

My whole schedule was the same as these dweebs. I don't like to be mean sometimes, but these people are a pain in the ass. It's literally only been 30 minutes.

But spite of all that, the only thing I could focus on was the boy. I made it so it looked like I was staring, but I was. He was too focused on the girl on his lap. I found that terribly annoying.

There was only around 10 more minutes until the class ended, but I had two more classes of this torture.

I'm going to have to find a way to cut off communication. As soon as the clock struck I ran out the classroom.

I walked into the next classroom and sat down, there was teacher in here. I actually had to do work. I'm going to fail and die in a hole.

She's writing on her clipboard but I think she looks a bit chill. I sat down in a chair and took out my magazine, laying my head low enough not to be seen by the boy.

I've heard of him of his friends, and I didn't think they were all that. Boy I was wrong.

The teacher set her clipboard down.

"You guys have a project, I set you up in a group of two's your groups are on the paper" she says and points to the clipboard.

Oh great, socializing. Just what I wanted, tip top in my wish list. I internally roll my eyes before I was the first to stand up and read the group names, everyone joining after.

I look down the list, there was only 13 groups, why is it too long. At the bottom of the paper, was my name and a boys name. Jungkook?

I looked around. I mouthed the name Jungkook.

I looked around and it seemed everyone was teamed up, well almost everyone some girls were whining that they didn't stuck with the boys.

"I'm guessing that's May." A boy says from behind, I quickly turn around to see two girls, and two boys standing behind me. One of them being the hot boy from earlier.

"Jungkook?" I say and give a finger gun to the other guy.

"Nope. This guy." He says and points to the boy. I was terrified this would happened. I gulped and walked toward, the two girls stopping me a feet before I could reach him.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, we'll jeez he's a big ass isn't he. "Back off, bitch." One of the girls says.

I roll my eyes, and move the girls hand. I stood in front of Jungkook, I could tell he was annoyed, no wonder I only succeeded in getting only one girl with him.

He turns around and walks to his desk, usually I would attempt to hit him. But I felt so small and weird around him.

I walked behind him, and the girls gave me strong glares. I just grabbed a pen out of my purse and tossed it at them.

"Do your work before your brains rot." I say glaring holes into their heads.

I hear Jungkook clear his throat annoyingly. I felt butterflies in my stomach. He turned his head to me and gave me an intense glare before taking out his laptop.