vampire elitists.

Upon arriving, Kai noticed several vampires already engaged in their own training. He sought out a more isolated area, where he began with some stretches to loosen up his muscles. He kept to himself, avoiding eye contact and refraining from exchanging any pleasantries with the others. Kai was a loner, a result of his constant presence by Aurora's side since joining The Strix.

Done stretching, Kai started with working on his speed and agility, expertly maneuvering around the simulation room, skillfully dodging obstacles and effortlessly jumping over barriers. His experience and skill apparent in the fluidity and precision of his movements.

As he moved on to practicing his hand-to-hand combat skills, Kai aimed a series of punches and kicks at his target: a humanoid figure with a metallic frame, covered in a durable synthetic skin that could withstand even the most powerful blows. With deadly accuracy, he struck hard and true, targeting the weak points of the figure.

Kai then shifted his attention to weapons training. He walked towards the weapon rack and grabbed a set of throwing knives, spinning one in his hand to gauge its weight and shape. With great power and accuracy, he launched the knives towards moving targets several feet away.

It was unclear when it happened, but Kai eventually noticed a few cold gazes directed his way from the surrounding vampires. Despite this, he chose to ignore them. He couldn't care less about their feelings or thoughts towards him; his focus remained solely on his training.

After completing several sets of each exercise, Kai wiped the sweat from his brow, returned the knives to the rack, and left the training room.

As Kai was heading back to his room to freshen up, he crossed paths with Ariane. She was a stunning witch with long platinum blonde hair that had pink highlights and big, bright blue eyes. What made her more significant was her affiliation with The Sisters, a coven of witches that had disturbing connections with The Strix.

Since Ariane was leaning against the door to his room, Kai couldn't avoid her. He usually tried to keep his distance from her because Ariane had a crush on him and wasn't shy about it. Every interaction with her left him unable to speak and blushing hard.

"Hey there, Kai," Ariane said with a flirtatious smile. "I see you're done with training."

Kai nodded in response, too exhausted to engage in small talk. As he unlocked his door and walked inside, Ariane took his silence as an invitation and followed him in. She threw herself onto his bed with ease, her confidence and allure always catching him off guard.

After rolling around in his bed for a few seconds, Ariane looked up at Kai with a small pout on her face.

"I missed you, you know," she said, her eyes sparkling with desire. "You didn't even come say hi to me."

Kai's heart raced at her words, but no matter how drawn he was to her, it could never be.

As he began to speak her name "Ari-", she cut him off, leaning forward and causing her black cloak to slip down, revealing her cleavage.

"I'm starting to think you're deliberately avoiding me. You come back only to take up another mission," she said.

"I haven't accepted any mission. What are you talking about?" he replied, his voice laced with annoyance.

"You don't know? I was just informed that one of The Sisters was supposed to assist you on your new mission, and you're supposed to leave tonight," she said in a slightly confused tone as she noticed lines forming on his forehead. Kai turned around and furiously slammed his fist against the granite wall, roaring "That Fucking Bastard!"

He was angrier than she had ever seen him before. Uncertain about what to say or do, she chose to remain quiet. After a few moments, she stood up and placed a hand on his back, apologizing before walking out of his room.

Kai stood in front of his mirror that night, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. Despite the rage and fury that burned within him, he knew he had to remain focused and calm. Tristan had been using him as a pawn for far too long, manipulating him into doing his bidding, and Kai had finally reached his breaking point.

Kai knew that this mission would be his last as an agent of The Strix. After his return, he planned to devote himself entirely to uncovering Tristan's secret plots and finding Aurora's location.

He then began to gather his gear, carefully inspecting each piece to ensure that it was in perfect working condition. Satisfied that everything was ready, he placed each item in his tactical bag and took one last look around his room.