
Cultivation God -My Harem

[Mature Content +18] «Support book with your power stone» Given a second chance by been transmigrated into a different universe; one which his every dream could be accomplished there, with a system. Nate adventures and struggles in every way possible to get strong and protect those he cared for in this new world. Driven by the desire for more power, he puts himself in every life and death battle just to improve himself.... toughening his will and challenging destiny. «Quest received» [Defeat the enemy] [Difficulty: hard] [Reward: lv 10 magic abilities, level up +2] A young man who was slaying his enemies, causing massacre on the battleground heard the sound. Lifting his head, he stared at the distant figure. “What the......”, opening the mouth wide, he stared at the creature moving in his direction.“I’m doomed...” he said, but not losing his will. Standing on the battlefield, Nates black cloak was covered in blood with cuts all over,his blue eyes expressing helplessness and exhaustion with his long black hair fluttering through the wind waves adding to his handsome charming features, he was like a devil from the abyss. ~~~~~~ >Will his adventure to become the strongest duo cultivator in the new universe be accomplished, with the soo many challenges he faces??..... or will there be someone or something to stop him from doing so??? Join the the adventure......

BAKumi · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

1: I FAILED!!![The end is the beginning]

In the heart of a bustling city, a perfect scene unfolded amidst a crowd that teemed with life and energy. The pulsating rhythm of footsteps merged with the symphony of voices, creating a vibrant cacophony that reverberated through the air. Towering skyscrapers formed a majestic backdrop, their mirrored surfaces reflecting the kaleidoscope of lights that adorned the cityscape. Neon signs flickered and glowed, casting an enchanting glow upon the sea of people navigating the bustling streets.

The scent of diverse cuisines filled the air, mingling with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the irresistible waft of warm pastries. Street vendors dotted the sidewalks, their vibrant stalls showcasing an array of mouthwatering delicacies, tempting passersby with their delectable offerings, a young man stood there.

As he stood there, his mind churned with a whirlwind of emotions. Frustration, disappointment, and a profound sense of hopelessness weighed heavily upon him. It seemed as though doors were continuously slamming shut, leaving no room for opportunity.

Held in his hands was a resume letter, and written on it was a bold italic 'Rejection Letter'. The rejection letter had crushed his spirit and extinguished the flickering flame of optimism he had managed to hold onto. He had lost count of the countless resume's he had written.

He glanced at his worn-out resume clutched tightly in his hands. Each word and achievement now seemed utterly meaningless. A lifetime of dreams and aspirations had been condensed into a piece of paper that failed to impress even the most modest employers. He wondered if he was simply not good enough, if his dreams were unattainable fantasies. In High School, he was a genius, a prodigy but now he seems like a tree without a bark.

He took his phone and dialed some numbers before tapping on the call button.

"Hello! This's Nate Cowell speaking, May I know who you are??." His disheartened and vague emotions made his voice sober.

"Mr. Nate, I am Derick, Mr. Vall's assistant." The person on the the phone announced.

"Sir, please can't you do anything to help me. I can....

"Cut the crab, you know I'm not part of the board, so what do you want me to do, I'm busy.....sorry, hanging up now." The voice said furiously, as if someone had stepped on his toes.

"Sir....Sir....—before he could finish, the call was hanged up at the other side.

He walked the streets to home, sad and not in the mood to notice the beautiful scene outside.

"Ahhhh", he broke down into tears. He had been having the assumption of getting the job so that he could go to school again and graduate with flying colors.

After the death of his parents 14 years ago, the non governmental organization had been taking care of him till he graduated from High school last three months. All the wealth and riches his parents left him were all seized with the excuse of them owing a huge debt to a loan company. This incidents all happened 13 years ago when he was just a child.

" I have to get fresh air." getting up, his stomach grumbled. He had been doing some labour works which earned him some pennies to survive for the past five months after turning 18, but now that he had quite that job and now was rejected too, he felt like a plaything to the world.


"It feels so good outside" Nate whispered, trying to calm his mind. He remembered, when he was a little child his parents used to tour with him and now, here he was.....alone, not even getting a job to support him.

"Was I a mistake to this world....?", serious thoughts pulled him out of the his emotional rollercoaster. He had doubts.....doubts that he was created for this world. The doubts that makes one soul transgress through all space cracks to settle down and cool.

"If I ever was born again....." he schooled his head,"it shouldn't be like this. Huh....forget it how can one be reborn in this world except been reborn by Divination.". The thought of this brought a smile on his face, he was once a believer, but after his 15th rejection, he stoped been a believer.

His parents were one of a kind, having teach him principles at such a young age had helped him to live by rules by now.

He had made up his mind to visit some places today to relieve his stress and all the emotional rollercoasters he was going through.

Getting off the bench, he departed from the park, visiting places that he had visited with his parents when they were alive.

"It as an honor, Mother.....Father. Bringing me to this world and caring for me. I know you guys are watching me, but things are really hard. Please show me a way", tears streamed down his handsome face.

"Hmm?? tears?" with his sleeve, he wiped it from his face. In front of the mirror, his reflected image was clear as his struggles in life.

Nate has an average build, a yellow eyes and what makes him handsome was his buzz cut.

Seeing that the clouds were getting dark as the time goes on, he knew it was getting to and he had to reach home before it gets darker. Walking home, the street lights shone brightly emanating the side walks, he was engrossed on his phone, typing and texting, not focusing on the paths he took. Rushing to cross the road to the other side, an over speeding car knocked him down.

The vehicle was going way too fast as the driver tried to horn his way through the traffic, but Nate was already immersed in his phone and abruptly


*ta ta*

He feel to the ground, blood dripping out from him. The driver, seeing the situation hurriedly drove his car away without taking precautions.

Not dead and lying down in the center of the road, many people rushed to his location and started to treat him with many taking out their phones to morale calls.

"I FAILED, I AM AAA FAAILUURE AA!!." Blood kept dripping from his mouth, his bones fractured and his tendons stressed.

"I failed in my goals."

"Fuck, I didn't even have a proper death," he thought as his life began to dwindle, feeling his eyes heavy. It was like he wanted to take a nap.

"Somebody should call for an ambulance!!," yelled a woman, rushing toward the body of Nate.

"It's on its way," A middle aged man said as he finished talking on his phone."It should be here in 30 minutes."

Thinking he was taking a nap, Nate could hear the voice of a person calling him, but he was too lazy to reply than even open his heavy eyes.

"Who's that, can't you see I am taking a nap??" He queried the being.

The being didn't look the bit disturb or wronged, with a flick of his finger Nate woke up from his daydreaming.

"Who are you!??". Not recognizing the place he was, he asked again.

"Nate Cowell, lived a life full of misery..." replied the Being. He told Nate everything that had happen to him in his life in a summary.

"How.....how do you know so much about me??"

"It doesn't matter....but this matters." Not talking much, he flicked a light glow cube to him."If you want a Second chance, then use this."

"What!!! A second chance, but why??", catching the cube, he had so many questions that he wanted to ask, but before he could utter a single word, he vanished.

"Now that's the spirit.....",

The Being without introducing himself had sent him away.

"You will find out one day....." he muttered, before disappearing from the white space.


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