
Cursed By Moon

Hidden away in Capital Eleven, in the land of Varian, the three factions, Time, Mind and Space, pray to the goddess Harmonia to maintain balance, rejecting all forms of magic, for magic, in its essence, is Chaos. However, this sacred land has kept a hidden secret for generations, a fourth faction. These dragon shifters, called Draven, are hunted by the Valsari, hunters forged from shadow and nightmares. The Draven's origin may be unknown but they have always existed in this land, and now, their very existence is in danger. Roan only has two goals, to survive and escape this horrid place. It was never simple seeing the murder and the violence but it was easier keeping everything inside. That was before his werewolf roommate moved in and everything he had tried to keep inside started spilling out, thick like a mixture of lava and ash. Werewolves, we let them get away with their carnal instincts and behaviour because they are cursed by the moon but do we every take a moment to differentiate the beast from the person? When Roan is attacked by Zarion, his life crumbles to pieces, but he begins to wonder if the big bad wolf is really to blame, or if Zarion is a victim to his own instincts. Can Roan forgive the monster cursed by the moon or, is the love of his mate too deadly?

Amarn_James · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

16| When They Collide

The next day Roan takes the stand again. News of the crime had spread through the nine cities through whispers, but the story started gaining traction once reporters got hold of the story. The courtroom is packed but the people are not here in support of Roan.

Their only reason for being here is to tear down the alliance that was slowly being rebuilt between Varian and and the Lycanthrope's living in the Borderlands.

"The defense may plead their case." The Valarian judge Vachan looks over his small, framed glasses at Noa and Zarion.

"Can I ask that the prosecution take the stand?"

"I'll allow it."

Noa, still dressed in white, takes the floor, she waits for Roan to sit before starting her persuasive attack. "Before this unfortunate attack Zarion was a school athlete, with decent grades and an excellent record of accomplishment. He is not what the prosecution is making him out to be."

Noa takes a moment to scan the jury, making sure she has their full attention. "However, we are not here to argue if my client did the crime or not, he has confessed already, and the victim has made it clear that he is his attacker. What we are here to discuss is if this attack was intentional or if this is an unfortunate case of nature."

"When I questioned my client he had no knowledge of the attack, in fact, he has no memories of the twenty-four hours before the attack and the several days that followed. Does that sound like a person who deliberately attacked someone during the hours where the moon was at its peak? I'll tell you right now, the answer is no."

Noa turns her attention on Roan, her kitten heel pumps clacking against the marble floor as she approaches him. "I have the report here. It says that you told investigators that the relationship between you and my client was platonic. That was a lie, was it not?"

"No, it was not."

"But you and Zarion share something incredibly special that very few have ever had the chance of having." Noa flips through the pages of report. "I want it on record that Roan Delgado and Zarion Micah share a mate bond."

"Your honour may we have a recess." Mr. Odago, a small, fat, elf slams one hand into the table and points a long bony finger at Noa. "I was not aware of this information your honour, can I get a few minutes with my client-"

"You had your time Mr. Odago." The Judge barely lifts a podgy hand. "Continue."

"I didn't know about the mate bond before the attack...he never told me." Roan clarifies.

"How convenient for you." she replies whilst looking down at the file in her hands.

"Although some races do feel the effects of the mate bond more than others, every being in the nine realms is able to feel that spark." she says, clicking her fingers together.

When Roan looks at Zarion, his heart stops, even now, after everything. "That feeling you're feeling right now when you look at him," Noa points in Zarion's general direction. "Even through all other emotions you can still feel it."

Roan's eyes flicker to Zarion before looking back at Noa's big oval eyes. "Yes."

"Now, for those who don't know. Lycan's experience of a soul bond is twice as potent as an elf would experience it, this potency only increases when there is a full moon. It is much worse for Alphas who only shift on the full moon, they're very being is split into two."

Noa opens her palms to demonstrate her next point. "So, whilst one side is rational and calm, the other is wild and untameable."

Noa returns back to her original line of questioning. "My client lived in close quarters with you, Mr. Delgado, did he not."


"For how long?"

Roan guesses, not sure of the answer. "Around thirty days..."

"And in those thirty days, baring the day of your attack, did my client every sexually assault you?"


Noa nods her head and turns to the jury. "On the day of the attack there was a full moon which means my client was not in control. How can we blame my client for something he had no control over? Imprinting is often violent because Alphas are violent. Their emotions, their lust, it consumes them. In a way, they are raw and unfiltered emotion."

Mr. Odago takes the floor, awkwardly fixing his tie. "Before we begin your honour, my client has been struggling to find the right words and has written a speech that he feels best describes how he feels after the attack. I'm asking that-"

The Judge waves his hand. "I'll allow it, Mr. Delgado, you have our attention."

Roan leans towards the mic, his eyes scanning over all the faces staring up at him. For a second, he thinks he has made a mistake and just wants to run away but when he sees Heather, sitting in the front row looking up at him, the thought quickly disappears.

He can hate on Heather all he wants but when it matters, she is always there for him. "Love..." He jerks away from the mic, surprised by how loud his voice is.

He takes a deep breath before trying again. "Your love is not passion without my consent. What your love is...is an attack."

"My love is defined as a great interest and pleasure in something and a person or thing that one loves." Roan looks up from his speech and looks at Zarion. He looks down at his hands, making Roan question what that is. Shame? Desperation?

Roan does not understand him anymore, which is something he used to love. "Your Love is a strong and barely controllable emotion that I never asked for."

Roan pulls the arm of his shirt down over his arm, revealing the scarred claw marks on his neck. "This is your Love." Diamond tears flow from Roan, dripping on after another like the water on the end of leaves after it has rained.

Zarion raises his head, the rest of the courtroom has faded away and all he can see is Roan, staring down at him. Zarion's eyes are raw from crying and he tears that smears his face stings.

"If your emotions were increased around me then emotions like Empathy, Kindness, Regret...what happened to those? Weren't they strengthened too? Compassion, Patience, Tolerance, any one of these emotions could have saved me on the night of the full moon...when you-" Roan voice is wet when he sobs. "When you raped me."

To say the courtroom erupted into noise would be an understatement. It imploded in on itself, the sky collapsing on them.