
Cultivating a Failure

Yu Chang is the last ordinary human in a society of cultivation. Due to unfortunate circumstances, his training as a child never got started and he missed his opportune time to level up. Later as he was studying to breakthrough on his own, a very fortuitous and at the same time very unfortunate event occurred. Young Yu Chang encountered the legendary cultivation prodigy Falling Star.

GabrielKross · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Help Me Plan A Wedding

"So your meeting happened purely by chance?" Aunt Jia took a sip of her tea and observed Falling Star and Yu Chang.

"Yeah, it was my fault, I wasn't being careful when I descended into the shopping district." Falling Star blushed and looked at her empty teacup to hide her shame.

"Is that why you chose to take him in then?" Aunt Jia ignored the embarrassed reaction Falling Star showed and pressed her for specifics.

"Well you see...," Falling Star began, but stopped and glanced at Yu Chang.

"It's like this," Yu Chang cut in, "I think part of the reason is Master feels responsible for the accident. However, I think the main reason is the fact that I haven't even reached level one yet."

"Those aren't the only reasons!" Falling Star blurted out. "It is also because of your diligence to breakthrough on your own. If you were just casually living life without putting forth any effort to advance, I might have taken you in as an apology, but I wouldn't have decided to take you as my disciple."

"Alright, I've got a general idea of the situation now. Since your here, why not stay home and accompany me this weekend Little Star?"

"I guess we could stay, I wasn't planning on starting training til next week anyways, but what do you have in mind?"

"I need your help planning a wedding."

"A wedding?" Yu Chang had not expected this turn of conversation and was surprised.

"Little Yu, why don't you go accompany my brother-in-law, this is women's business. However, don't make any plans next weekend, your schedule is already booked."

With that dismissal, Yu Chang left the study and headed back downstairs. Meanwhile, within the study, Aunt Jia and Falling Star started discussing fervently.

"You're finally marrying Uncle?" Falling Star was brimming with excitement.

"I found a good opportunity to retire after this last job, I want to start a family. So help me plan my wedding. Do you still dance?"

"Of course. I haven't done any performances recently, but it is still part of my training routine. Which dance did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking your Fan Dance might fit the occasion if you're willing."

"How could I not be willing? You're finally getting married!"

At the same time downstairs, Yu Chang joined Falling Star's father in the main room. "Ah, Little Yu, has sister-in-law finished interrogating the two of you?"

"I guess so. She sent me out so they can talk about other stuff, something about a wedding."

"I see, my wife might want to go join them then." Falling Star's father turned towards the kitchen and called out to his wife, "Dear, they are discussing wedding stuff upstairs, don't you want to join them?"

"In a minute, let me put supper on first."

"I don't get it, how can you all discuss a wedding so casually?"

"Ahahaha, you didn't think we were talking about you and Little Star did you? They're are planning sister-in-law's wedding." Cosmic Dragon, one of the most legendary cultivators in the current age, grinned mischievously at Yu Chang. "However, it's not too soon to discuss a wedding between you young ones either."

"No no, I disagree, I think it's much too soon." Yu Chang's face turned as bright as a tomato as he tried to refute the man's claim.

"What's wrong? Not interested in my Little Star?"

"It's not that. Master is the best combat cultivator of the current generation, I'd never be worthy of someone like her. Also, we've only known each other for a week, how could we possibly know whether a relationship would work out?"

"Precisely, how would you know unless you tried? Forget about marriage for now, why not ask her out on a date? Maybe she might just say yes. I don't care what reasons she claimed for taking you as her disciple, but she has never shown one bit of interest in men. It was to the point that whenever we teased her previously like we did today she would just casually retort. She has never been embarrassed like this when the subject is brought up. She is more interested in you than you know. That is why we made her promise to bring you by the house, we wanted to know for ourselves what kind of man had captured our daughter's eye."

For the first time since arriving Yu Chang saw a serious look on Cosmic Dragon's face. He had thought his image of the legendary cultivator had shattered earlier, but now he saw hints of why this man was a legend. "I'll consider your advice, but if she had an interest in me why would she encourage me to hang out with Fang Tian who is hell-bent on making me fall for her? Though I must admit that doesn't make sense either considering what happened today at lunch. Master seemed like she was intentionally provoking Fang Tian as if they were life long rivals. None of this makes any sense."

"Don't fret over it too much, everything will make sense in time."

I wanted to push this chapter out over the weekend so I could get myself in the habit of writing this story every weekend, but things came up and I didn't have time.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts