
Cultivation Dream, Project; Isekai

When the twin sisters lose their parents in a devastating way, they turn their attention over to a game in hopes that they will forget the pain brought onto them. What they don’t realize is how relevant the game will be later on in their lives…

TaoistOfTheVoid · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The System

"So from what we can see, the system is more advanced than when we played the game, despite the game shutting down.. do you think we were reincarnated into a world that is a replica of what the game is supposed to be?"

XieYang(Formerly LingEr) had asked her twin XieYin(Formerly XingEr), in which XieYin had quietly nodded to XieYang's question. It was then that they had discovered that the Menu System was different but extremely convenient, finding an item that was gifted to each of them called 'Half Crystali' and by combining the two halves into the same whole, they had the option to reincarnate anyone who was already dead.

Though the sisters did not have to talk to one another since they knew who they were going to bring. They had then brought the two halves together with the same person in mind, causing a glowing pentagon with a 死起回生 written in the middle of it with other foreign characters surrounding it.

It was then that a beautiful female had formed.. being around twice their age but still retaining her age of 45-46(She looks fucking 26), a beautiful black hair similar to their own with a pair of eyes that was a slightly lighter shade of red. Their aunty had been reincarnated into their new Mother, XieYu(血雨). Now the scene switches to after XieYu recollects herself.

"So you're telling me that we're now reincarnated into the game you both played.. or rather a world that is basically a replica of what the game would be like if it was completed?"

XieYu had asked with slight doubt in her voice, but the doubt quickly went away when XieYin and XieYang taught her how to navigate the systems, even giving her some items that helped her ascended quickly. They also quickly explained how the ascension system works in this world since that aspect did not change, even helping XieYu awaken her core.

XieYu only then understood how it worked.. the core is manifested when one decides their cultivation journey, each 'Core Stage' has 5-9 levels per stage and the only way to become stronger was to cultivate the Core with different factors.. while one could cultivate using only one factor, they found it was more beneficial to learn all since the Pro's of each factor can outmatch the Con's of another factor.

The three main factors are Qi Refinement, Body Refinement and Affinity Awakening, each being rather powerful in their own rights and benefits the Core in many different ways. The list of Core Stages can be accessed via the menu and it goes to notify that everyone starts with a transparent core when they begin cultivation, once they have truly awakened, minimal amounts of Grey can be seen, this is known commonly as 'Elementary Spirit Realm Level 1'.

XieYu was now at Ancient Emperor Realm while both XieYin and XieYang were at the Authority Realm.. which can only be achieved when you have reached one of the three Celestial Realms and have your clan chosen to be an Avatar of one of the three Deities of Authority above the Heavenly Emperor. (This means XieYu can also ascend)

The next thing they checked out was their inventory system.. it seems as if their inventory had 3 'sections' they can navigate between, one contained storage space that had more than 50,000 slots available to them, another contained the 'creative' menu in which they could insert items as a base and pull duplicates that work just as well as the original from there(Does not work with the Crystali), the last was an appraisal screen which deciphers any effects/contents an item can have, including it's materials.

The three of them giggled and messed with their respected Menu's.. bonding time together like a mother would with her 2 daughters, though the twins had fond memories of their parents? They only had one crystal so they chose to bring back the very person they saw as their mother, for unknown reasons.. They could not imagine a world without their Aunty/Mother.

Once having gotten fully prepared and dressed, they left the inn they had reincarnated into their avatars at.. accepting the reality that they all died in their old world and is now in a new world where everything they believed to be fantasy have become reality, like the use of Qi.. which is somewhat similar to the concept of 'Mana' in a magical world.

"Aun- No, Mom! Try invoke the 'Flight' technique."

XieYang had said with a gentle giggle, glancing over to her twin, who had already silently invoked the spell mentally and was already levitating since she didn't wish to take off without them. XieYu felt joyful to hear XieYang calling her 'Mom'. Before nodding and preparing herself with a slight nervous inhale and exhale.

"Mom, come on.."

XieYu had finally exhaled with slight confidence and joy, hearing her two nieces register themselves as her daughter, she then recalled as to how the incantation went. Another fact she accepted was that their voices have become their purest form.. with their appearances being 'mythical' compared to their own mundane appearances. With a gentle voice as soft as the wind, she called upon the Wind Elemental Qi as she incanted;

"Gentle wind, please assist me with flight, grant me wings not visible to sight and allow me to soar above the never ending skies."

It was then that a green formula had flashed itself on the floor under her for a split second, she then soon began to hover.. maintaining her composure and even having fun. XieYang had also mentally incanted the spell and began hovering, they soon floated out the window and began flying off.. not realizing the shocked faces that was displayed by the cultivators and citizens below them.

"This is amazing..!"

XieYu had shouted while flying beside her 2 daughters, laughing gently. This had caused both XieYin and XieYang to smile, they loved hearing their mother's laugh more than anything. This was interrupted when they noticed a group of 6 chasing after them while skating on swords.. the 6 being lead by who seemed to be a general for the East Imperial Kingdom.


The General commanded, and knowing that they shouldn't make enemies with the Kingdoms, they had decided to obey and pause.. which allowed the 6 soldiers and the general to catch up. What made them confused was the shocked faces displayed on all 7 of their faces. The General then spoke, breaking the silence;

"Mind if you come with us? We need to ask you some questions."

The Guards accompanying the General had pointed their secondary weapons at the 3, which caused the General to be surprised since he had not ordered them to do so.. a sense of fear and dread suddenly came over the 7 from the East Kingdom when they realized that XieYin's eyes were glowing, releasing a potent bloodlust that almost made them suffocate. XieYin only calmed down after XieYu and XieYang convinced her to do so.

"Come at us with ill intent again and I guarantee none of you will live to tell the tale of what I will do to you.."

XieYin had suddenly commented, which took XieYang and XieYu off guard since XieYin didn't like speaking all that much to strangers.. but now she was speaking an entire sentence just to threaten the guards.

"I apologize, Miss.. It is my fault for not being able to control my men, I am sorry if we offended you in anyway but it was the Royals who asked us to have you three come see them."

The General spoke, stating with a tone of sincerity and respect due to the amount of power he had felt XieYin release, he knew that all three of them were most likely going to be strong since he himself was at the 7th level of Earth Spirit Realm, which was nothing to scoff at in the Eastern Kingdom. They had finally arrived at the Kingdom, landing down before the front gates before deciding to walk in alongside the Guards.. whom returned to their posts once having entered the Kingdom.

"Your Majesty.. I have brought the guests."

The General had stated before going to the side and standing in front of one of the pillars that supported the throne room, XieYang had noticed how the General had blonde hair with blue eyes.. looking between 25-30 in terms of appearance. XieYin was observing the King who was dressed in a golden robe as well as a red hat with a spike on top, he had hazel hair and blue eyes, his power was around Heavenly Spirit Realm, most likely Level 5. (He also looked 40 in appearance, no older and no less.)

"Greetings to the three of you.. I am ShiFang, the King of the Eastern Empire.. so bow before me and introduce yourselves!"

Before XieYang and XieYu even had the chance to bow, XieYin exhaled in slight annoyance which irritated the King, she now replied with her eyes as dull as the abyss;

"I am XieYin, the other two are my Mother and my Sister; XieYu and XieYang. I understand you are a King but to ask us to bow before you is quite arrogant, don't you think..? Before you ask.. 'Xie' is written as 'Blood'."

This caused the King, General and all the soldiers present to start trembling.. the King stood up, and began releasing his aura in Pride and Arrogance, only to be frightened when XieYin began releasing her presence alone. The King now trembled back and sat on his throne with his eyes wide.. to him, they felt like other worldly beings.

A younger female ran in, about the age of 19 in appearance with a beautiful attire as well as green eyes and a hazel hair that matches the King's.. most likely the Princess, following after her was an older woman about the age of 38 had entered the room with a beautiful black colored hair with green eyes.. due to the crown on her head? It was obviously the Queen.

"Honey, what was that feeling?!"

The Queen had asked the King, who was still in a trance of fear, though she quickly looked at her daughter, wanting her to get help.. only to realize the Daughter's face was.. red? Out of curiosity her eyes followed the gaze of her daughter, only for her own gaze to land on 3 females.. 2 were twins and 1 was older than the twins.. they had beautiful silky black hair that was perfection as well as crimson eyes that represented true authority, skin as beautifully pale as the moonlight.

The Queen instantly clicked that the power most likely came from them and bowed before the 3.. piecing together who they were. An action that confused and shocked the Princess, since the Royalty never bowed to ANYONE.

"...This one greets the 3 Avatars of the Xie Sect.."

(I want to point out being an Avatar means you can't age once you reach your prime appearance.)

[Basically Pseudo-Immortality.]

The Princess and the Guards as well as the General quickly bowed before the three as well.. so did the King out of pure fear, he felt like if he tried to gain control over XieYu and XieYang.. he probably could since they were naive and pacifists, but if XieYin was there.. he'd die on the spot.

"Please forgive my arrogance..."

The King quietly stated, well.. not only the Royals but the 7 who confronted them earlier was sweating as well, especially the 6 Guards since they realized they had threatened the Avatars of the Primordial Moon Deity. XieYin quickly exhaled once she saw the pleading gazes of her Mother and Sister.

"Fine.. just don't do it again.."

XieYu was thankful for Array between them provided by the System.

[If you have not seen the similarities already, the power-scaling of this story is based off of Dual Cultivation, I seriously suggest reading the story. Since some parts of the story will be referenced in this story of mine.]

(2021 Words)

Thank you for reading, I am a new author and I'll try to update as much as I can! Just real quick? Whenever there is a mention about the twin's 'Mother'? It is referring to XieYu.

(Only the Xie Clan have entered the 4 Ancient Realms, the other two avatar clans is stuck at Divine Saint Realm.)

I seriously love Dual Cultivation and respect the Author.

TaoistOfTheVoidcreators' thoughts