
chapter2... prologue

In a Dark Void, a woman with long blue hair and purple eyes that seemed to glow was messing around with a Game console, trying to figure out how to play this game called 'Final Fantasy XV' since it seemed fun.

Just then a Blonde girl appeared in the void out of no where and looked around and laid eyes on the Bluenette woman tangled in a bunch of cords for a game console and a TV.

"You uh... need help?" she asked her, causing the Bluenette to violently turn towards her, she looks down before blushing, "Yes please..."

After about five minutes the Bluenette was playing the game and currently stabbing some scorpions to complete the first quest, the two in the void just chilled on the couch.

"So... where am I?" The blonde decided to ask while looking around, she couldn't spot anything other then the tv, console, couch and this woman.

"Ah, sorry, I got a bit caught up in this, allowing me to welcome you to the Void between worlds." She stares at the Bluenette before shrugging and eating some Pocky she got (from somewhere).

"Huh, so Void between worlds... what can be done in this place?" she asked, "Not a whole lot, I'm meant to send you to another world, but I'll be honest..."

"It's very lonely here..." The Blonde nods in understanding, it did seem pretty boring here.

"Hm... could you send me to this new world but somehow keep me connected here? so we can talk and hang out?" The Bluenette thinks for a moment before smiling and agreeing.

"Sure, I can do that, it may be painful though..." The Blonde just shrugs before an overwhelming pain covers her body.

After a couple minutes she is able to stand and see's something in front of her, it seemed to be a text box.

You've gained the Title [Ally of The Void].

Due to a Mixing of power, You've unlocked [The Gamer]


"Wat...?" She simply says while turning to the Bluenette, who looked surprised.

"That... Wasn't meant to happen..." she sighs before holding her hand out to shake, "Well, since you got the Gamer Ability I can tell you my name now, I'm Manus, Goddess of The In between and Magic." The Blonde shakes her hand while nodding, "Pleasure to meet you, Manus." she had a faint smile on her face.

"Well... I guess i can give you a quick tutorial on the Gamer Ability, and I'll even give you a reward at the end of it, how does that sound?" Manus stats before another panel appears in front of the Blonde.

Quest Start!

Tutorial: Manus' Teachings

BIO: You've died and gone to the Void in Between, and suddenly gained [The Gamer] ability, listen to Manus and learn about your new ability.

Objective 1: Pick Style of Gamer

Objective 2: ?

Objective 3: ?

Objective 4: ?

Objective 5: ?

Objective 6: ?

Bonus Objective: ?


Normal Reward: 500 EXP, 250 of new world's currency, skill book for Style of Gamer

Bonus Reward: 1,000 EXP, 250 of new world's currency, Three Skill book's of Gamer's choice



She presses the 'Y' button and looks at Manus, "How do I pick a 'Style of Gamer'?" Manus smiled before a menu popped up in front of The New Gamer.

Style of Gamer

Here you will have to choice how you want the gamer to act and react to the world around you, certain options will grant bonuses like double EXP, more stat points on level up, bonuses to certain skills, affinities, and much more!

EXP Requirement: [100 EXP x level to level up] - Grants no bonus

Type of Magic: [Normal] - Grants no Bonus

Reaction: [Normal] - Grants no Bonus

Damage type: [Heal bodily damage with HP] - Grants no Bonus

ID Type: [Normal] - Grant's No Bonus

She looks at the five options before her before going into the first one.

She changed it to be 1,000 EXP x level to level up, which gave a bonus of x2 stat points per level and a skill called 'Limit Break' which would allow her to break her limit on her stats for a short period of time.

She Selected Magecraft for her type of Magic, since it was the Type of Magic from the Nasuverse and she really liked all things from that, minus Gilgamesh, he can go suck Enkidu's dick... does Enkidu have a dick? doesn't matter...

Reaction was interesting, it was how often quest come up and when she'll gain skills from actions, making it more difficult gave more EXP but would make it harder to gain new skills through actions, on the other hand making them more common will half her EXP gain, so she decided to make it harder for herself since where is the fun in gaining a bunch of powers?

Damage type... she did nothing with it, she saw no need to as it worked fine before hand, and none of the options it gave were appealing.

ID Type was abit annoying, Normal was the whole ID Create and Escape skill like The Gamer Manwha had, There were two extra options, [No ID's, Monster's roam the land], and [ID Portal's].

The ID Portal's one was interesting, there'd be portal's only she could see and interact with, and stepping into them would take her to a Instant Dungeon to fight through and beat the boss, like normal RPG's where you can't create a Dungeon from nowhere (Stupid Jee-han).

The Appeal of that one was that it'd Double EXP gain, and if they multiplied off each other she'd get 4x EXP, if not and it Stack's it's still x3 EXP, which she didn't know if it applied to skills or not.

Which all the settings chosen, she glance at them one last time.

EXP Requirement: [1,000 EXP x level to level up] - x2 Stat points, Skill: [Limit Break]

Type of Magic: [Magecraft] - Gain Access to Nasuverse style of Magic

Reaction: [Less Often] - x2 EXP, Quest and Skill pop up's are less likely to appear

Damage type: [Heal bodily damage with HP] - Grants no Bonus

ID Type: [ID Portal's] - x2 EXP, Portal's leading to ID's form around the world Daily. (will tell you three closest ones)

Nodding to herself, she closes it before she gets a Notification get's a notification.

Objective 1: Pick Style of Gamer [Complete]

New Objective - Objective 2: Check out you're stats

She raises a brow before speaking, "Status." a panel appears in front of her

Name: ?

Level: 1 (0/1,000 EXP to next level)

Title: [Ally of The Void] - Permanent, [Free Slot]

Race: Human

HP: 100/100

HPR: 0 HP/m

MP: 0/0

MPR: 0MP/m

Magic Circuit: ?

Affinity(s): ?

Origin: ?

STR: 0

END: 0

AGI: 0



Points: 10

Money: $0

She looks at it, she was technically dead, but was still pretty insulted by the fact that all her stats were 0, so she decided to put some stats in.

STR: 3

END: 1

AGI: 2


LUK: 1

Looked good to her for level one.

She checked her HP and see it went up by 50 points, must be the Endurance stat she gained.

She Look's at Manus and spoke up, "Why are there so many question mark's on my status?"

She smiles at the Blonde before speaking, "Well, since you don't know those pieces of information, they are marked out until you do know them, and since you are being sent to a new world, you will be 'inserted' into it, giving you a new name and appearance, but they will namely stay the same."

The Blonde nods in understanding, while not happy she cant know her own information, she'd deal with it later.

Objective 2: Check out you're stats [Complete]

New Objective - Objective 3: Open your Skills

She closes her Stat page for now and open her Skills.

[Gamer's Mind - LVMAX - Passive]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect.

[Gamer's Body - LVMAX - Passive]

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

[Physical Endurance - LV6 7.20% - Passive]

The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken.

- 6% decrease in damage taken by Physical attacks.

[Limit Break - LV1 0.00% - Active]

Allows the body to surpass it's own limit for a short time to boost the user, but has backlash.

- 1% increase to one stat

- deals 10% HP to user for every minute in use

MP Cost: 100 MP to cast/10 MP per Minute to maintain

That last one... wasn't as good as She had hoped it would be... then again, if it was maxed out a 100% boost to a single stat can be incredibly useful...

That didn't even put the fact that it could be put onto more then one stat at higher levels!

And that skill, "Is that from the pain I went through to gain this?" a weak chuckle escaped Manus's mouth.

She sighs before closing it can starting the next objective.

Objective 3: Open your Skills [Complete]

New Objective - Objective 4: Check out your Inventory

She shrugs before opening her inventory, but a moment after she gets a notification.

Oh no! you don't seem to have any items, or even a weapon! Why don't we fix that?

Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker, Assassin

'Hmm... i guess this would be a starting class select? Well, going with a standard class to get a good base to work off of in combat... Saber would be a good one 'agile and powerful melee warriors armed with swords' She thinks before selecting it.

Rolling Random Sword.




Sword Rolled, placing in Inventory now

That was weird, well let's see this sword then.

[Cross-Calibur - Rank: A+/A++]

Cross-Calibur: Twin Black Dragon Sword of Promised Victory, The Noble Phantasm of Mysterious Heroine X Alter, it takes the form of The Normal Excalibur but with a faint red glow around it's blade.

Damage: 500~1,000

Type: Anti-Unit

Range: 1~99


Eh, it was probably just dumb luck, but at least she had a Noble Phantasm now, while not her own it was definitely going to be useful until such a time as she gets her own.

Objective 4: Check out your Inventory [Complete]

New Objective - Objective 5: Try out combat.

She pulls the Cross-Calibur from her inventory to her hand and gives it a good swing to test the weight of it, it was heavy, but she'd fix that with time by getting stronger.

She readies herself before a wolf seems to appear, and charges at her.

Wolf LV1

Wild Animal

And Slice, Dead... and No EXP.

"Oh, stupid me, the game hasn't really started yet, I'm still in the Tutorial..." she readies herself once more and sees four bear's charge at her, she dodges to the left and swings Cross-Calibur which cuts through it like butter, and carries the sword slice into another one before jumping back to avoid being hit.

She blocks an attack (Barely) and slices it down the middle, and suddenly her body felt a surge of energy.

her sword started to glow a brighter red before becoming a blade of energy, and out the other end of the handle another blade of energy, much like Darth Maul's Lightsaber...

Or MHX Alter's Noble Phantasm Activating...

A mass of energy flows out from her and she charges forward towards the last beast, "Cross...CALIBUR!" and swings with one true strike, a cross of energy forms and disintegrates the bear before the blade returned to normal.

Objective 5: Try out combat [Complete]

New Objective - Objective 6: Talk to Manus

Deciding to put the Sword away in her equip slot to use it quickly if needed, she turned to Manus and smiled slightly.

"You did a great job today, you even managed to activate a Noble Phantasm and your Magic Circuits, why don't you take a look?

She glances at a few notifications that seemed to have appeared.

Cross-Calibur has deemed you worthy to wield it, Noble Phantasm Stat unlocked (N.P: 5)

You have completed the Bonus Objective: Activate Magic Circuits without Manus's help

You have completed the Hidden Objective: Activate Noble Phantasm.


"Oh boy..."

"Yeah, you are about to get a serious power up..." Manus stats, confusing her, so Manus continues, "well, that EXP from the mission is the base scaled up to the 1,000 EXP needed, with your x4 EXP, with all objectives completed, is going to give you quite a few levels."

Tutorial: Manus' Teachings

BIO: You've died and gone to thew Void in Between, and suddenly gained [The Gamer] ability, listen to Manus and learn about your new ability.

Objective 1: Pick Style of Gamer

Objective 2: Check out your Stats

Objective 3: Open your Skills

Objective 4: Check our your Inventory

Objective 5: Try out Combat

Objective 6: Talk to Manus

Bonus Objective: Activate Magic Circuits without Manus's help

Hidden Objective: Activate Noble Phantasm


Normal Reward: 500 EXP, 250 of new world's currency, skill book for Style of Gamer

Bonus Reward: 1,000 EXP, 250 of new world's currency, Three Skill book's of Gamer's choice

Hidden Reward: 3,000 EXP, 750 of new world's currency, Title: [Wielder of Cross-Calibur]

Will you complete the Quest?





"Thats 4,500 EXP in total, right?"


"And times by four is 18,000 EXP, right?"


"So I will get 5 levels, with 3,000 EXP to spare, half way to level 7?"



"Fuck it." She hits the 'Y',

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

You've leveled up!

You have 50 Stat points to spend.


"Manus, what does the stat have to be to be E-Rank?"



"By the Root..."

"Yeah, it's kind of over powered..."

"no kidding..."

She decides to check her inventory, four books were in her inventory, one with a name and the other three named 'Blank Skill Book.'

she decided to grab the one that was named and look at it.

Would you like to use 'Determine Affinity and Origin'?


Just pressing 'Y' without caring.

Congratulations, You have determined your Affinities and Origins

Affnities: Sword, Energy

Origins: Sword, Energy

You've gained: Incarnation: Sword, and Incarnation: Energy


"Manus, do I give the blank ones to you for you to change them to the ones i want?"


She pulls the three books out of her inventory and hands them to Manus, "Just take them and give me Unlimited Blade works, and if possible a version for my Energy Incarnation" after a few flashes of light she takes the books backs and use them.

You have Learned [Unlimited Blade Works]

Due to Incarnation of Sword and Unlimited Blade Works existing inside of you, the skill's [Structural analysis], [Reinforcement], [Projection (Trace)] were given too you.

You have Learned [Unlimited Void World]

Due to Incarnation of Energy and Unlimited Void World existing inside of you, the skill's [Energy Perception], [Energy Empowerment], and [Energy Creation] were given too you.

She smirked slightly this before deciding to check her stats and using the 50 points she had while also looking at her Magic Circuits.

Name: ?

Level: 6 (3,000/6,000 EXP to next level)

Title: [Ally of The Void] - Permanent, [Wielder of Cross-Calibur] - Permanent

Race: Human

HP: 1,100/1,100

HPR: 11 HP/m

MP: 740/740

MPR: 150 MP/m

Magic Circuit: 370 (E Rank)

Affinities: Sword, Energy

Origins: Sword, Energy

STR: 15

END: 10

AGI: 20

MANA: 15

LUK: 5

N.P: 5

Points: 0

Money: $1,250

She looks confused and taps onto her Magic Circuits, wondering why they were so bad in quality...

Magic Circuits are a pseudo-nervous system that spreads itself through the human body and what qualifies a person to be a magus Their normal functions are to act as paths that convert life force into magical energy, but humans learned how to control it and use it to perform mysteries.


E Rank: Magic Circuits x2 = Total MP

D Rank: Magic Circuits x4.5 = Total MP

C Rank: Magic Circuits x7.5 = Total MP

B Rank: Magic Circuits x10 = Total MP

A Rank: Magic Circuits x14 = Total MP

A+ Rank: Magic Circuits x18 = Total MP

A++ Rank: Magic Circuits x24 = Total MP

EX Rank: Magic Circuits x40 = Total MP

"Ah... That explains that... probably to make it so i have to train in order to do the bigger stuff..." she says uncaringly, before her vision fades to white...

Next time on Fate of a Gamer

"I'm burning this place to the ground before I leave..."

"I See you have made it to my lair Human."

"Huh... so that's what it feels like to Forc- Whoa!"


Name: ?

Level: 6 (3,000/6,000 EXP to next level)

Title: [Ally of The Void] - Permanent, [Wielder of Cross-Calibur] - Permanent

Race: Human

HP: 1,100/1,100

HPR: 11 HP/m

MP: 740/740

MPR: 150 MP/m

Magic Circuit: 370 (E Rank)

Affinities: Sword, Energy

Origins: Sword, Energy

STR: 15

END: 10

AGI: 20

MANA: 15

LUK: 5

N.P: 5

Points: 0

Money: $1,250


[Cross-Calibur - Rank: A+/A++]

Cross-Calibur: Twin Black Dragon Sword of Promised Victory, The Noble Phantasm of Mysterious Heroine X Alter, it takes the form of The Normal Excalibur but with a faint red glow around it's blade.

Damage: 500~1,000

Type: Anti-Unit

Range: 1~99


[Gamer's Mind - LVMAX - Passive]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological mass effect

[Gamer's Body - LVMAX - Passive]

Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects

[Incarnation: Sword - LVMAX - Passive]

Due to your Affinity and Origin of Sword, you excel in every aspect of the blade.

- +1,000% Learning Speed of Sword Based Skill

- +500 Effectiveness of Sword Based Skills

[Incarnation: Energy - LVMAX - Passive]

Due to your Affinity and Origin of Energy, you excel in every aspect of Energy itself.

- +1,000% Learning Speed of Energy Based Skills

- +500 Effectiveness of Energy Based Skills

[Physical Endurance - LV6 7.20% - Passive]

The body's durability increases, allowing for less damage taken.

- 6% decrease in damage taken by Physical attacks

[Limit Break - LV1 0.00% - Active]

Allows the body to surpass it's own limit for a short time to boost the user, but has backlash.

- 1% increase to one stat

- deals 10% HP to user for every minute in use

MP Cost: 100 MP to cast/10 MP per Minute to maintain

[Unlimited Blade Works - LV1 0.00% - Reality Marble]

The Reality Marble of Shirou Emiya and the Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit EMIYA and his Fate/Extra counterpart, and now it belongs to you.

- Reality Marble pulls in those in combat with the user

- User can store up to 5 Blades

- User can't activate Unlimited Blade Works Reality Marble until skill level [?]

Cost: 500 MP per Minute

[Structural analysis - LV1 0.00% - Passive/Active]

The First skill any Magus will learn, as it is the one you can't blow yourself up with, simple, right?

- Takes 10 seconds to fully analyse something if touching

- Impossible to analyse something with sight at this level

Cost: 50 MP per Analysis

[Reinforcement - LV1 0.00% - Active]

A Skill that strengthens the the existence of an object, be it a blade, a building, or even air if you have a grasp of it.

- +10% sharpness to bladed weapons

- +5% Durability to items

- +2% to strength of object

Cost: 200 MP per Minute

[Projection (Trace) - LV1 0.00% - Active]

Due to your Incarnation of Sword, you are able to Use Projection to equal the level of the real deal, is easier to trace blades, but other objects are harder.

- +10% effectiveness of Tracing Bladed Weapons

- +1% effectiveness of Tracing non-Bladed Weapons

Cost: 250 MP per Trace, 25 MP/m to maintain

[Unlimited Void World - LV1 0.00% - Reality Marble]

The Specialised Reality Marble that belongs to ?, due to the nature of it not much is known about it.

- Copies [?] into the Reality Marble

- Drags those within a 10 m radius into the Reality Marble

- Reality Marble cancels all Magic minus the user's

- User can't activate Unlimited Void World Reality Marble until skill level [?]

Cost: 750 MP per minute

[Energy Perception - LV1 0.00% - Passive]

A Skill that allows you to mimic types of energies you see or come into contact with

Types of Energies Mimicked: None

- Chance to Mimic Energy on contact: 50%

- Chance to Mimic Energy on sight: 5%

[Energy Empowerment - LV1 0.00% - Active]

Allows one to strengthen a type of Energy they can mimic.

- +10% Power to Energy

- +2% Effectiveness of Energy Type

Cost: 50 MP per minute

[Energy Creation - LV1 0.00% - Active]

Allows you to produce Mimicked types of energies from your body

- can produce 1-10 units of types of energy

- cannot select where energy comes from

Cost: [Varies] MP cos