

After graduation from college to his hometown- a small village. For the strock of luck, he accidentally got a mysterious jade ring and obtained the ancient inheritance. With it, his life change....for the better of worst, follow Bai Xiaobei's journey as a part of farmer and a part of something interesting...

dear_insanity · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

1 - Alteration of Honeysuckle Flower

As the sun rose, the bright morning glow illuminated the eastern horizon.

The morning breeze was gentle, and the honeysuckle covering the mountains was lightly swaying in the wind. A faint fragrance wafted into the distance, one that could be smelt from a few miles away in a small town.

"The morning clouds don't go out. I bet the weather isn't too good today." Bai Xiaobei who was holding a pair of scissors to cut a wilted flower muttered as he raised his head to look at the scarlet morning glow in the east.

He had graduated from university half a year ago, but due to various complicated reasons, Bai Xiaobei did not stay in the provincial capital to find a jobs. Instead, he returned to his old mountain village to farm.

His family had contracted a small hill, and the most important cash crop was trees of honeysuckle. Every morning, Bai Xiaobei would come to the mountain with his parents to take care of and pick the honeysuckle flowers. They would go back to their old house after three to four hours work and relaxing and enjoying his life quite comfortably.

This thousand honeysuckle tree had all lived for more than ten years, and their production was great, supporting the biggest source of income for their families.

"Xiaobei, put the fertilizer car over, it's going to change soon. I won't take the flowers off today, hurry back home." His father's voice came from the other side of the field.

"Alright, I understand. I'll be right there."

Bai Xiaobei responded as he put down the scissors and kept the honeysuckle flowers in the bamboo basket. At the same time, a black cloud started to gather in southeast sky. And the chilling wind started to blow, it was obvious that it was about to rain for any moment.

Bai Xiaobei anxiously ran over to the field and grabbed a tarpaulin, then suddenly stopped in front of a set of honeysuckle tree.

He discovered that one of the honeysuckle flowers tree was showing signs of withering. He let out a sigh looking at it.

One thousand and seventeen honeysuckle flowers trees were the results of five to six years of hard work from his parents care. Every single one of them was the lifeblood of his family. To die just like that was not a small loss at all.

The main stem of this honeysuckle was erect, with thick branches and a beautiful tree shape. Clearly, it was a top-grade honeysuckle that was weak and lifeless.

"How can this be?"

Bai Xiaobei hurriedly stepped forward, and after checking for awhile, he was still unable to find the reason. It was not lack of water, the honeysuckle itself was resistant to drought, and his family took care of it.

Bai Xiaobei shook the main stem of the flower tree gently, causing dried leaves to rustle down. It really made his heart ached seeing that.

Obviously, the flower tree was dead. There was no hope for it.

Letting out a sigh, he turned around and prepared to leave. But just at this moment, a Blossom Spot Venom Snake jumped out from the leaves of a nearby honeysuckle tree and attacked him. By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Venom Snake bit into his right index finger, sinking his venomous fangs deeply into his skin.

"I'm finished!" Bai Xiaobei's mind went blank, he was immediately scared silly.

He could often hear the news of the farmers being bitten by the venom snake. And his parents also often warned him to be careful in the fields, but Bai Xiaobei had never thought that such unfortunate thing would happen to him as of now.

After a full five seconds, Bai Xiaobei finally reacted. He forcefully threw the snake onto the ground, he angrily rushed forward and without thinking he stomped hard.

"How dare you bite me, I will stomped you into meat paste!" he shouted angrily at the snake and stomped it again and again until the snake cease it struggle.

"What should I do?! Am I going to die?! Oh my god, what should I do?!" Bai Xiaobei was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Venom snake was extremely poisonous, and if bitten by it, it wouldn't heal as time passes as a matter of course. If it didn't get treated quickly, he would get into coma and or even die.

"Right! Hurry up and extract the poisonous blood to prevent it from spreading, then wash it..." calming down, Bai Xiaobei used his left hand to grip onto his bitten right index finger tightly.

He watched as his blood flowing out. But at that moment, the emerald jade ring on his left hand suddenly glowed with a blinding green light.

Seeing that, Bai Xiaobei's eyes contracted and almost popped out as he stood foolishly while looking dumbstruck at his hands. At the ring on his finger exactly.

What was going on again???

In the middle of his dazed, a stream of mysterious information rushed into his mind like a passing light.

[Basic spell: Little Spirit Rain Spell]

After a moment of dizziness, Bai Xiaobei finally woke up. His face was filled with astonishment. He was both surprised and happy at the things that happened to him.

"Could it be that I obtained some sort of extraordinary immortal Inheritance?" His eyes narrowed at his hand again and found that the wound caused by the venom snake bite was absorbing the green light emitted by the jade ring.

And it was actually healing at a speed that visible to the naked eye.

In less than ten seconds, his finger had mysteriously returned to it's normal state. There was no sign of a being bitten and not even as a scratch on it. The green light on the ring had obviously consumed more than half it's energy and weakened.

"The poison has been healed?" he looked at his hand in wonder, spin it around to check it again and again.


"Xiaobei, why are you still standing there? Come ever here and help!"

His father, Bai Yu, had rushed over from the other side of the field when he saw that the fertilizer carriage was not properly covered.

"Alright, dad!" Bai Xiaobei restrained his excitement and replied quickly.

When venom snake had bitten him just now, he had thrown the tarpaulin onto the withered honeysuckle flower tree. As he was taking it, his hand had accidentally touched the withered branch.

The jade ring still had glimmer of right remaining as it sank into the tree. The branches of the originally withered and dead honeysuckle flower tree began to gradually turn green and it's withered leaves quickly falls off. However, there were still many green branches that were constantly being growing from the branches.

The body of the honeysuckle flowers tree was also continuously growing taller. Although it was slow, it was visible with the naked eyes.

Bai Xiaobei was nearly numb to the chain of 'miracles' that happened one after the other.

"Don't dilly-dally, it's raining heavily!" His mom shouted heard from not too far away.

Bai Xiaobei did not bother looking at the tree anymore, holding onto the tarpaulin, he ran towards the fertilizer carriage. He shook it open and together with his father, covered the fertilizer properly from the rain.

"Dad, have you ever seen the honeysuckle tree come back to life after it died?" He asked his father softly.

Bai Yu didn't even raised his head as replied, "If it dead, it dead. The honeysuckle flowers tree isn't weed, how can it stays alive?"

Then he frowned, "You saw that a tree that there was died yesterday, right? I was planning to dig it today, but because of the rain I would do it tomorrow."

Hearing his father said that, Bai Xiaobei just shrugged his shoulders. He would never dared to say anything of what just happened to the said tree.