
Cursed eyes

Some say that being in the wrong place at the wrong time can get you killed. Well, young Naruto will learn this the hard way, as he tried to find food near the Uchiha Clan Compound, only to find something else instead. A different twist to the Uchiha Massacre and Naruto receives a gift he never asked for in the first place. NarutoxOC and KakashixOC (original author Anime Enthusiast fanfiction.net)

Gwendolin_Pool · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 5 – Unexpected Return

As the end of the Naruto's training year approached, both Kakashi and Kasumi could see how skilled Naruto had become since he received the Sharingan eyes.

Just as Kakashi said, Kasumi helped Naruto on his taijutsu style, the interception fist, teaching how to further improve the blonde's anticipation of the opponent's attacks by trusting more on his instincts rather than only on his doujutsu. At first, Naruto didn't quite understand but as the Hyuuga sparred against him without the Sharingan, it became easy. Plus, with Kakashi constantly reminding him that training without the Sharingan is just as important as training with it.

Regarding ninjutsu, Kakashi chose to stop teaching him more fire techniques.

He focused on some defensive doton techniques like the Doton Doryuuheki (Earth Release: Mud Wall Jutsu) and Doton Doryuu Jouheki (Earth Release: Earth Rampart Jutsu), which Naruto didn't need much time learning seeing as earth was his second affinity, much to Kasumi's surprise when she found out, seeing as the boy hadn't even graduated from the academy yet. Still, with the taijutsu display alone, Kasumi would give Naruto at least a high genin rank. Just the fact that Kakashi was already teaching Naruto some kenjutsu moves was astonishing enough and she stopped being surprised after one week of being with the brat, as she constantly referred to him as.

Because of Kasumi's nature, she and Naruto quickly bonded and she saw him as a pestering little brother. She called him brat all the time, though, but that was only to get a rise out of the usually stoic little guy. Kasumi was one strange Hyuuga, in Naruto's opinion. He learned straight from the horse's mouth, that the Hyuuga clan was filled with arrogant individuals who constantly believed in their superiority. However Kasumi exuded an aura of aggressiveness and Naruto found that he respected her individuality.

After all, amongst a gathering of arrogant fools, there must be one to salvage the clan.

One interesting aspect Naruto realized was the constant tension whenever Kasumi and Kakashi started a conversation with each other. He knew those two have a past together, although niether of them wished to talk about it, even after Naruto asked a couple of times. Not one to pry, though, he forgot all about it and focused only on getting stronger under the two's supervision.

Right now, Naruto was attempting a new fire jutsu he read about it in Kakashi's book.

At first, the scarecrow jounin was against it seeing as it was his intention to only teach Naruto a couple of C-ranked fire techniques for better protection, but this one was considered a B-ranked technique whose only purpose was for killing or least permanently crippling an opponent. Its name was Katon Kaenhoushaki (Fire Release: Flame Thrower Jutsu) and while it was less powerful than Konoha's strongest fire technique, Kakashi didn't want to teach Naruto the technique. It didn't mean that Naruto couldn't learn it on his own, just as he learned the earth based jutsus.

The technique was dangerous, that much he was aware of. Exhaling a constant flare of fire could permanently burn the user's throat up to the point of never recovering. So, Naruto had to tamper with the fire with caution while inside his body, so as not to cause damage. Going through the sequence of ten hand seals, Naruto inhaled a great load of air inside his lungs, before combusting it with his chakra.

As soon as the layer of fire escaped from his mouth, he positioned his right hand to guide the attack towards a certain point.

Both Kakashi and Kasumi were supervising the technique as they saw the giant rock being hit, followed by explosions one after the other as Naruto continued exhaling the layer of fire. Soon, the rock was no more, just as Naruto ended the technique. However the blond was coughing smoke, quite to Kakashi's shock, but he immediately handed Naruto a glass of water to drink.

Kasumi was by his side as well, as she scanned Naruto's throat for any damage.

"Don't worry Kakashi, he's fine."

Kakashi nodded, before taking Naruto inside the cottage. Before this technique, Naruto practiced taijutsu and heavy chakra control, so he was unconscious soon after the technique's completion. After Kakashi placed Naruto inside his bed, he got up and left the cottage to where Kasumi was waiting him. Only four days separated the group from returning to Konoha and Kakashi remembered one single attempt on his life.

Flashback on

One day when Naruto was beaten after almost ten hours of training non-stop, Kakashi placed him on his bed and left to fix dinner for him and Kasumi. The winds were increasing and very soon, a heavy rain began to fall as thunder could be heard on the horizon. As the scarecrow jounin started preparing his all time favorite stew, he was looking at the Hyuuga out the side of his eye. Ever since she arrived, the girl wanted nothing more than talk to Kakashi about what happened in the past, but every time something came up and he managed to avoid the subject.

Kasumi, for her part, was frustrated with Kakashi's uncanny ability of changing the subject.

During their bickering, Kasumi deactivated her Byakugan that so far was active to spot any intruder and stop him before he could kill Naruto. It was because of this, that one shadow managed to pass undetected from the two as he entered the cottage. No headband on his forehead meant he was either a civilian or a mercenary. His body was athletic and every article of clothing he wore managed to mingle his presence within the night. Plus any little noise he made was hidden by the constant sound of lightning.

When Kasumi activated her Byakugan once more, she was startled to see another presence inside the cottage besides Naruto, before alerting Kakashi.

He shunshined immediately inside the cottage to prevent whoever it was from killing Naruto, but once he appeared inside, he saw the man. His face indicated that something very bad happened as his mouth was opened in shock and his eye sockets were empty. The body suddenly fell forward and Kakashi saw three tome Sharingan staring at him with a bloodied kunai on Naruto's hand. Kakashi knew the step needed to awake the third step of the Sharingan eyes, which by the way, was similar to actually awakening it in the first place, being in life or death situation.

This wasn't the only feat Naruto accomplished as the man's body on the floor indicated something the Sandaime Hokage feared could happen to someone so young.

At ten years old, Naruto already killed someone and Kakashi could see in those bloody red Sharingan eyes, tears falling on the ground as the realization of killing someone hit him full force. By this time, Kasumi was already by his side, embracing him in a comforting hug. She was responsible for this happening as it was her mission to protect Naruto at all costs from whoever came to harm him.

It took a few more minutes for Naruto's sobbing to end as he fell asleep on Kasumi's shoulder.

Both the attempt on Naruto's life and the boy's fully evolving his Sharingan were reported immediately to the Hokage who was very upset at the situation. Someone from within Konoha's walls hired some mercenary to deal with the Kyuubi brat once and for all. Of course, Hiruzen was unaware of how the mercenary managed to pass by both Kakashi and Kasumi, since the official report indicated a heavy usage of genjutsu that managed to fool the Hyuuga's Byakugan.

Sure, Kasumi expected to be demoted for her incompetence, but when Kakashi told her what he did, she felt like she deserved every type of punishment from not protecting her surrogate brother like she should have. Of course, this feeling had both professional and personal reasons, but Kasumi grew so attached to Naruto, that her self-loathing was more personal than professional.

Kakashi convinced her that their priority right now was to talk to Naruto regarding his first kill.

Luckily, Naruto trusted them both to share his thoughts of what happened, so Kakashi and Kasumi managed to save his mind from dealing with more pain than he already dealt with every day.

Flashback off

As soon as Kakashi arrived near Kasumi, he could see that her Byakugan was active the entire time as she cooked their meal.

Her face was purely professional and that wasn't a good thing. The downside of having a doujutsu was that keeping it active for longer periods of time not only wasted too much of the user's chakra, but could also over-strain the eyes. It was possible for the user to go blind and for a Hyuuga, not being able to rely on the eyes was considered worse than death.

But Kakashi knew the reason behind Kasumi's drive.

"You can't keep blaming yourself for what happened Kasumi. You're not the only one here who was supposed to take care of him."

She turned her eyes a little bit to look at him, before she went back to the task at hand.

"Why not?! It was a miracle that Naruto-kun was awake that time or else the assassin would have fulfilled his assignment." Kasumi said as she was spinning her chicken soup with a wooden spoon, but she didn't stop talking. "The worst part Kakashi was that we would not have even known what happened until we entered the cottage. I...I was so frustrated with you Kakashi that I relinquished all manner of professionalism. I did what no ninja should ever do. I let my emotions take me over in the middle of a mission, for Kami's sake."

Kakashi could see the tears falling in the soup as he grabbed Kasumi in a tight hug as he let the now fragile woman cry on his shoulders.

One of the reasons why Kakashi stopped doing missions with Kasumi was because of the past shared by them. He was able to let go of what happened and focus on the mission at hand, but she wasn't. The truth was that his feelings of her never diminished, even though it was ten years ago. But his fear that she would get killed because of him always stopped him from approaching her. It was finally time to ease Kasumi's heart with the truth, although he wasn't sure about the effect revealing the truth would cause.

"I'm sorry Kasumi..." Kakashi said, as she looked at him with teary eyes.

The silver haired jounin stopped for a while as he was suddenly lost inside those hollow eyes of the Hyuuga clan, but to him he could look at them for all eternity and not get tired of it.

Now, the feelings he fought so hard to suppress now came full force and he couldn't control it anymore.

"I suppose it would be selfish on my part to keep you in the dark all this time. Please know that I never stopped having feelings for you"

"...Don't play games with me Kakashi...please I can't bear..." Kasumi said, but stopped once Kakashi placed two fingers on her soft lips, ushering her to be quiet as he wasn't finished talking.

"What happened was that I was afraid...afraid to lose you." Kasumi looked at Kakashi with a guarded yet hopeful expression. She knew about his terrible past. She knew about his real father committing suicide after a failed mission. She knew that his teammate sacrificed his life to save his, hence how he got the Sharingan. She knew how his other teammate went missing in action and never returned and last but not least, she knew that he'd lost his surrogate father Yondaime Hokage to the Kyuubi no Yoko.

What Kakashi faced in life, Kasumi was sure she would lose her sanity if even half of it had happened to her. To her, the man was made of steel, unbreakable no matter what happened.

That's precisely why she was shocked once she saw tears falling from his eyes, not the only visible one, but his covered Sharingan eye as well.

As soon as she opened her mouth to speak, he beat her to it.

"I...I was afraid that you'd share the same fate as everyone precious to me and I just couldn't bear to lose another one."

Kasumi smiled for the first time in ages as the man in front of her cried on her shoulders. Like him, she never stopped having feelings for him and for the first time in ages, she was able to recognize the man behind the Anbu captain mask of Sharingan no Kakashi.

"...Ah...I'm not interrupting anything am I?" The voice alerted both as they turned to the sleepy Naruto. The chicken soup's aroma reached Naruto's nostrils as well and his stomach immediately roared like a ferocious lion. Kasumi and Kakashi smiled at the blond as both of them managed to wipe their tears before Naruto could see. Well, at least they hoped so.

"Sorry about interrupting, it's just that I woke up hungry and I sensed Kasumi-sensei's chicken soup." Naruto said as he grabbed an empty bowl and approached the fireplace, before placing three spoons of soup. The two grownups did the same and took a seat next to Naruto, before Kakashi initiated a conversation, probably in order to avoid the subject of what just happened.

"Say Naruto, in three days time your training will be over and we'll return to the village. Now, I remembered you weren't so thrilled a couple months ago. Want to talk about it?"

Kasumi looked at Naruto for a moment, while trying to gauge his thoughts.

She knew about the Kyuubi and how people looked at him as if he was the demon itself. Now, the people also knew the truth of how he got the Sharingan and she wouldn't be surprised if some, if not the majority, treated him even worse now. Nevertheless, she was confident Naruto could defend himself better than even a high level genin. He had a fully evolved doujutsu and techniques to keep anyone, at least below chunnin level, from attacking him. After all, it was because of this, that Sarutobi wanted him to be trained beforehand.

As the blond took a last sip of soup, he placed the wooden spoon on top of the soup and looked to the ground in deep thought.

"The feelings didn't change Sensei. With time, the nightmares about what happened at the Uchiha Massacre diminished, but they still haunt me in my sleep. Sometimes, I have the feeling that the damn fox is screwing with my head, making me see it over and over again. I know for a fact that the people's hatred towards me and the fox won't diminish and quite frankly, I have a feeling that it will only increase when people see me using the Sharingan."

Kakashi and Kasumi just listened as the young man spoke.

"To this day, all the threats remained verbal. The words hurt but not as much as kunai embedded in my back. Now, I don't know what will happen, because to some, I'm not only the Kyuubi reincarnated, but also the one responsible for the murder of the Uchiha Clan. It changes everything now, doesn't it?"

"There is nothing but truth in your words Naruto..." Kakashi said, as he could see Kasumi's saddened face. He could see that she wanted nothing more than to suffer in his stead. "However, you must face the fact that the past cannot be changed. I know that I may sound harsh right now as you're only ten, but the past cannot be changed no matter how much you shout to the heavens and curse the man who did this to you..."

Naruto looked at him in surprise, but he should have known that a jounin of Kakashi's caliber would hear his shouts.

"...I was just venting my frustration, that's all. But you're right Kakashi-sensei. It's time I stop dwindling in the past, it won't solve anything."

After that, the three went to their respective beds as they settled in to rest the next three days, before leaving to Konoha.

===In Konoha===

The next day, Sarutobi was meeting with Shikaku in order to see what the man had to present regarding Danzou's whereabouts.

He knew the elder Nara was the wisest choice for this mission. Having outstanding chakra control and with his knowledge of mingling with the shadows, one could only spot Shikaku if he allowed it to happen.

But Sarutobi knew Danzou wasn't someone to underestimate his opponent and certainly, Shikaku wouldn't be able to find his hideout. However, Shikaku brought some interesting facts. For some time, Danzou has been seen meeting with Anbu shinobi in secret places and Hiruzen was certain no Anbu under his authority was allowed to talk to the old war hawk. Also, Shikaku managed to pinpoint a specific area where Danzou headed to every day. Every reconnaissance mission issued by the Hokage to his Anbu force was futile as no one could find Danzou's hidden base.

At least, now it was easier since he could narrow the search area to the one pinpointed by Shikaku.

"I appreciate it Shikaku-san, surely your skills with the shadows proved sufficient to provide me with enough information to improve the searches for his hidden base. I apologize for keeping you away from your family all this time, but it was necessary..."

"No worries Hokage-sama, I'm just glad to serve. Because of this, you saved me from Yoshino-chan and her constant nagging...troublesome."

Sarutobi smirked at his friend, before dismissing the elder Nara. Instantly, he called an Anbu's name and a man appeared kneeling on the ground. He had a lion mask and his brown hair was the only distinguishable characteristic.

"Yamato, I want your team to analyze this report and initiate the search for the target. It's time we catch him once and for all"

The man just nodded and vanished once more with the scroll in hand, leaving Sarutobi alone once more as he processed some things. In little time, Naruto, Kakashi and Kasumi would return to Konoha and certainly, people wouldn't take it too kindly once he arrived. He needed to ascertain some responsibilities first.


Another Anbu appeared as Hiruzen issued his orders.

"In two days time, Uzumaki Naruto and Hatake Kakashi will return from his mission. I want your team to keep track of Naruto until he graduates from the academy and becomes a genin. I trust you are aware of how delicate the situation is now. I fear that people will take action against him and I won't be able to fully protect him."

The Tori Anbu nodded.

"I'm aware of the situation Hokage-sama. Naruto-san will be safe in our hands, don't worry..." With that, the man vanished within a swirl of leaves.

Hiruzen hoped no incident would occur, but just in case something happened, at least the Anbu would take care of him. Still, the last turn of events caused the old man to worry. From what Kakashi explained, Naruto had his first kill and the fact that his Sharingan was now fully evolved could be used against him. Naruto, for all his skills, could kill someone in self-defense, but any snake could use this to his favor by saying that Naruto deserved to be killed for his actions.

Certainly Hiruzen wouldn't be surprised if such a thing happened.

Beneath all these uncertainties, however, Sarutobi wondered how skilled Naruto had become now that he fully evolved his Sharingan and, according to Kakashi, already knew quite a few jutsus. Not only that, but Kasumi trained Naruto's taijutsu and according to her, the kid was more than able to face high level genins and even low-level chunnins. Only that was enough in his opinion, but Kakashi already taught Naruto some hypnosis genjutsus that could be used with the Sharingan.

I won't make comparisons, but Naruto is turning out to be a second Itachi. I just hope that others won't make such a comparison since some don't know the real truth of what happened.

To the majority, Itachi was blamed for the murder of the Uchiha Clan as this version was the official one notified by the Hokage at the time. However, to only a few, wiping out the Uchiha Clan was a mission carried out by Itachi issued by both the Hokage and his old teammates Koharu and Homura. Course, Danzou knew it as well since at the time, his Root Organization wasn't disbanded by Sarutobi. Now, Itachi was to remain a spy of Konoha to relay to both the Hokage and Jiraiya of the Sannin information that could very well save the village's life in the future. Also, because he managed to get within this special organization called Akatsuki, Itachi will be able to gather a wide variety of information, as he had already done. According to Jiraiya, Itachi contacted him about Orochimaru belonging to the organization and the fact that he tried to take Itachi's Sharingan.

Once Sarutobi read about it, a part of him wanted to laugh at Orochimaru's failed attempt against a prodigy of Itachi's caliber, but another part felt only regret for the individual to whom Sarutobi failed to mold into a decent and an honorable man. Without Naruto, Sarutobi already carried a great deal of sadness for his student Orochimaru. He felt responsible for not constantly watching him as well as for letting him go all these years ago.

===Two days later===

For a Chunnin, gate keeping missions were a vile test of patience where you did nothing except watch civilians and shinobi going in and outside the village. It was even worse when the weather was like today, extremely dry not to mention warmer than a Katon jutsu. Still, as chunnins, complaining wasn't an option. Either you perform the mission or someone else will. And when that happens, he or she will be lucky to hold the title for much longer.

So, Kotetsu and Izumo just relaxed behind the wooden balcony as they hoped something would happen. Suddenly, and as if Kami had just answered their plea, three silhouettes could be seen on the horizon approaching the west gate. By size alone, the gate keepers could see two adults and one child, probably nine or ten years old. A couple steps later, they could see the jounin vests and the fact that one was male and the other female. It took a few seconds for them to realize the strange silver hair and that only one person had it, Sharingan no Kakashi.

Soon everything fell into place.

According to the document in hand, Hatake Kakashi would return today from a long-term mission. The objective of the mission, though, wasn't written on the report. However, as the three people approached the wooden balcony, both Kotetsu and Izumo's eyes locked on the blond kid that was with Kakashi and the Hyuuga. Uzumaki Naruto was the favorite subject of every damn villager in Konoha, both civilian and shinobi.

To some, he was the Kyuubi reincarnated, to others he was the one behind the slaughter of the Uchiha Clan along with Uchiha Itachi. Right now, a small majority of the population, the reasonable group, believed Naruto to be just an innocent child that not only harbored the strongest demon ever in existence, but also possessed one of the world's strongest doujutsu. This select group was composed of the Hokage, the entire Anbu force, a few jounin and a handful of chunnin….including Kotetsu and Izumo.

However, by the time the two wanted to ask the boy some questions, the group was already heading towards the Hokage's office where Naruto would show the results of his training under both Hatake Kakashi and Hyuuga Kasumi.

As the group marched calmly towards the Hokage's office, Naruto could now perceive things he didn't before. The looks of hatred, the cursed glares, he already knew existed. But what caught his mind was the information given by his new set of eyes as he would activate the Sharingan on certain occasions. Now, he could read everyone's intention like an open book, although this was not to say that he enjoyed what he now knew.

'Demon spawn...look at him...walking around like he belongs with us...I'd prefer he was never born' This came from a rather pretty lady dressed in a purple kimono. Naruto remembered her from a book store near his house.

'How could he be so cold? Murdering an entire clan and walking among us like he knew he wouldn't be punished. No wonder he is a demon' Now, it was a middle-aged man with black hair and a few white ones as well.

Naruto didn't recognize him.

After this man, Naruto was pretty much convinced of the population's opinion towards him, both as the Kyuubi's jailor and the presumed murderer of the renowned Uchiha Clan. But he wasn't surprised, quite on the contrary, as this was to be expected even before he set foot inside Konoha. Every step he took, more people stared at him the same way and, so far, not one of them looked at him differently.

Some looked at him with indifference, but the majority loathed his very existence, that much was a fact.

Both Kakashi and Kasumi looked at Naruto from the corner of their eyes, while studying his reactions to the public. So far, Naruto's face remained stoic like he didn't give a damn to what others thought about him or what he represented. Kakashi noticed that Naruto's eyes were changing constantly from the Sharingan to his regular eyes and vice-versa, which meant only one thing...he wanted to gauge what everyone thought of him by crossing eyesight.

This could be bad, in Kakashi's opinion. To a child, the state of mind was very fragile and easily susceptible to outside influences.

Nevertheless, after what he'd been through, the silver haired jounin figured that the situation was under control.

===At the Hokage's office===

Once inside the old man's office, Kakashi and Kasumi reported to him Naruto's training so far, while Naruto remained quiet. He knew Sarutobi was looking at him the entire time, but he didn't even blink in response to the old man's stare. Hiruzen only wanted to know about the blond's thoughts to what all that people were thinking about him, but he guessed the answer was pretty much evident.

He learned how to ignore them completely.

After Kakashi finished explaining about Naruto fully evolving his Sharingan, Hiruzen turned to the blond.

"Could you perhaps give a demonstration Naruto-kun? I want to see your control over the doujutsu"

Without even giving a response or even a short nod, Naruto activated his fully-evolved Sharingan and whereas before, the two black eyes became red with three tomes in each side. Sarutobi smiled upon seeing how little time it took to activate and concluded him to be just like any Uchiha. Suddenly, though, the tomes started spinning like a spinning wheel and Hiruzen suddenly felt his body go numb and his eyes were slowly but surely closing. Kasumi was wondering what the hell happening until Kakashi landed a hand on Naruto's shoulder, ushering him to stop the genjutsu, to which Naruto nodded and stopped the technique, before Hiruzen jerked his eyes open, smiling at the prodigy in front of him.

"Well, Kakashi, you forgot to mention about Naruto's skills with genjutsu"

"Actually Hokage-sama, genjutsu is his least favorite subject. I trust that he knows the genjutsu counter technique and the one he just used on you that's all."

"Still, with his eyes, he could copy new techniques. Now, Naruto, even though it's my belief you don't need it, tomorrow you'll return to the academy." Hiruzen said, before Naruto looked at him a bit surprised.

Surely, it was because he wasn't expecting to be sent back to the academy, not because he felt like he should have been promoted to genin right now.

"I understand..." Was all his reply, before Hiruzen nodded

In little to no time, Kakashi dropped Naruto in front of his old house, before vanishing with a shunshin. Naruto took a while to turn and head for the stairs as he looked at three bystanders glaring at him with angry look on their faces. Sighing in dismay, Naruto headed to the stairs before he entered his apartment.

===At night===

Naruto was on his balcony looking at the village from his apartment.

He considered sleeping early since he didn't have anything to do, other than maybe reading some scrolls on the Sharingan or a new jutsu. Looking up, he realized that today the moon was full and because of it, he could see the stars much clearer. Just looking at them was sufficient to the little blond. There wasn't any star different from the other, as they just stood up there, looking at the Earth from below. They were one and the same, Naruto concluded and they were beautiful.

Sighing in dismay once more, Naruto figured taking a walk to a more secluded place would do him some good. After all, sleeping wasn't an option, since he wasn't tired at all.

Putting on his sandals, he exited his building and went up a huge set of stairs that went up a hill where Naruto knew a wooden bench was located. It was quiet and secluded; no one would bother him there as he went up the stairs with hands inside his pant pockets. If Naruto was aware of someone tailing him he didn't show it as he kept walking while looking on the ground presumably without a care in the world.

The three genins that stood behind a group of trees watched Naruto take a sit on the bench as he looked towards nothing. To the genins, Naruto was blissfully unaware that today he would meet his end and that the genins will be known as heroes for finally completing what the Yondaime started ten years ago.

Meanwhile, hidden behind the group of genins, was Tori's Anbu squad.

They have been following Naruto ever since he arrived in Konoha hence why the saw the genins attempting to attack the infant. However, the leader Tori wanted to see what Naruto was made of. He didn't have anything against the boy, nor doid he wish him harm, but the man was a fighter and as such, he respected those that knew how to fight. Of course, his team voted against it, seeing as Naruto was only ten and wouldn't be able to protect himself against three genins. Tori sighed in dismay at his team, which was composed by three Anbu Kunoichi. Surely, a man would understand his point of view, instead of these three who believed the kid was some lonely miserable child whose only wish was to be cuddled or loved. The man's word was final. He wouldn't step in unless the kid was in any danger

Suddenly, Tori looked as the genins vanished from their hidden posts and attack Naruto, surprising the blond with dozens and dozens of kunai. Naruto didn't move as all of them pierced his body at the same time. His eyes lost all color and blood started to fall from Naruto's mouth. But Tori and his crew weren't convinced. They were smiling from behind their masks as the dead Naruto turned out to be a tree log.

The three genins appeared in front of the pierced tree log with a snarl as all three of them tried to locate the damn demon's position.

Suddenly, from their backs, all three could sense the usage of chakra, before turning to meet the blond staring at them with the Sharingan eyes blazing at them, sending chills down their spine. Naruto initiated a sequence of hand seals, before gathering as much air inside his lungs.

Katon Dai Endan (Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu)

As he exhaled the huge fireball, juts its bright light served to hypnotize two of the genins. They thought for sure Naruto wouldn't retaliate. As the technique approached, the heat was starting to become unbearable and the frightened genins did nothing to avoid them. Surely, they would be dead within seconds after the technique burned their skin and destroyed their organs. However, the only genin that wasn't scared starting making hand seals, before finishing on the bird seal.

Suiton Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall Jutsu)

As he exhaled the huge fireball, juts its bright light served to hypnotize two of the genins. They thought for sure Naruto wouldn't retaliate. As the technique approached, the heat was starting to become unbearable and the frightened genins did nothing to avoid them. Surely, they would be dead within seconds after the technique burned their skin and destroyed their organs. However, the only genin that wasn't scared starting making hand seals, before finishing on the bird seal.

Suiton Suijinheki (Water Release: Water Wall Jutsu)

The sudden appearance of the geyser of water blocked the fire sphere completely, saving the genins from certain death.

"You won't be rid of us that easily demon" The proclamation awakened the man's comrades as all three of them were wearing the same piece of clothing and a kabuki mask to avoid being recognized. Naruto, for his part, just smiled as because of the Sharingan, he copied a new technique. As for the man calling him demon, he guessed it would be a normal occurrence now that he returned to the village.

Naruto vanished towards the genins with his Sharingan active as he processed the information of everyone's intentions, before they even started to move. The tough genin moved to kick Naruto, but by this time, Naruto had already evaded his attack range and landed a fierce kick on his ribs, forcing him on the ground. The genin was finding it difficult to breathe as his lungs were filled with blood. The others actually tried attacking Naruto, but by the time they considered moving, Naruto was already making hand seals for an offensive doton jutsu, the only one he knew so far.

Doton Doryuu Dangan (Earth Release: Mud Shot Jutsu)

Suddenly, consecutive mud shots charged at the genins, who by the way didn't have the time to dodge them.

The shots all hit their designated target and in no time, both genins were on the floor, unconscious. As Naruto stared at them, he deactivated his Sharingan eyes, as Tori's Anbu team appeared behind him, much to Naruto's sigh of dismay. With genins, he had a shot, but with Anbu he was now hoping that he managed to escape unscathed. Tori realized his line of thinking and showed his hands to Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, do not worry about us following these three's actions. Our presence here is merely to take these three criminals to prison. Team arrest them and let's give them to Ibiki."

With that, the team grabbed the three unconscious genins and vanished just as Naruto connected the dots as to why a team of Anbu was there in the first place.

Suddenly a new presence appeared from within the night. Kakashi knew about the Anbu Team protecting Naruto's back and like Tori, Kakashi wanted to see how far Naruto grew because of his training.

"I didn't know you're following me around Kakashi-sensei. I thought you would be with Kasumi-chan right now" Naruto said as he approached his sensei's position, earning a smile from Kakashi.

"I was actually, but she thought it was nice to see if you're okay. I guess she was right after all."

"Yeah, I guess having your own Anbu team following you has its perks. Tell her she needn't worry. Now Kakashi-sensei, I guess I had enough action for today, so I'll head to bed. Tomorrow is academy day and I have a feeling that every minute will be a pain in the ass to deal with."

Kakashi looked at his student with pride written on his face as Naruto figured it out, but he knew Naruto wouldn't like to extend this conversation as he... vanished within a swirl of leaves.

"If I knew he would be addicted to the shunshin, I'd have waited awhile to teach him." Kakashi smiled, before turning and leaving the vicinity with his own shunshin..

==Next day===

Even with all that'd happened, the blond was somehow certain that the young generation, his generation, wouldn't look at him the same way as the others. He was wrong, though, as he entered inside the academy territory. Children playing on the swings, parents dropping their children on their first day at school, and just like everyone else, the parents shot him that look. However, this time Naruto shot them the same look, surprising the grownups.

As Naruto walked inside the academy building, he took one last look behind him, before he went towards his classroom.

Naruto was thinking of a couple of bad insults to throw at the grownups, but since the garden was full of infants, he thought better of it as he passed through some empty classrooms, until he saw the one he used to be his classroom before he left the village one year ago. The door was closed as the blond was late. Upon grabbing the door handle, the blond was ready to receive different stares directed at him. Naruto would be stupid by wishing that the old generation wouldn't influence the young one, regarding his status as the village demon. Just as he opened the door, thirty one set of eyes landed on him instantly.

Everyone who knew Naruto, wondered why he vanished for one year straight only to appear now; not that anyone was actually interested.

According to their parents, the blond was a menace to society and because of this; it was prohibited to be anywhere near the blond.

Umino Iruka and Touji Mizuki looked at the blond near the door, before Iruka ushered him to take a seat. He nodded as the seat next to the Nara heir Shikamaru was vacant. After he took a seat, Iruka nodded and turned to the entire classroom as he was revising the various ninja arts there is out there today. It was an interesting subject, compared to his lectures about the village's history, but Naruto could feel each and every stare at the back of his head. He could feel as everyone preferred looking at him, than paying attention to the chunnin teacher.

Although he figured the looks would cease with time, the blond wondered how much time it would take.

Next chapter, Naruto will graduate and the genin teams will be chosen.

As it stands, no one in the academy will warm up to him, so he'll be alone…at least until he graduates when he's settled in a genin team.

Tell me what you think and see you all next chapter.

Gwendolin_Poolcreators' thoughts