

Aaron died on earth. After that he reincarnated in a unknown world with his newly created software. Follow Aaron's journey in this new world as he becomes the god of void. This is my first novel that I am trying to write and also English is not my mother tongue so if you saw any mistake comment. I will try to fix it. Put down some review. How it is or how to make it better.

Avijit_Debnath_3876 · ตะวันออก
2 Chs

Life on Earth

Year 2100,

Some where in a Building-

Ahhh fuck I can't fix this bug anymore. Hey don't think I am doing something that i shouldn't do. I am trying fix a bug in my newly created mobile software. Oh you don't know me. It's ok I am Aaron and i am in my lab trying to make a software with a advance A.I. In pretty grand scheme of things I live in this shabby room because I am poor.In this year many companies launch a new advance A.I that has some emotion but not completely human type.And I am 28 year old. I don't even know who was my parents. And I don't have a girlfriend. I alone live here in this room.

Ah it's 1' O clock at night and the rain didn't stop. I walk towards the window and saw the sky is pure dark and also thunder,rain continuously dropping.Then I check the freeze to see that I have nothing to eat. I walk towards the computer and copy the software in a nano chip then take my mobile and exit the room.

You thinking about where I am going. I am going to the convenience stores to buy some noddles. And don't sweat it's 24/7 open.

I was walking towards the store under my umbrella but

~~ a loud thunder sound ~~

thunder struck on me and my mind went blank.



after some time or some day or some year I don't know .

Now I can think and my mind is working but I can't feel my body not even my ear, eye, mouth nothing working.

Did someone sent me to hospital. what happened to me. Did I am in coma or something. I don't even have much money how I am gonna pay the hospital bills. Now I think about it the thunder struck my umbrella direct. I think i am dead and in hell. That would be it.

I don't know here time running or not. How much time passed I don't know. But suddenly I am hearing something -----

~~~Initializing software attachment to the soul~~~~


---------------Attachment complete-----------------

Software what loading attachment hey wait wait what is happening fuck.

~~~~~~Waiting for reincarnation~~~~~~

What reincarnation that can't be am I gonna reborn. I don't even know i died or not and now all this shit happening. I don't even where I am now and I am going to reborn.

Calm down Aaron.


Every thing went silent I can't hear anything now. The last thing I heard waiting for reincarnation. Do I need to wait for something to happen. Fuck what is happening with me.