

Aaron died on earth. After that he reincarnated in a unknown world with his newly created software. Follow Aaron's journey in this new world as he becomes the god of void. This is my first novel that I am trying to write and also English is not my mother tongue so if you saw any mistake comment. I will try to fix it. Put down some review. How it is or how to make it better.

Avijit_Debnath_3876 · ตะวันออก
2 Chs

Details about Cultivation

Hello readers, Author here, this will be my first novel if you see grammar or spelling mistake please comment down. I will try to fix it.

Cultivation Realms:-

Energy --

Body tempering realm

Vortex creation realm

Energy absorption realm

Core formation realm

Sea of energy realm

Mortal transcending realm

Supreme realm

Body --

Body tempering realm

Vortex creation realm

Meridian tempering realm

Energy & blood mixing realm

Heart tempering realm

Mortal transcending realm

Supreme realm

Every realm devided into four stages--

Beginner stage

Advance stage

Master stage

Peak stage

Skill Realms:-

1- star

2- star

3- star

4- star

5- star

6- star

7- star

Skill procifiency stages --

Beginner stage

Advance stage

Master stage

perfection stage

Transcending stage

Beast's Cultivation Realms:-

1- star

2- star

3- star

4- star

5- star

6- star

7- star

This Realms are equal to the energy cultivation realms.

Weapon Realms:--

1- star

2- star

3- star

4- star

5- star

6- star

7- star