
Crown of Silver Shadows

In the face of her impending marriage to a prince she does not love to save her people, Celine and her pet bear run into a handsome stranger who changes everything. Forcing her to make an increasingly difficult choice and face the truth about her heritage. Will she listen to her head or her heart?

LindaRose · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Foes and Frocks

"It should be cut far lower than that! Come on girl, the future nymph queen cannot possibly be shy of her skin!" Serephina gestures to her body, which is clad only in ropes, woven together to make a sort of dress with her hips and back exposed. The poor tailor has been, unsuccessfully, trying to come up with a gown that would please both sides of this agreement. Serephina wants something more nymph-like, which means show as much as possible. And my mother wants a more gnome dress, which means armour. I've worn five different mock dresses, none of them seem to please anyone. Well either of the queens rather as nobody bothered to ask me what I want or think.

The tailor's name is Marcella, she has been making royal gowns for longer than my mother has been queen. This poor woman was probably used to be ridiculed and verbally abused by the wealthiest families in Euldo, and my father but none of it could possibly compare to what my future mother in law was spitting her way.

The queen was two decanters of wine deep and every mistake make by me or Marcella was met with another glass. I think she was trying to keep herself for starting another war over a dress, which is why she chose to rather drown herself. Mom had also had her hand in amount of wine consumed, I think mostly for the same reason as queen Serephina. I was obviously not allowed to eat or drink anything because I was sure to ruin the mock dress. The queens returned to their argument about the colour of the dress. Queen Lisbeth wanted red, as is traditional and queen Serephina wanted a deep blue. The argument then shifted to my wedding armour,

"Why in the name of the gods does she need armour? She's getting married not going into battle! Or is that how you see this? She's going to battle my son for his kingdom? Is that what this marriage is?" Serephina almost stood up, her voice shrill and migraine inducing. I pinch the bridge of my nose and Marcella gives me the most apologetic look as she cuts the neckline deeper.

"No. No my dear Serephina. I wore armour as Celeste did, as my own mother did. It is simply an indication of our roots-"

"As people who take things with force?" Serephina interrupted, which made my mother go redder than she already was. Mom breathed very deeply for a few seconds before she replied.

"As warriors." Lisbeth breathed before finishing her wine. I think if there wasn't wine involved the women would have strangled each other by now.

"You should just let me have the dress made in Slesouport! We have the best tailor in Jarhal, he made my own wedding gown."

"We have our own from Hillcheek, miss Marcella. Besides, you get to have dresses made for my daughter for the rest of your life. Won't you allow me this one final pleasure and influence on her life?" the wine is making it difficult for my mother to keep up her stone cold façade. Serephina softens at this, the thought of their children being just out of reach seems to be something the queens can sympathise with each other about.

"You're right. I do apologise. It was insensitive of me to try and run the entire process. She can have armour. As long as its silver." Just as Serephina seems all the way soft she sharpens her voice to insist on the metal.

"Silver would be just fine." My mother beams, knowing she won this argument. She will be holding on to this victory till the day she dies.

"How is this your highnesses?" Marcella indicates the altered neckline of the grey mock dress. It feel as if the cut goes all the way down to my bellybutton. I smile down at myself, oh my father is going to hate this.

"That's … an improvement." Serephina's eyes glisten with the same victory as my mother's.

"What about the armour? Will it work over the gown?"

"Yes, your grace. The mock for the armour is here." Marcella puts a wire bodice over the cloth and cages me into this dress.

"You know I'm sure the back can be slightly more exposed if we cover her chest up slightly." My mom offers the other queen an olive branch.

"More rounded, here let me-" she takes the shears from Marcella and cuts the wire off of my back, leaving most of my back exposed. "Like that. And the highest I am willing to accept is here." She points directly between my breasts and I feel the need to cover myself with five shirts.

"And the skirts?" Marcella tries to move forward as quickly as possible to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"Full. With the layers. Similar to the one you made her for her birthday." My mom said before Serephina could insist on something fitted.

"Yes she did look lovely in that gown. But then it needs a high slit." Serephina insisted and my mother agreed.

"Perfect. My dear you can get changed. I have all your measurements and now we simply need to finalise the material and colour." Marcella kindly helps me off of the pedestal and out of the mock wedding dress.

The argument about colour and which cloth took another hour.

"It really should be red." My mother insisted.

"It should be dark blue." Serephina retorted.

"What if we make it grey? With blue and red stones in the armour? Would that be possible, Marcella?" my voice catches the entire room off guard. Serephina raised an eyebrow, considering my proposal, and probably surprised at my sudden backbone. My mother rubbed the frustration out of her brow as she sighed heavily.

"It definitely is." Marcella picked out the scraps of grey materials she had for us to choose from excitedly, hoping to be able to head home soon.

"That way everyone can be represented and…" the courage I felt mere moments ago melts away as my father enters the room.

"Have we reached a decision?" he asks as if he had any impact on our seemingly impossible quest to a dress.

"Yes, your highness. Princess Celine just suggested a grey gown with silver armour incrusted with blue and red gems. To ensure all are represented." Marcella spoke after an uncomfortable silence.

"Good, good. So be it then. Thank you Marcella, I trust it will be quite exquisite as your work always is. Queen Serephina, I have come to tell you the carriages are ready for your journey home. Prince Arrow shortly sent an eagle to inform the palace of your return."

"Marvellous! I look forward to seeing your work, miss Marcella." Serephina warmed at the thought of being able to return to her home.

As Marcella packs up her trinkets and patterns the queens leave the room, Serephina seemingly floating and my mother appearing very short behind her.

"I am terribly sorry about their behaviour today, Marcella." I sit down for the first time today and pick up a goblet of wine.

"It's all right, your highness. I cannot imagine how much you must hate this constant tension between your families. But soon this will all be a mere memory and they will have grandchildren in common!" Marcella beams at me, her face reminds me somewhat of the mice in the one fairy-tale who helped a poor girl sew a dress for a ball. I smile at her intentions and drink the content of the cup in one sip.

"Excuse me, may I speak to the princess?" Arrows voice fills the room through the door and my cheeks burn at the thought of what I must look like right now, dressed in only a slip and wine glass in hand. The perfect bride.

"Just a moment." I yell, Nailah mimicking my panicked face. She has me dressed in a skirt and tunic covered by a summer jacket in less than five minutes. She truly is a miracle worker.

"The princess will see you now." Nailah straightened my skirts as she called to prince Arrow.

"I will take my leave of you now, your highness. I shall return in a few days with your dress." Marcella curtsies at both me and Arrow.

"Thank you so much! Keep safe, Marcella." She is too kind to have any ill fall upon her.

"I didn't know you are occupied. I can come back." Arrow said almost to his feet.

"Oh no. We are done with our planning and arguing." I smile at him, he too is too kind.

"Ah I see. She didn't give you too much trouble did she?" he sat on the other armchair separated from mine by a small table with the carcases of our mothers' war.

"I don't think so. Although my mother would disagree. But in the end they came to a consensus. A grey dress with silver armour encrusted with red and blue stones. Oh I probably shouldn't have told you that." The smile I had at the thought of how beautiful the dress would be falls from my face as I realise I might have broken some tradition.

"No no. Please you looked so happy describing it." He takes my hands in his. "I am sorry that this isn't exactly what either of us had envisioned for our futures but I know we will be good together. We will be powerful and respected. And that will be enough." he blinks the sadness from his eyes and kisses the back of my hand. "I will see you soon, Celine."

I am left speechless as he leaves the room and then eventually the castle.

Dusk has long fallen when I lift myself from the chair and make my way to the dining room.