
Cultivation God -My Harem

[Mature Content +18] «Support book with your power stone» Given a second chance by been transmigrated into a different universe; one which his every dream could be accomplished there, with a system. Nate adventures and struggles in every way possible to get strong and protect those he cared for in this new world. Driven by the desire for more power, he puts himself in every life and death battle just to improve himself.... toughening his will and challenging destiny. «Quest received» [Defeat the enemy] [Difficulty: hard] [Reward: lv 10 magic abilities, level up +2] A young man who was slaying his enemies, causing massacre on the battleground heard the sound. Lifting his head, he stared at the distant figure. “What the......”, opening the mouth wide, he stared at the creature moving in his direction.“I’m doomed...” he said, but not losing his will. Standing on the battlefield, Nates black cloak was covered in blood with cuts all over,his blue eyes expressing helplessness and exhaustion with his long black hair fluttering through the wind waves adding to his handsome charming features, he was like a devil from the abyss. ~~~~~~ >Will his adventure to become the strongest duo cultivator in the new universe be accomplished, with the soo many challenges he faces??..... or will there be someone or something to stop him from doing so??? Join the the adventure......

BAKumi · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

18: A walk in the park (1)

The clouds in the sky were gloomy, the Square of Skyfall City was in silent. The always noisy and crowded Square, which used to brim with the laughter and voices of people was now desolate. The fear of being secretly attacked or targeted by the humanoids who were no lurking in their kingdom in disguise.

The Square is the only place in the Capital, where all negotiations and majority of the trades take place, but due to the recent attack that occurred, many were now afraid of going out and meeting their demise. They would rather stay home and spend time with their children.

"What's going on here....." Nate had been walking through the Square but hadn't seen a single soul around. "How come the Square is this desolate??... is something special going on in this City".

Nate not been the guy to hang out much outside in his previous life, hadn't gotten acquainted to doing so in this world too. After his departure from the mountains, he had gone straight home without getting much attention from the peoples at the Square but he had made up his mind to have a stroll today and learn more about the world he was going to strive in. During his stay indoors, he had recovered much of the past Nate's memories, but some were messy that he couldn't absorb all. The past Nate, after the death of his mother became a cuckhold bastard who didn't have any aim, all he even wanted was to take revenge, —What the f**k, who wishes to take revenge but not train for it. Where have you heard something like before..?,. Weak but wants revenge.

"I can't even find a damn soul to ask.." stopping by a large building, he raised his head seeing the word 'Artifacts Shop' drawn boldly on the walls of the building. He felt like walking into the room somewhere but as he took a step, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching him. Not thinking much to it, he knew he had now gotten someone to inquire from so he decided to wait for the individual to approach and have a conversation with.

"This world is full of mysteries....haah, " He sighed, knowing well that one day he will get into the same situation as the one that happened, he now wants to train and breakthrough any cultivation barriers. Thinking about training,Maria's image popped into his head.

"Can believe I said those words" He sigh turning his head to face the direction of the footsteps as the sound was no loud. Focusing, he could see a tall bulky man,his beard unshaved an his clothes very peculiar.

Nate frowned at the sight of the man, he held his nose as if he was suffocating.

"Why does this man smells like that,..... is he one of the fishermen who worked at the south sea?" His thoughts were running wild. He couldn't think about what could be the cause of such odor.

The man on the other hand had a smile on his face, the type of smile that's makes one seem as if he was a prey waiting to be stuffed up.

"Can't beli..eve I foun..d ano..ther pitif...ul creatuRe!!" He said in a whispered sarcastically, not able to get the words out. His clothes were ragged.

"Mister, Come over here", thinking he was a beggar, Nate invited him over to ask him if he knew anything. In fact which people are best at selling information beside brokers, It's beggars!!.


He kept staring at Mate from the distance he had been, noting taking a step further. His eyes changing from white to black consistently.

From the location Nate was, he couldn't detect the changes in the eyes, all he could see was a beggar in ragged clothes. His old memories from his world started reorganizing, he started to remember how the government had taken over his properties that his parents had left behind then a drop of tear fell from his eyes.

"What the .....", he touched his face feeling something watery at the place. Opening his pouch, he took a rag and wiped his the tears off, then took 2 gold coins signaling for the man to come forward.

The man, taking notice of this started to walk, his step like that of a toddler.

"Haha....haha... another foolish creature. This's not enough for me to breakthrough. I have to get more before they get notice what is going on." He licked his lips.

"Father ! Father !, A beautiful girl was running, holding her long dress up. Her beautiful and delicate features made it alluring when she takes a step. Her black hair was messy, her face seemed dull and it was as if she was in a hurry. Having searched many places for the whereabouts of his father and not finding him couldn't settle her heart.

"Sar, have you seen my father"Meeting one of his father's personal guards, she asked.

The guard, whose name was Sar,turned to Maria and bowed.

"Miss, Your father is at the underground dungeon right now" He answered.

"When will he come up??" Not holding it in, she asked. She wanted to talk to him.

She didn't linger there any long as she rushed towards the underground dungeon. It was a place where her father kept the most troublesome and powerful foes of the kingdom.

"Young Miss" An old man called out. He stood before the cave entrance to the underground place. His very powerful aura was very sharp, surrounding his body making it seem he was in battle against gods.

"Greetings, Uncle Goda." She bowed, giving her respect to him. The man In front of her was like a second father to her. Her had taken care of her and walked her when she was a little child, the deep admiration she had for this man was very sincere.

"Maria dear, why are you in a rush?" He gazes at her trying to find the problem."The energies here are a little chaotic today. We had some of our men search the outskirts of the south...,hump!!!,and judging by their activities, it seems they are lurking within our kingdom." His voice was distressed, taking breaks in between words.

"WHERE...!!" Maria asked, her expression changing dramatically.

"What dear, you mean you didn't hear me"

Maria broke down, drops of tears falling from her eyes,–South outskirt,the sound kept ringing in her head. That's where Nate is. Her heart started to ache, feeling the beating rates slow down. There was nothing she could do, and Nate too is a weakling who wouldn't even stand a chance against their lowest rank. What about now that he was surrounded by a bunch of them.

The feeling of losing a flower that has started has a bud to bees was the one thing that pained her heart.

"What's wrong dear...it seems you don't look too good, go take a nap and by the time you will be awake, everything will be fin.

"Uncle, can you do me a favor." She got up from the hard ground, wiping the tears and regaining a little of her composure, she asked, her voice pleading.

"What's it dear, speak up." He signaled for her to continue.

"There's a friend of mine who stays at the southern outskirts, I was hoping if you could help me get him here safely", slowing her words, she requested with a watery eyes.

"Huh, is it that Earls son?" He questioned.

Maria nodded, fidgeting not knowing if he will agree to it.

Watching her closely, He took in all of her reactions then sighed, "It's tough Maria dear, but for you I would do anything for you" with a smile on his face, he called for a guard and ordered him to go with a team and report back too.

"Thank you, Uncle" with a bright smile , she thanked then left the place as Sar had told her not linger there.


"Why is He walking like that." Nate questioned. Staring at the man as he got closer and closer, a sudden urge kept looming over him. Then suddenly a sound he hadn't heard for a long time rang out.


[Quest received— Defeat the Enemy]

[Rewards: 400 Exp, 15 Sp, unknown system]

Not understanding what's going on, he kept staring at the screen.

"OO MY GOD!! an enemy?? but he's a motherf*cking Human" He questioned the system thinking he could get an answer straight away but all he got was a silent reply.

"Hah, dumbo I forgot about this."

"Inspection skill"

[Name: Grimbough ]

[Race: Humanoid ]

[Cultivation Level: ???? ]

[Weakness: ???? ]

The moment the information appeared, his face became sullen, with the past Nate not encountering any humanoid before, he didn't have any particular details for identifying them.

The man seeing the new expression on Nate's face, he knew something must have happened. The gruesome smile on his face disappeared that instant.

"You got me" He shouted in the human language again, but this time Nate found it weird understanding how he could understand, but he jerked that aside. The situation in front of him was a big ordeal.

"His level appears blank...,HUH. How can I fight when I don't even know how to do it." He started thinking of ideas since in his world he liked watching movies and this things always happens within.

"Hahaha, why am I even feeling frightened. This should be a walk in a park for me." Laughing he confronted him with words.

"You Creatures thing you are that tough right, today!! I will show you how hard my life had been." Stretching his hands, he picked a dagger that had been laying on a table not far from him. Since the Square was empty, he had to make up for it.

The Man suddenly laughed,"You!! A low blood creature dare call me a creature.". Then his body started to transform from the appearance of a bulky man to that of a dark gruesome beast like man. His sharp teeth making his appearance very devilish.

"This....I don't think you can scare me anymore. Prepare to dieeeee."

With a dagger in hand, he pointed it towards the transformed Creature, signaling for him to attack first.

An all life changing battle was about to happen, staring at the distance figure, he couldn't sense any energy from him, so what is he basing on....

He charged at him, transforming a long dark sword from his hands, preparing to see what the little creature has that he keeps bragging of....


Thank you to all the readers supporting my book, seeing it encourages me to work hard and write the best....

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