
Cultivation System Maker

The System, the mysterious entity via which a number of powerful beings have risen across the multiverse. Kalum is one such being who has gained the ability to create his own System's. Kalum will shake the foundation of the Cultivation world by empowering himself, his disciples and even his enemies with the power of the System. Follow Kalum's life as he struggles against this unforgiving heartless universe.

WarlockVal · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Castella Rivers

Searching for shelter in this forsaken forest was difficult. Searching for shelter while also carrying another person in a princess carry was significantly harder. Kalum was unable to utilize the treetops while carrying another and had to resort to surface travel. The frozen grass and snow was not the optimal ground to travel on.

Fortunately it did not take long to find another cave, the favoured form of shelter in this forest. It was fortunate that many animals that had been slain each had their own safe havens to rest in. The forest was full of used and vacant dens. As luck would have it, the one ahead of Kalum was the latter.

Kalum laid the girl down on a recovered blanket, the best he could offer in this situation. He applied some healing salve on her wounds and bruises to ensure a speedy recovery, his haul from liberating the destroyed goods was sufficient for this much at least. The girl deserved it either way.

After ensuring that she would make a healthy recovery soon, Kalum inspected the loot he had gained.

First of all was the sword, an impressive weapon that was certainly better than his dagger. After an hour of fruitless study he shrugged. The weapon would need to be taken to a professional to appraise.

Most of the other things he had gained were worthless. A few basic weapons for the 1st and 2nd Qi Gathering realm, nothing that will help Kalum other than resale value. He was sure that this was a supply caravan to one of the sects nearby.

A chubby man that had his body littered with more wounds then the others carried the caravan's registration. An official document documenting their wares and companions. Kalum let a small tear fall out of his eyes at the sheer amount of goods that were destroyed by the powerful flames.

He flipped through the list to the passenger registry section and found the description and identity of the girl he had cared for. Apparently, she was the disciple of one of the other passengers. A fellow wandering cultivator that had perished in the fighting. Her name was Castella Rivers. Castella and her master had simply agreed to protect the caravan in exchange for travel to the Yellow Flower Sect. Why they were going was not written so he had no choice but to talk with Castella herself.

That brought up the subject of what to do with the beautiful young girl. He had removed her robe in order to treat her better and it revealed a beautiful teenager, most probably around fifteen herself. Kalum was sixteen but looked slightly older, she on the other hand looked exactly her age.

"What to do with you?" Kalum muttered.

He couldn't just leave her here, even if the cultivation world was terribly harsh and cruel he had not been initially raised on this planet. He still had some form of mercy left in him to share.

He spent a few hours contemplating on what to do with her. Escort her to the sect as intended? Sell her as a slave? Take her as a slave himself? All these questions and more floated around in mind as he debated what to do. Until finally, he had a wonderful idea.

"I wanted a disciple anyway, didn't I?" Kalum spoke excitedly.

He could always make her his disciple. That solved his own problem and hers. She would have someone to provide for her and he would have a disciple he could use as a test dummy for a new system.

"Cultivation System Maker, are you there?" Kalum asked mentally.

[I am Host, what would you like?] The System replied simply

"Do I need the recipient of the System to be willing?" Kalum asked.

[No Host, anyone that you can see is a valid recipient of any form of system] It replied.

That made things simple. Did he give it to her now or get to know her first? What kind of system did he give to her?

"Can I revoke a System from another?" Kalum asked.

[Host can revoke any System he has given out.]

In the end, Kalum had decided to impart onto her a system now, he was stronger and faster then her. In the worst case scenario he could execute her to stop the System from being public knowledge.

"I would like to create a System!" Kalum mentally ordered the Cultivation System Maker.

[What kind of System would you like to make Host?]

"I would like to design a System that lets me give missions to my new disciple Castella!" Kalum firmly stated, his decision already thoroughly thought out.

[Understood Host! Mission System options for your disciple are listed below!]

[Random Mission System, allows Host to give general outlines of a mission to assign the Disciple. Can only assign one mission a day. Rewards are completely random but variable to System rating.]

[Tailored Mission System, allows Host to give a specific mission and even customize the mission description. Can be used as many times as host wishes. Rewards are variable to System Rating.]

That was a no brainer. Letting him have complete control and still get rewards? Granted, only Castella would get stronger form this method but if she became loyal to him then her strength was his strength.

"I would like to choose the Tailored Mission System Template!" He told the Cultivation System Maker.

[Very well Host! Please choose a System rating.]

He knew that the only real option for the free system was the Earth grade rating.

"Earth Grade System." Kalum ordered.

He finalized the system creation by giving it a name. Considering that Castella would be able to view the name he gave, Kalum settled on the Mysterious Master's Missions. It was unlikely that anyone from this world would know what a system was, so marketing it as missions given by a mysterious powerful master was an amazing idea.

Well, it would be an amazing idea if he hadn't overlooked a tiny detail. Kalum was still in the Qi Gathering Realm and did not have anywhere near the qualifications to call himself powerful, let alone a master.

Then it hit him like a freight train. Why did he have to reveal himself to her? He could simply communicate with her through the missions he assigned her! He would then be able to track her progress and act like a mysterious Master.

Kalum smiled at his genius before mentally bringing up the menu for Castella's System. He had work to do.

And missions to create.