
Cultivation System Maker

The System, the mysterious entity via which a number of powerful beings have risen across the multiverse. Kalum is one such being who has gained the ability to create his own System's. Kalum will shake the foundation of the Cultivation world by empowering himself, his disciples and even his enemies with the power of the System. Follow Kalum's life as he struggles against this unforgiving heartless universe.

WarlockVal · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Beast Hunting System Profit

The entire forest was deathly silent as Kalum trekked through the dangerous land under the cover of his Four Moon Darkness Cloak technique. A technique that allowed him to blend into the shadows, making it harder to sense him at longer distances.

So far his luck had been poor, no Demon Beasts in sight and only a few measly rabbits to keep his adventure company.

"I already wish that I went for the Mission System." Kalum sighed.

Dancing between the trees, eventually Kalum managed to spot a Qi Devouring Bear. Quite low on the scale of Demon Beasts and rather common, they were the death of many foolhardy individuals who toyed with their prey. Each strike of the Qi Devouring Bear would not only cause immense harm to the body, but would also take a large portion of Qi from the cultivator preventing them from using techniques. This ability was useless against anyone above the Core Creation Realm, but the craft bears ran and hid from such foes if they could.

Kalum stalked the bear until it came to drink in a nearby pond. Once he was certain that it was drinking he snuck up on the bear and jumped on the beasts back. Kalum instantly repeatedly stabbed his Three Fold Frost Knife into the neck of the bear with small burst's of Qi to cause as much damage as possible.

The bear let out a monstrous cry of pain before it threw Kalum off it's back and attempted to take a bite out of the young cultivator.

Seeing the bears attacking coming and knowing that it was inflicted with the Knifes Frost Qi ability, Kalum simply wove around the Bear like a dancer waiting for the Bear to exhaust itself. This was the safest way to deal with such a foe.

After an hour the bear finally looked worn out. Kalum finally went for the kill, going for small stabs all over the body of the beast repeatedly while keeping distance after each one. A true death by a thousand cuts.

Letting out a final mournful cry, the Qi Devouring Bear finally succumbed to it's brutal injuries.

[The Host has kill it's first Demon Beast, The Qi Devouring Bear at the Third Qi Gathering Realm, with the Beast Hunting System installed! A ten times multiplier has been added to the reward.]

[Host has obtained one 2nd Core Creation Realm Frost Serpent Core.]

[As this is the first time Host has got a reward from the System, please note that once you redeem your prize from the System space it cannot be placed back within.]

"WHAT!? Core Creation Realm?!" Kalum unwillingly shouted. Fortunately there was no one nearby that could hear him, all other signs of life disappeared during the battle with the Qi Devouring Bear.

Anything in the Core Creation Realm or above was normally only kept within the more powerful sects! Not only did they buy them up on the market whenever they appeared, they were the only ones capable of even gaining them other then a few exceptionally wandering cultivators.

"Frost Serpent?" Kalum muttered as he tried to wrack his brain to find more information on the creature. Unfortunately the Beast Hunting System only provided the core of the beast so he could not identify it. Although he did not get the actual beast itself this did not actually harm the overall profit much, the core was simply too valuable.

Demon Beast Cores had a wide variety of uses, from simply absorbing the Qi inside to cultivate to creating new pills or potions. It was even said that Demon Beast cores could be used in formations or blacksmithing.

The Core that Kalum has obtained was so rare in this area that he simply did not know it's worth. After he hunted and cultivated here for a month or two he would make the long trip to one of the more important fortress cities nearby to sell them. Hopefully he would have enough wealth to attend an auction house.

After his excitement died down Kalum harvested the core of the Qi Devouring Bear. He then decided to keep hunting to maximise his profits and see what new treasures he could obtain from this expedition.

Kalum then began his hunt once again, keeping a careful distance from the centre of the frosty forest. The area marked by the midnight black trees that looked they had been tortured for thousands of years.

It did not take long for his next target to be found. A small Yellow Fanged Fox, a Demon Beast that was at some point mixed in with snake blood and became a pest in many areas. These Demon Beasts would travel in packs, therefore it quickly became apparent that this was a lure, although not for him. The Yellow Fanged Fox would travel in packs of five with an Alpha, for whatever reason their pack size never went above this number, but the opposite was not true.

After taking a moment he found the other four Yellow Fanged Foxes scattered nearby, the Alpha nowhere to be seen.

Deciding to take the risk, Kalum went for the kill on the closest Fox, the beast only being 2nd Qi Gathering Realm it was instantly slain by this surprise strike.

[Host has killed a 2nd Qi Gathering Realm Beast, The Yellow Fanged Fox. 3 times multiplier has been added. Host has received a 3rd Qi Soaring Realm Sandborne Frog Demon Beast Core.]

Putting the notification to the back of his mind and disabling notifications for now, Kalum went for the other Yellow Fanged Foxes and dispatched them all swiftly with practiced technique, only suffering a small bite for his troubles that was easily healed when he next cultivated as it was but a simple flesh wound. Kalum then turned his notifications off.

[Host has killed four Yellow Fanged Foxes within 10 minutes. Would host like to combine the prize for the chance of a higher multiplier or take the individual prizes?]

There was a combining feature? This must be because he turned off notifications and the Beast Hunting System was simply avoiding spamming his poor vision with notifications. Deciding to be adventurous, Kalum took the risk and activated the combination feature.

"Beast Hunting System, combine prizes!" Kalum ordered.

[Host has combined four Yellow Fanged Foxes prize rewards and gained one 9th Qi Soaring Realm, Orange Fanged Quick-Fox Demon Beast Core.]

"Amazing." He whispered silently into the night.

However, before he could celebrate his gains he sensed something heading towards him at high speeds.

He was no longer alone.