
Crowned in Shadows

In a tale of intrigue and power in Southern Italy, 'La Famiglia' conceals their true identity behind the guise of a pizzeria business in Gold Ridge City. Angelo, Corteo, Vanetti, Lucas, and Bradley are the enigmatic figures behind the scenes, secretly orchestrating as the formidable 'Crowned in Shadow' gangster group. The group leads a life in shadow but now the time has come for them to cast the shadow away and let the country know who the heck they are! The path they lead is filled with blood and hatred; The blood they spill will trace them back. For granted. Witness the group reach the pinnacle of brutality and insanity as they speedrun their way to the top! 'Brutality is the very essence of human life, having no humanity is what makes you very much human.' ---- Chapter length- 1000 words (approx.) Release schedule- 3-4 chapters a week (Maximum 7 chapters a week) extra chapters on every Sunday if the work is well received! Days- Tuesday and Thursday *Expect highly mature content*

SlaveHand · ย้อนยุค
14 Chs

Chapter 2: The Red Tide

Mafia Camorra, a figure enshrined in the hearts of the Italian people as a symbol of liberation and unity, stood tall and resolute amidst the chaos gripping the Kingdom Italy.

Camorra wielded not only a sword but also a magnetic aura that drew the disillusioned and the fervent alike. The Red Shirts, his devoted followers, stood by his side, embodying his ideals and echoing his call for change.

Angelo and his trusted confidants gathered in the dimly lit backroom of La Famiglia's, the discussion cloaked in the gravity of their impending mission.

"Camorra's alignment with the king strengthens their hold in the south," Vanetti stated, his voice tinged with concern. "We need a countermeasure to disrupt their growing influence."

Angelo nodded; his gaze fixed on the map sprawled across the table. "Our best chance lies within the Red Shirts. Infiltrating their ranks will grant us crucial insights and the opportunity to sway sentiments."

Corteo furrowed his brow, his fingers tracing the city's layout on the map. "But how do we gain their trust? They're devoted to Garibaldi."

"We showcase our commitment to their cause," Angelo asserted, his tone resolute. "We approach as supporters, demonstrating our shared vision for the country."

Vanetti leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a shrewd glimmer. "We'll need to be strategic. Identify key figures, gain their trust, and sow seeds of doubt regarding Camorra's alliance."

Lucas, ever the pragmatist, voiced a concern. "The risks are high. We expose ourselves to unknown dangers."

"The rewards outweigh the risks," Angelo countered, conviction lacing his words. "This is our chance to tip the balance in our favour."

Their conversation wove a tapestry of strategies and risks, each word a calculated step towards infiltrating the Red Shirts—a pivotal move in their quest for dominance in a kingdom torn by loyalties and allegiances.

The room fell into a determined silence, their eyes locking in a silent pact. Their mission to infiltrate the Red Shirts was not just a tactical manoeuvre; it was the fulcrum upon which the fate of Italian Underworld would pivot.

Amidst the throng of crimson-clad individuals, Angelo seamlessly blended into the ranks of the Red Shirts, a silent observer in their fervent marches and impassioned rallies. With a calculated air of allegiance, he ingrained himself deeper within their movement, his steps echoing their cause. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber glow over Gold Ridge, Angelo made his way to the designated meeting place for the Red Shirts' weekly gathering.

"Here I go" Angelo muttered while gazing at the ceiling of the meeting hall with visible tension on his face.

In the dimly lit hall of Cavour's estate, a select assembly of Camorra's supporters congregated, their murmurs tapering off as Cavour took the stand. His presence commanded attention, his voice carrying a weight that echoed across the room.

"Friends," Cavour began, his tone a blend of authority and urgency, "our cause faces a critical juncture. The shadows that cloak our city's underworld, the enigmatic force known as 'Crowned in Shadow,' threatens the stability we fight to uphold."

A murmur rippled through the audience, their gazes fixed on Cavour as he continued. "I've dispatched a mission to uncover the truth behind this clandestine entity. One among us has been entrusted with this crucial task."

An air of curiosity and anticipation permeated the room as Cavour's words lingered, each person contemplating the gravity of the mission.

"Let it be known," Cavour declared, his voice resonating with conviction, "this mission bears significant risks. But our determination to reveal the forces that manipulate our city's fate is unwavering."

With a decisive nod, Cavour concluded, "May this mission shed light on the shadows that cloud our path to progress. Together, we shall uncover the truth and pave the way for a brighter future for Italy."

Barboligo, a figure revered among Garibaldi's supporters, stepped forward to address the eager volunteers gathered before him. As he scanned the assembly, ten hands shot up in earnest determination, each person vying for the pivotal mission unveiled by Cavour.

Barboligo's eyes fell upon Angelo, standing at the forefront with an unwavering gaze, his hand raised resolutely. The murmurs quieted as Barboligo fixed his attention on Angelo, a silent inquiry in his eyes.

"Why do you seek this mission?" Barboligo's voice boomed across the stage, prompting a ripple of curiosity among the onlookers.

Angelo, standing tall and steadfast, met Barboligo's gaze without hesitation. "Sir, I believe in the ideals that the Red Shirts represent—a unified Italy, free from the shadows that manipulate our city. This mission is an opportunity to serve that vision, to safeguard the righteous path we march upon."

His words, laced with patriotism, resonated with unwavering conviction, a testament to his dedication to the cause. Barboligo, moved by the impassioned speech, applauded with a resounding clap that echoed through the hall.

"Angelo," Barboligo addressed him with a nod, "your words speak volumes of your commitment. After that speech, I feel no need to hear from anyone else. The mission is yours."

Angelo's face was filled with satisfaction after hearing Barboligo's appreciation he knew that he has accomplished the hardest task with ease! Angelo returned to the Pizzaria to share this information with his band. 

Angelo, shrouded in the shadows of an alley, gathered his trusted comrades from La Famiglia's, their faces illuminated by a dim, flickering light. With a calculated calmness, he relayed the success of his strategic ploy within the Red Shirts, his voice laced with a hint of anticipation.

"My friends," Angelo began, his tone tinged with a quiet triumph, "the Red Shirts have taken the bait. The mission to uncover 'Crowned in Shadow' now lies within my grasp."

Corteo's eyes widened in astonishment. "You've fooled them?"

A wry smile played on Angelo's lips as he nodded. "Their trust in me as one of their own will soon be their undoing. The path to exposing the truth behind our empire's operations has opened wide."

Vanetti, impressed by the strategic manoeuvre, raised an eyebrow. "And what of your ascent within their ranks?"

Angelo's gaze hardened with resolve. "I'll use this mission as a stepping stone. My work to ascend among the Red Shirts' top brass begins now. Their downfall draws near, my friends."

Lucas nodded, acknowledging the weight of Angelo's words. "We'll support your move from the shadows."

"We won't let these dogs come in our way" all five of them said in sync. 

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2 chapters per week!

I will release 3 bonus chapter on every weekend if the novel is well recieved!

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