
Cursed energy user in a fantasy world

The world gave me all its resentment. Thanks world, very cool.

KneeCapBandit · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Funky water

He woke up in total darkness. He remembered who he was, he was laying down at approximately 11:34pm reading web novels. He was about to open one with a title so down bad he wondered how it got through the filter. When he was about to open it and read the first chapter, two trucks crushed him to death from the third floor of his house. One launched itself through his wall and the other one dragged him through his house after the first one broke the destroyed the other floors, leading him to ground level. He doesn't know it, but two more trucks hit him after his death, falling from the sky like a comet.

'How the hell does a truck reach me from the 3rd floor'

but this led him to wonder.

'Is this the afterlife?'

It was dark, suffocating, and incredibly hot. He felt like he had a body but couldn't move. It gave him panic that rose increasingly as time went on. So, he began to struggle.

'It's making way.'

The more he moved the more it made way, and the more freedom he gained for his body. Eventually he got tired and began to rest but then the feeling came again, squeezing him tight.

He realized that the only way to gain some freedom was to struggle relentlessly without rest. But a suffocating feeling grew in his chest.

'What if I can't escape, what if this will be where I stay for the rest of time?'

And so, an unknown amount of time passes. He kept the feelings inside his heart and struggled like a worm, and when he was tired, he rested and then struggled again. He didn't know if he ever slept because it was all darkness. But what he did know what that every waking moment he pushed and pushed until suddenly-


'This! This is it!'

With even more vigor, despite already being dead tired, he widened the opening and pushed himself through.


he tumbled out with a wet thud. The pain of the short fall was nothing compared to the feeling of freedom after being trapped in darkness for so long, it was maddening. Maybe it was hope of getting out was the only thing keeping him from going completely insane.

The rays of sun beating down on his skin, as slimy as it was, washed those feelings away.

"Ah ah ah"

'Ah, my voice'

"I didn't realize how slimy it was" is what he tried to say, but his voice failed him. The only thing that came out were the sounds of a young boy.

'Huh!?? I'm a kid??'

That's right, he became a young boy. He looked to be no older than five and his skin was pale. yet it showed no veins despite being so clear. His pitch pupils seem to steal the space of the iris, with how large they were. And his would've reflected no light if it wasn't for the fact it was covered in slime.

and for the first time, he looked at the thing that kept him trapped for so long. And he was taken aback.

'Augh, I came out of that?'

Because what stood before him was what could only be described as muscle. It oozed the mucus that was covering him from the perforation he made, and what used to be a perfect sphere seemed to sag and lose life. Upon closer inspection it was not just the inside that was slimy, but the outside too, it glistened under the sun's reflection. But that didn't stop him from thinking-

'This is an egg, isn't it? Or should I call it a womb? Eggs aren't fleshy. But wombs aren't on the outside.'

He did not recall roe or frogspawn.

Thinking that all his troubles are due to this egg made him feel complicated, but he ignored that. After all there was the problem of having the body of a 5-year-old in the middle of a forest with no way to protect himself.

That's right, a forest. The thick trunks and lush canopy were pleasing to his eyes, the only thing staining the view was the patch of dead grass surrounding the egg. He ignored that too, death around surrounding your egg seems ominous.

Right now, he needed to find a stream or a pond to wash off all the sticky mucus, he felt like it was going to stick after a while.

'Now where to find water…' he thought, but it didn't take him long to come to a conclusion.

'Why am I thinking about it? just pick a direction, I don't even know where I am so there's nothing that could be done than to walk.'

So, he began walking, the body was unfamiliar and clumsy. He even tripped a few times over some roots and stones, gaining scrapes and cuts. Along with having the body of a 5-year-old, his stamina was low, and his strength was lower.

'My saving grace is that I'm light and at least have some muscle on these bones.'

Luckily for him it didn't take long for him to find a source of water.

As soon as he saw it, he ran, tripped, and fell right into the lake.


'Mhm still need to improve my motor skills.'

Picking himself up, he washed the slime off his skin and took a sip of the water. It was a tiring journey, and although he didn't sweat, he still needed water.

'it's sweet?'

The water was sweet in the same way an apple was, yet he never tasted a fruit like this. Unknowingly he kept drinking until he was full.

While he was feeling disappointed that he couldn't drink anymore and thinking about a way to take some with him, he heard a branch snap behind him.

He snapped his head so quickly he felt it in his skull, but that was the least of his worries. Because as soon as he turned his head, a grey blue wolf was charging towards him, dashing through the water getting ready to eat in him in one gulp-


 it stopped dead in its tracks in the water.

'Rather than stopped, more like it rolled over and died.'

It wasn't until five more wolves jumped into the water would he considered that maybe the water wasn't so safe after all.

wolves travel in packs after all, these ones seem a little dumb though.

KneeCapBanditcreators' thoughts