
Cursed energy user in a fantasy world

The world gave me all its resentment. Thanks world, very cool.

KneeCapBandit · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

does she know?

Although the sea dragon said it wasn't far, his little legs practically made the long walk into a journey to some random village. He made it out of the village with cuts and scrapes from the various bushes and the rare low hanging tree branches, as well as large bird that decided it wanted to make him its meal.


'I wonder if that bird would've tasted good.'

Unfortunately for him, when the bird attacked him, one hit with the staff drove him away. But unfortunately for him, no bird means no food, and he wouldn't chance eating random berries and dying pathetically.

'Yeah, that's a last resort. I'd rather eat a rat or something. You don't see people dying from rat poisoning…'


'I should've brought some meat with me… I wonder how good it would've been if I cooked it?'

 Luckily, it wasn't all bad, he managed to bring the rabbit with him, although it was heavy and he had to drag it, he couldn't let go of the meat.

Fortunately, he didn't have to carry it for long. The village the dragon mentioned was in sight but-

'Is this really a village?'

What he expected was a small community in the sticks, this seemed more like a city than a village. The walls extended beyond view and the towers stretched higher than the treetop canopy. But even though he could see all this, there was still a ways away from the "village."

While he was walking towards the gate, two guards spotted him.

"Hey, look over there, you see that?" said James.

"Huh? Huh?" Jon woke up from his daydreaming.

"Knock it off and look over there!" James said, pushing the device to Jon.

The device was a piece of headgear that wrapped around from the front to the back of your head. It was a set of vision goggles, capable of assisting with long distance viewing.

"It's… a kid?"

"Yeah, that's right but do you see him?"

"Yeah, what should we do?"

"let's go call the captain, knowing her shed know what to do" James finally suggested.

Although rules stated to deny anyone who couldn't pay the entrance fee, the captain would kill them if she found out that they turned away a little brat walking out of the forest by himself with only a stick and a hare.


'What great reception, 3 armored men come to greet me before I could even get to the gate.'

"Woah, its worse than I thought."

"Yeah, how'd he end up like this?"

The two men behind the big guy were murmuring to themselves while the big guy seemed to stare at him intently.

"He's a spirit." She stated.

'Ah, it's a she. Why is she so much bigger than the others. So cool."

Upon hearing her words, the guards behind her flinched and backed away.

"What kind of spirit is it captain?" Jon asked.

Although all three of them knew that not all spirits were dangerous. The two men still couldn't help but back away. In this land, spirits were infamous for being helpful while there were also stories centered around their malice and being the big evil of the story.

"…what are you standing there for? Get him some clothes."

Not answering the question, she ordered them to dress the naked kid.

'Ah, that's right, I'm naked.'

The trek through the forest made him forget all about him being naked.

'But strangely, I don't feel embarrassed.'

He was afraid he might've turned into some pervert.

 "You there, do you have a name?"

'Ma'am, I can't speak, but I also can't remember my name.'

He stared at her intently, wondering when shell get the message. Maybe she did get the message, she got off her horse and beckoned him to come closer.

"Lift up your arms" it was a stern command; made you want to obey instinctively. But he only thought 'is she a pervert?' but still lifted his arms up anyway in compliance.

In a flash, she managed to put a shirt on him. He didn't even realize when it happened, nor did he see when she pulled the shirt out.

'I must've been spacing out.'

"Alright men, let's go."


'Oh hey'

She gripped him up like a sack of rice and hoisted him onto the horse, she got on not long after, jostling him a bit.

"Hold on tight" she said.

And they turned around and trotted to the gate.

The inside of the walls of town were dreary. The people lying around like bums, dusty shacks spread haphazardly with no real order throughout the street.

"Hey look"

"You think he's from the forest?"

"He must be, look at those eyes, so creepy."

"Those damn monsters, they were calm lately, but it seems they want to show their face again."

"Why is the captain of town guard bringing him into town?"

"Another disaster"


'I don't think I'm looked well upon here' he thought, looking at them with interest.

"Ignore them, focus ahead." she said, forcefully turning his head from the hateful glares.

As they made their way through the "village" they eventually got to the guards' headquarters.

"Were here" she said.

"you two, go back to your stations."

""yes captain""

The guards headquarters were directly on the boarders of the slum district and commercial district. He could see a few merchants selling their wares, mostly food, at the borders.

'It must be because they couldn't afford a place away from the slum district.'

He could see that the stands weren't of high quality with much wear and tear, they look a little better than the people living in the slums.

"Were getting off." She fastened her horse to the stable where many other horses were staying. They all looked much stronger than any of the horses he's seen on earth.

She lifted him off the horse and set him on the ground.

"Follow me."

They both walked to the guards headquarters. The entrance was guarded by one guard who opened the door in preparation for their arrival. He looked curiously out the nameless spirit, glancing at the captain, before focusing on duty.

'I wish I could see his face, but all the guards have helmets covering them.'

Now that he's closer, he got a closer look at the building. It seemed much bigger in comparison to the other buildings, but everything was bigger to him right now.

'I wonder, what kind of material is this?'

It seemed to be made of stone, but the color was a dark murky blue. It also didn't seem to be made of bricks since there was no such pattern.

"Hurry up."

Despite saying that, she was still walking at his pace.

Before he knew it, he was already inside the building. He followed her through a few rooms and then up some stairs, before finally entering an office room.

She closed and locked the double doors shut.

"So, what are you."