
The Eye of The Storm

After agreeing on to fight together, they stopped their discussion awkwardly.

"How about we stop here for today?" Z'rax tried to reduce the tension, and avoid battle.

"Oh Z'rax, you are exactly the same as I saw you 500 000 years ago. Only choosing to avoid a fight when your vision instincts warn you. There is a saying among the old god isn't there? When the Z'rax chooses to retreat, always persist. You really have not improved at all." [Chaos Chains] A dozen corroded chains surrounded Z'rax's high body.

"This is rather unpleasant. I will obliterate you into oblivion." Z'rax pupils expanded, and a thousand beams were blasted. A dozen of those beams was aimed at the chains, while the rest was directed at Leora. The corroded chains turned bright red but did not melt.

"So you think that only you can shoot beams?" [Chaos Cannon] From thin air of nothingness. The red beam filled with chaotic mana shot directly at Z'rax.

A largest eye was located at the centre of his body. It finally opened and shot out a beam. Which collided head-on with Leora's beam attack, the moment both beams came into contact a massive explosion took place. The surrounding burst out in flames, trees burns, the entire land filled with fire.

[Restrain] The red chains closed up onto Z'rax mountain-like body, burning his body. The red-hot chains caused sizzling sounds when they came into contact his body. Z'rax cried out in pain, his tentacles covering the sky shook left and right repeatedly. This causes his beams to miss the target. Craters form on the ground from the blasts. Extensive explosions resounded in the background.

Leora ignored the background noises and flew towards the largest eye.

"I won't let you!" Z'rax roared angrily. His tentacles swung towards Leora, in an attempt to prevent her from approaching his biggest eye. [Eyes of Medusa]

"Oh that ability that you gave to your servants, how memorable..." All of Leora's eyes were closed.

"..." Z'rax proceed to fire beams at Leora again.

"Beams and beams, how boring, can't you show some creativity." [Spiral Chains] Even more chains came from the ground and twist into a spiral, the spiral end flew towards the Gigantic eye. [Eyes of Chaos] The spiral spun 2 times faster, and more chains were added.

"You're opened." Now, his tentacles swung downwards. Planning to crush Leora.

Out of the blue, the tentacles stopped. "This is..." Over a thousand Dan appeared in the sky.

[So you're done preparing?]

[That certainly took quite a while, summoning so many replicas of myself sure is exhausting.]

Each one of the Dan attacked the eyes of Z'rax. What's going on? There are too many things going on. It took longer than usual for Z'rax to react as there were far too many actions going on within its vision. Which means that more effort and time is needed to process all of these, causing a longer reaction time.

Z'rax's advantage lies in the fact that he has no blind spots, it is impossible to sneak behind him. However, his vast amount of eyes is also his weakness. People often think that having no blind spot is a good thing, but have they consider the downside? No. Having no blind spot means that you have to continually monitor every single direction. How tiring would it be to consider more points of views?

Of course, as an old god, Z'rax has an incredible amount of processing power. However, the sudden overall surge in actions, inevitably causes Z'rax to slow down for a short moment. This in turns provides Leora with enough time to ensure that her attack hit the eye.

In a final attempt to stop Leora's spiralling chain attack, his red pupil shrink slightly, and the most substantial beam of energy was unleashed.

This beam, however, did not serve the purpose that it was intended for, to stop the attack. Instead, it helps to further heat up the chains. The sharp pointy end of the spiralling chains dug into the eyeball. Sizzling sounds and flesh pour onto the ground. Thankfully, most of the wound was burnt shut.

However, the chains are now thoroughly embedded in the body. Thus limiting his movements. Z'rax could sense the chaotic energy pouring into his real body. The combination of both sensations brings an unbelievable amount of pain and suffering. The feeling of an unknown power flowing into his body and going on a rampage.

This was definitely not a pleasant feeling. And then again, he cries out in rage. The many eyes in the night sky those located on his body close up. The bright red lights were finally gone, and the area was dark again. Who knew how long had passed by, the high body was no longer there, only a bright full moon was in the sky lightly illuminating the area.

The land was covered in craters, the empire of Dawn was wholly destroyed... razed to the ground. There is highly likely chance that there were no survivors. The place was empty, no buildings, no evidence of any single civilisation. So this... is what happens when gods fight.

Something is wrong... I don't sense Z'rax anywhere. But something tells me that he is still here. Just then, Dan received a telepathic message.

[Stay alert. Z'rax is about to reveal his final form.]

[Final Form? So this is like a boss fight?]

[Really... you still can joke in this situation. All I can say is that this form of his will be extremely dangerous. In this final state, he disregards all types of energy preservation and focuses on power output. If you think that the earlier him was dangerous, this one is the real threat. ITS HERE.]

The earth shook again, why does the moon look slightly bigger? Slowly the yellow moon rotates, and a dark yellow pupil appeared at the centre of the moon. Tsk that is no moon, that is a f*cking old god. And it wasn't night time... this is an old god eclipse. That piece of sh*t keeps confusing me with the time of the day...

You should die Z'rax... Dan felt extremely irritated. Time sure pass real quick, just this seemingly short exchange already took like 24 hours. Looks like sh*t is about to get real here.

[Brace yourself! Let's do this!] Leora gave a signal.

[The Order will guide Chaos.] [And Chaos would bring destruction. Maximum Magic: Twin Origin Beam.]

A spiralling combination of red and white beam flew towards Z'rax. The yellow eyeball was Z'rax's final form. A yellow beam shot down from the sky and collided with the Origin Beam. It was a crushing defeat.

[This is way too much! There is no choice.] Dan threw Leora to the side.

[Hold up what are you doing?!] Leora squeaked in shock due to Dan's action.

[Stay there and remain upright no matter what happens next.]

[Wait!] Leora reached out to Dan on instinct, her face filled with worry.

[Leora! You little piece of sh*t. Your emotions have clouded your ability to think. You overestimated yourself and wanted to prove yourself so badly that you underestimated your opponent.]


[It is true. Reflect on yourself. Let this be the last time. I do not care what feelings we have for one another. Just make sure that those emotions do not cloud our judgement. Or else, our cooperation will be short.] Dan sternly warned. [There better not be a next time, we have both fallen into the same trap of love.]

[There is no fairness in this battle. The Order shall even it up.]

The moment the beam came into contact with Dan, Dan did not take a single damage. Instead, the ground disappeared. Below Dan and Leora is now a big pit of emptiness. There was no ground in sight. They were falling.

[Wha... at just happened? You deflected all the damage to the non-living ground.] Her eyes widened in excitement.

[Quit being so excited. The distance is just right. Come let us fuse our origin here. I have done the necessary calculations. The right side of the cyclone caused by this fusion should be enough to destroy the eye. COME. I AM THE ORIGIN OF ORDER.]

[It seems that you were right... Very well, I AM THE ORIGIN OF CHAOS.]


Both Origins came together, spiralling into a tornado, bright colours of red and white fused into the centre. Since there was nothing to hold on to, Dan and Leora were sent flying by their fusion in a big circle. As time passes the cyclone grows stronger and more deadly. A second beam was launched at it, but instead of dissipating, the tornado grew stronger.

Z'rax was stuck in the eye of the cyclone for several hours until he was eventually dissolved into the eye of the tornado. It was an anti-climatic and an extremely dizzy end for Z'rax. Slowly spinning forever and ripped apart. Leora completely absorbed Z'rax's essence.

"Thank you..." She awkwardly commented.

"No problem. It's time to crash another party. One day left before the deadline."