
Cupid's Cove: the billionaire's attention

Every year Cupid's Cove receives thousands of applications from the rich and famous. Of those thousands, only 100 are hand picked after being vetted to vacation on the infamous island that is Cupid's Cove. Legend has it, that no man or woman shall leave Cupid's Cove without being struck by Cupid's arrow. This year Cupid's Cove welcomes to its waters up and coming supermodel Britney O'Prey. Unlike the other guests of Cupid's Cove, Ms O'Prey isn't interested in love or mingling with the other guests at all. She simply wants some time to herself. Unfortunately for her, her raving beauty and fame shines the spotlight brightly on her and she catches the eye of the billionaire and owner of Cupid's Cove. He wants her, she wants to lay low and keep to herself. Could there be a reason that she continuously rebuffs all, including the dashing billionaire? See Britney try to keep her legs closed and her secrets to herself, while her suitor does everything he can to do the opposite.

Scarlett_Jane · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Will_Just one question

Still reeling from the assault on my foot, I watched as a crazed Ryan snatched his phone back and made a run for it. Just as I was about to run after him, I bumped into Harmon, who brought me to an abrupt halt. "Whatever it is, it's going to have to wait. It's time for your interview with the mainland reporter," said Harmon, attempting to calm me down as we returned to a more public setting. "Fat chance!" I hissed, trying to maintain my cool as we strode through the lobby, making our way back to the restaurant. "Where the hell is he?!" I asked, as we entered the restaurant. Harmon and I looked around, both coming up empty. "Beats me. He was here a second ago. Couldn't wait to talk to you," Harmon rambled, still looking around. "What part of keep him here did you not get!" I snapped, grabbing onto Harmon's jacket. Even he knew when it was best to stay silent. "Why the fuck is there an unauthorized phone on my island, Harmon?" I persisted. "He has a phone? Apologies, Mr Hunter, I'll deal with it posthaste," Harmon replied. "No," I grunted through gritted teeth. "When you find him, bring him to me." I made my way back out of the restaurant and took the elevator up to the 20th floor, where Britney was staying. Everyone knew me as a cool customer. Very few things got to me. Being me meant expecting a few slaps from women here and there. Once I even needed stitches after one of my dalliances ended with a vase being thrown at me. I took it all in stride though. After all, they weren't wrong. I was a scoundrel. This time, however, I hadn't done a single thing wrong yet. Britney O'Prey was absolutely infuriating and it was high time she knew it. Impatient man that I am, I glared at the numbers as the elevator crawled up to the 20th floor. When at last I made it to her floor, what I saw completely redirected my anger. I started running. "Get the hell away from me, you pervert!" Britney screamed, clinging onto my jacket for dear life as a means to cover herself as the flash of Ryan's phone continued to go off. "Ms O'Prey! Just one question, please Ms O'Prey! Anything to say about the rumor that you had sexual relations with your sister's boyfriend?" The anger drained from her face and she went pale. "How do you know about that?" Now at her side, I steadied her as she staggered backwards. "No one knows about that!" she screamed, lunging towards Ryan. With one arm, I held her back, using the other to punch Ryan and claw the phone out of his hands. "Did she send you here!" The scream that came out of her was ear piercing. "Tell the bitch to come and get me herself if she has something to say!" She slipped away from me and made a second lunge towards Ryan, getting in a few solid kicks to the gut before I could restrain her again. "My phone," Ryan groaned. "You can't take my property!" "Get the fuck out of here before I finish what I started!" I screamed at Ryan over my shoulder, while trying to get the kicking screaming woman in my arms under control. Ryan hesitated only for a moment, before he fled, stumbling through the corridor. Once he was safely in the elevator, I set Britney down and backed away slowly. "Is this what you do, billionaire bad boy Will Hunter? Send reporters after your guests to catch them in a vulnerable state?" She was crying, her chest heaving. Her makeup was all over the place and despite having just gone head to head with that asshole Ryan, she wasn't about to back down. Not even for the likes of me. My blood was still boiling, but long gone was the man who wanted to put Britney in her place. Now, all I could think of was ripping Ryan's throat out. Why? Not because I gave a shit about my reputation or what bullshit he would write. Instead, because of what he'd done to her. "You know my no phones policy. We did check him before I brought him back from the mainland. Obviously not well enough. I'm really sorry this happened to you," I said, doing my best to keep a lid on my anger. Surprising me once more, Britney threw her arms around me and gave me a tender, brief kiss. "This is what you want, right? You wanna fuck me?" She took my free hand and slid it between the torn pieces of fabric, guiding it up her thigh and around her waist. Of course, she was completely right. I did want to fuck her. I've been thinking of nothing else since the first night I met her. My brain told me that, just like last time, now simply wasn't ideal. I wasn't in the mood to listen though, passionate emotions coursing through me. Instead I let my dick dictate my actions as I grabbed onto her other thigh and lifted her. I pressed her up against the wall, grinding my crotch against hers. Leaning into her as hard as I could, brought my mouth down on hers hard just as she was about to let out a sound. My anger mixed with an urgent need to have her then and there. "That's right, fuck me. Fuck me like you would any random woman off the street," she said, egging me on. That foul mouth, her shameless, raw display of desire. She was exactly my type. It was going down just as I'd envisioned it. Hot, sweaty, dirty, sex. My tongue swirled and glided along hers, seeking out the depths of her mouth, craving her eager moans of satisfaction. I was rock hard by now. Nothing was going to stop me from having her. "Why shouldn't you want to fuck me? I'm the great Britney O'Prey," she cooed, in the same seductive tone she'd used to ask me to fuck her. My up until now roaming hands stilled on her hips and I did the last thing I thought I was capable of. I pulled back. Her face when Ryan asked about her sister flashed before my eyes, haunting me. I couldn't stop the words from coming out of my mouth. "Did you really sleep with your sister's boyfriend?" I asked. She unwrapped her legs from around my waist and dropped her feet on the ground. A thousand emotions played across her face as she looked up at me, before she finally pushed me away. I watched her open the door to her suite. She turned around and took the phone out of my hand. I didn't resist. Without looking up, she said, "Yes, yes I did." Then she turned on her heel, went in and shut the door.