
cultivating body

archean, a reincarnator from earth, carves out his unique path in a world of cultivation

jankian · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

chapter 9

After arriving home Aurora dragged Arc straight to her room and locked the door behind her

Arc emerged the next day with a big smile on his face, and he headed straight to his room

It took a deep breath and began to organize his thoughts, due to him knowing the shape of his soul, and having inner sight, he is more than qualified to make a cultivation technique, for this own body

He just needed to find some inspiration, so he began to look at all the books and notes he has stored in the several years he has remained in the sect

No book was left untouched, no page unread, he read everything he found and then came upon a book that the libraran had once given to him

The platinum tempering art

He opened it an began to read, it wasn't groundbreaking or anything, it was a stable ki tempering art,

it allowed one to form a powerful ki that blended well with earth elements, a technique that would work well for anyone with talent in the earth element

Nothing special, a very basic technique, but looking at it seemed to have given Arc an idea,

He thought of the possibility of tempering his body, like he did in the body tempering realm, not as a secondary effect like his current techniques but the main effect

To have a body capable of astonishing force and strength, further amplified by his extraordinarily pure qi

He went straight to the library with that thought in mind, he briefly spoke to the libraran and then rushed straight to the ki techniques

He read every single one, and noted every movement or vibration or change in energy that resonated with his soul

He then moved to the martial arts techniques, and he did the same thing

He slowly and meticulously broke down every detail of these techniques and exercises to find a form that fit his soul

The martial arts were much harder to categorize than the techniques, he had to break them down from motion, flow of energy, and meridians in you

Some martial arts that seemed completely identical were broke apart and their differences became known

While others that were know as opposite and different, under his scrutiny they were found to have similar sources

Arc wrote and drew endlessly, this time more cautious of his mess, after finishing a page or book, he placed it back within his storage ring

Arc wander the library's various rooms after he finished the ki books, he headed towards the second floor and started the qi manuals

He did not limit himself to the elements of the technique this time, he was not searching for a technique, he was searching for the knowledge to make himself a technique

He was looking to covert his knowledge of ki techniques into a useable qi technique, these are different forms of energy that represent different things

Ki is formed from the body and Qi from the soul,

both need external energy,

ki requires on the food you eat while qi relies on the absorption of spirit qi

Arc's ki what what world qi is to spirit qi

Ki is the physical body's manifestation of his soul's power

While Qi is the spirit's manifestation of the body's power

Which is why one's body must have a certain talent to cultivate spirit qi

They tie into one another, two half's of a whole

Arc never realized that his biggest benefit in this reincarnation was his endless desire to read, he had read hundreds of books, on cultivation and magic

None of it was real, but that doesn't change one simple thing, The way Arc thinks

He was applying everything he has learned in his previous life, no matter how nonsensical, he grabbed ideas from different novels and tested weather they could work

Under his scrutiny he slowly began to find a rough template, noting yet set in stone, as this would be a fairly long process

Arc thought to himself

'I had the right approach, when it broke-through to qi condensation, i blended ki and qi within my body, tempering it"

'That is what will act as a rough draft, i need to improve it, make it less wild, more consistent and controlable, or every time i cultivate there will be a chance for my foundation to shatter'

' it would be impossible for me to finish creating the technique today, I think I should start taking sect mission's, going outside and actually experiencing things may help me find inspiration'

Arc thought to himself and found the logic sound, so he headed to see Aurora to inform her of his plan

"Aurora is plan to spend some time doing sect missions, I have found that knowing the shape of my soul, the cultivation techniques within the sect no longer seem suitable to me,

So I wish to take missions to find the inspiration to creative technique suitable for my soul"

"Very well but before you go, place a drop of your blood within this lamp"

Aurora pulled out a lamp as she spoke she then explained

" Once you do that this lamp will continue to burn until you die, it's one of the methods we used on core disciples, to know weather they are living or dead"

Arc nodded his his before cutting a small in a finger and placed a drop of blood within

Arc looked at his hand and realized the wound had already healed, this was a subtle reminder that showed he is completely different than how he was, and how he will continue to change on the path of a cultivator

Arc headed to the 3rd peak of the mountain and found the missions board

Arc looked at the various missions, he did not care of the reward or how long they took, he was merely looking to find something that could entertain him and hopefully inspire him

'Monster hunting sounds fun, i can gather material for forging while also sharping my combat skills'

Arc thought to himself and found that fighting would be the best way to determine the path in his future cultivation

Combate is the main focus of a cultivator, and so a baptism in blood is exactly what he needed

Arc first headed towards the city by the sect and began to stock up on resources such as food and water

Out of curiosity he headed to the book store to see id he had made more money in these past few weeks

"Hello Arc, its been quite awhile"

The manager of the book store spoke

"Indeed it has, i was coming here because im curious how bas the book sold"

"It has sold very well across all of our locations, your cut is more than a million spirit stones"

"Naturally we don't have that many spirit stones on hand, so you will have to go to our main store, in the Jade kingdom, to pick it up"

The jade kingdom, was a nation in the central continent, it's king was an immortal, a being who surpassed nascent soul cultivation

"Only nascent soul cultivator's are allowed to head to the central continent"

Arc spoke sadly

The manager then spoke smugly

"Have you forgotten to is the owner of the bookstore, simply input your request when you are ready, and he will take you to central continent"

"I would suggest waiting until you are a golden core cultivator, as you would have the opportunity to apply for citizenship within the jade kingdom"

"No amount of words need to be said of how useful that would be as a cultivator, it would allow you to freely enter or leave the central continent"

Arc nodded his head before heading to the formation store he had once bought the ki condensation formation

He purchased a few isolation formation and trapping formations, he picked these formations because he was going to test to see whether or not they would be suitable to add to his spear as a flag

'Perfect, i think i got everything that i need, now its time to set off'

Arc turned his head, and looked at the mountain one last time

"Goodbye, hope to see you soon"

Arc muttered, as he walked away

if you have any ideas let me know

jankiancreators' thoughts