
Cultivation Online

Yuan was born with an incurable illness that left him blind at a young age and crippled a few years later, rendering everything below his head useless. Deemed hopeless and irredeemable, his parents quickly gave up on him, and the world ignored him. In this dark and still world, his younger sister became his sole reason for living. Watch as this young man reaches for the apex as a genius in Cultivation Online, the newest VRMMORPG, becoming a legendary figure in both worlds. --------------------- My other novels: Dual Cultivation

MyLittleBrother · เกม
1588 Chs

Raging Serpent

"The reward for serving as our bodyguard is 10 million gold coins, but I'll personally add another 10 million just for you, Senior Brother!" Huang Xiao Li expressed her earnest desire for Tian Yang's company.

Regrettably, Tian Yang gently shook his head and spoke in a tone tinged with apology, "As alluring as your offer is, my time outside the sect is constrained. I have intentions to venture deep into the heart of the continent, and thus, I must respectfully decline."

"Ah… is that so…" Huang Xiao Li immediately looked disappointed by the refusal.

However, she quickly recovered, "It's okay, I perfectly understand your situation. I was being inconsiderate with my offer just now, and I apologize for it."

"No, it's fine." Tian Yang smiled.

Sometime later.

"The ship to the Desolate Continent will depart soon, we should start making our way there." Huang Chen said after noticing the time.