
Curse of Exodus

The world of Ulleria, the war of the supernatural, humans, and gods has begun and the human kingdom, Fieyo, has created a group of powerful beings of their own caliber to defeat and win the war. Genesis, the protagonist of the story was recruited to this group of powerful beings to fight the supernatural and the gods. Genesis is a special human, his existence was cursed just like most of those with cursed abilities making him the dangerous human in the Astra, but a dark past finally catches up to him without him ever noticing.

Acreogoth · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Terminology (For Now)

Power System: Orphic

Description: Orphic is the signature power system for the world of Ulleria. Only the supernatural and humans wield this power.

Each of the Orphic grants a certain power or ability to control, manipulate, or even mimic depending on their future.

When in use their eyes glow bright to their color of their Orphic ability.

Types: Crisis, Breaker, Armageddon, ???

Crisis: Those with the ability to manipulate the original elements like Fire and other sorts, are classified into the Crisis.

Breaker: Those with physical abilities are called breaker. They're capable of enhancing their physical and mental abilities with extreme focus or emotions.

Armageddon: The third type of the three types of Orphic. Those with god like abilities can be known as Armageddon, they can manipulate things like reality, void, death, space, time, and etc.

Continents/Realms (So far)

Astra - Human Continent

Otuinia - Supernatural Continent

Eotaria - Gods Domain


Slayer - An organization created to protect the world from the corruption of the creations of the old gods. The organization consists of Breaker type Orphic users and mostly Crisis types. Genesis and 4 other members possess Armageddon type Orphics.

Shadow of Chaos - ???

Astra Council - The Human council created a 15 member group to handle the Slayer organization and their plans to 'bring the world into ruins'. They Orphics are consistent with Crisis and also Breaker types.

Threat Levels (For Orphic and Beasts)

E - Town Threat

D - City Threat

C - Mountain Threat

B - Island Threat

A - Country Threat

S - Realm Threat