
Change of faith Dan's P.O.V.

Dan's P.O.V.

That was an interesting little show, strange, I don't really feel the need to help them. Is it because I don't see them as equals or I view myself as a superior being? Well, it doesn't matter. I am here to gain followers. Dan followed the nuns after the kids were sent away.

Inside the praying halls were the 4 nuns, they knelt down in front of a mini statue of their god and started their daily prayers. Distress was eminent in their eyes after all the stories and fairytales were different from reality. A gloomy atmosphere entails while the discussion took place.

A cloaked figure could be seen in the dark if you were to squint your eyes. He watched the discussion taking place without making a single move. If one was able to look clearly in the dark ceiling, he would be able to see the figure smiling as if it was a devil catching its prey. To Dan, the content of the discussion was rather unique. He had always wanted to be a spectator in life, a spectator holds the most powerful position in his heart. Pulling strings all over the place, and enjoying the show afterwards.

This was a perfect opportunity for him to established his presence. While he strongly desires to make his own stand now, he still lacks time. It wasn't even a week since Dan had entered this wonderful world. Even if he held the most powerful treasure now, it would be useless if he can't wield the power of the elemental plane completely. All he needs now is time, but with all the underhand actions going about the world, even an idiot would know that something big is coming.

The entire mortal plane seems to be in chaos, with all the information from the angels, no single detail can go pass Dan's eyes. He had weighed the cost and benefits before coming to a conclusion that he needs devout followers. The faster he ascent to become a god, the safer he becomes. Although Dan is capable of increasing his tier to a higher one by absorbing a large quantity of mana, this method may no longer be viable in this mortal plane. If he were to forcefully absorb mana to become a super tier being in this mortal plane. The mortal plane itself would turn against Dan, causing him to be severely injured or even death.

Even if he could survive unharmed, there is no way the gods would let Dan off. Especially since there are not many planes in the young world of Alcanti. Alcanti only has a few planes accessible by normal beings of the world without any needed permission. One is the mortal plane, and another would be the divine plane. Other planes would include the dream plane, demon plane, devil plane and finally the hell plane.

Currently, only these few planes are known to the beings of Alcanti. Legends say that these plane were once part of a single plane that existed, however, the omnigod split the single plane into pieces and sealed them together with a part of Alcanti up to protect them from other powerful beings more powerful than the gods themselves. The plane that was not sealed together with this part of the world is not under the control of the omnigod.

Every few years, the plane sealed together would merge for a short period of time before detaching themselves. These mergers often come with small skirmish where all mortals of the same plane band together to fight off demons and devils. Though 'band' was the word used to describe the races working together, this is actually not the case. There is only a ceasefire agreement and after that, there will be a war among the mortal races. The bigger war with demons happens every few hundred years when the demons and devils try to merge the mortal planes with theirs forever. This would spark every race to retaliate harshly in order to ensure their own survival.

These 'holy' wars are inevitable every few hundred years but look like there is one coming soon. The hero summoning is also coming soon but looks like Mr system and Mr supreme being do not intend to interfere with it this time. Unfortunately for them, I have a full intent to interfere with that ritual. With heroes from Earth, I can't say that they wouldn't be a danger to my well-being. Well, what an eventful year ahead, Dan thought to himself.

Its about time they finish their discussion, surprisingly 3 nuns left the room giving up on the children. Dan had expected all 4 nuns to abandon the children but looks like his predictions were off. Well, it doesn't matter, he thought. Since she is so kind-hearted and foolish if I can turn her into one of my believers, it would be worth it. She was so naive that she was the only one to preserve on and continue praying to the dead god, even her ancestors had given up.

Since she wants hope so much, I will give her a chance to hold on to her hope to save the children. And with this, he spoke to the nun named Emma. With his first sentence, he was already mistaken to be a devil, prompting system to laugh at him.

[PFFT! You are not very good with this are you?]-System as usual mocked Dan's mistake.

[Tch, practice makes perfect... scamming people takes skills...]-Dan replied, being slightly embarrassed by this minor mistake.

He immediately fixed this issue and successfully converted Emma into his faithful followers.

[Imagine the look on those 3 other nun faces if they see what they had missed out on.]-Dan uncontrollably grinned after completing his job.

[Indeed, mortal beings are fun to toy with. Looks like your mentality is suitable for your future role.]-System replied.

While the short and quick exchange took place between Dan and the system, the orphanage started to change shape. The desolate looking orphanage was no more, it was replaced by a new and shiny one with a gold plated rooftop. The statue in front disappeared so did the gates and dirty floor, all of these were replaced by superior products.

The statue was replaced by a cloaked statue without showing its face, there were 2 scales one on each of hand. The scale on the right represents order, it gave off a comfortable feeling radiating holy light from its shiny surface. However, the other scale was distorted, corroded and corrupted. It radiated an air of darkness which makes others feel uncomfortable, this scale was not balanced as it was tilted heavily to one side. This scale represented chaos where there is no order.

If one looks to the centre to the statue, one couldn't feel the comfort nor the discomfort of both scales, only a weird sense of calmness could be felt as if the world was perfectly balanced. An air of divinity scatters from it making one afraid of provoking the statue, the statue was made to awaken if it detects any threat.

In the kitchen of the orphanage lies many ingredients, beef, chicken and fresh vegetable. These were all unaffordable to the orphanage in the past. And yet there were large quantities of such ingredients in the kitchen.

[Since you are my first few followers, I will let you enjoy some benefits. Brace yourself for a new future... after all, whether a new empire is created depends on Allysium. Let's see how capable you really are, especially if you see the deeds your father made. I wonder... are you going to fall into the depths of despair or are you going to overcome this and become someone great.]-Dan said with a gentle smile on his face, this is going to be really interesting.

The Dusk king is definitely not as simple as he looks, the disgusting deeds he did is surely more than what I can count with my 2 hands. After all, the only child who he had protected was Allysium. What about the rest? His past enemies would surely return to deal with his favourite child. What an irony, the child he so heartedly protect is going to suffer because of his protection.

Well, since I am so 'generous' I will give Allysium a chance. A chance to stay in power, a chance to regain the glory for the kingdom of Dusk. If she continues playing the innocent princess, refusing to kill or make a harsh decision, she may die a horrible death. But if she manages to maintain and becomes queen, I will protect her and her people from the Dusk demigod. A person in power cannot be too ruthless nor too kind, also, I do not need a follower who cannot provide me with practical values, while I enjoy pretty flowers, I prefer those who can fend for themselves.

The civil war would begin soon... this would be... enjoyable...

Let's see whether Allysium could become Queen. WAHAHAHA

I have forgotten to describe the new statue last chapter so I added it into this chapter.

Afternoonecreators' thoughts