
Cultivating with a fairy

Lu Wuyan has been cultivating for a thousand years and became matchless, but why couldn't he ascend even though people far worse than him had ascended to immortality.He couldn't take that!He wanted to talk to a fairy. How on earth would he achieve immortality

Darius_Arthur_ · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Lu wuyan still upset about not ascending went to Zhongnan mountain to train

He sat down after his intense training and kept wondering,

How long has he been in this world? He can't even remember

He only remembers that after coming to zhongnan mountain, He had seen flowers blooming and withering a hundred times

He was just a nobody on earth, with no parents and no worries

But one day, He woke up and became a baby crying to be fed

They called him the third young master of the Lu family

They said he must be a genius in cultivation!

But one of the maids around him noticed a strange brightly coloured lotus on his


Five years later, Lu wuyan was staring at the stormy clouds when someone threw a stone at him but he didn't react

Lu wuyan!! as the person shouted his name

My master told me you have no spiritual root so you can't cultivate!

Want to surpass us? Don't even dream about It!

Hahaha! you can't cultivate, you trash!

Then suddenly, a dark aura surrounded Lu wuyan as the lotus glowed

Hey... what are you talking about? said Lu wuyan

What... as the other clansmen were shocked

Lu wuyan's aura attacked one of the people and threw him away injuring him in the process

Lu... wu...yan! I will make you pay

HMPH, trash. Lu wuyan smirked

He found out that when he absorbed the resentment from people, he could cultivate even though he was born without spiritual root

Hundreds of years later, the lotus on his back blossoms.

Cultivators below the celestial realm are like kids to him, he is now matchless

But Lu wuyan couldn't understand why he hasn't become immortal yet

Suddenly he guessed, Is it because my way of cultivation through resentment isn't approved of by immortals

Without the spiritual roots, I can't cultivate normally at all as he kept banging his head on the ground in tears

Why are you banging your head on the ground? That doesn't look good as a figure spiked behind him

Lu wuyan turned around to see it was "Bao" a member of the Xiao family

Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, why not go to Luotian sect and wander around with me said Bao

HUMP! Luotian sect? Why go to those losers

To see true immortals descending from heaven

Not interested said Lu wuyan

If you go I will give you a soul pill for comfortable resting

Hump! Fine said Wuyan as if he was been forced to go

Back in Luotian sect, Lord Ye Bingtian, the chief of Luotian sect sent an invitation to the world, saying an immortal would visit the sect

But the time had passed yet the immortal was absent

People begun to wonder if Lord Ye miscalculated the time since he was also absent

Silence befell the crowd as Lord Ye arrived

Lord Ye, Four hours have passed so I'm afraid the immortal will not come today said Huang Meng "An elder of Taiyi sword clan"

Stay calm. They say "a day in heaven is like a year on earth. There must be a difference in the time between the celestial world and the earthly world

If we can have the honor of seeing an immortal in our lifetime. It will be worth it even if it's late, as Lord Ye tried to appease elder "Huang Meng"

I'm afraid it's just Lord Ye's lies said Huang Meng

I don't get it. Though you're the top sect of the Northern realm. In the whole world, the mystery hall is not inferior to you in any way let alone our taiyi sword clan

What are you capable of?Why would the immortal choice your sect said Huang Meng annoyed

Suddenly a mysterious figure appeared in the sky

Lord Ye then bowed and introduced himself welcoming the fairy

Then everyone bowed and welcomed the fairy

I'm so nervous said the fairy"Bai Ling'er

What do I do? I just sneaked down here to have some fun for a few days without my dad knowing!

What's with all these people?!

What am I going to say when I get down there?said Bai Ling'er panicking

Moreover, I forgot my underwear

Thousands of people down there are cranking their necks to watch. There going to see everything.I won't be able to get married!

What do I do? said Bai Ling'er