
7 Her Eyes Open

Janette was trying to get comfortable in the booth but the seat was a little hard but she was not feeling nervous at all anymore. As she looked at their faces she did not see disgust or contemptment all she saw was loving and caring in their eyes and on their faces She had been expecting them to judge her by her letting the things happen or being stupid or by the things that she had wanted to be done. As she looked into their faces she could tell that over half of them were wishing that it was them that this all happened to. Janette waited for everyone to be seated before she restarted telling everything. As soon as they were ready Stacy saw that everyone was ready she asked, "So what happened to you I assume that you passed out?"

Janette had to think for a moment and what Stacy said made sense all she knew was that she woke to the feeling of being drained. Janette said, "Yes I think that is what happened because when I woke I was in the most comfortable bed I had ever been in my life. It was not that it was so soft and warm it was beautiful as well. I was feeling so stiff and sore but I could tell that they had cleaned me up and rubbed ointment into my skin I had no idea what time it was or where I was for the fact of the matter all that I did know was that I was in a beautiful room in the softest bed that I had ever been in. I hated getting up but my tummy was telling me that it needed some food and I needed a drink."

Just thinking about it made Janette thirsty as she looked at the others they were right with her. Janette got a little smile knowing that they were feeling it too. "Well, as I looked around the room I noticed how elegant it was there was a note beside the bed table it was sitting by a tray of food and chilled juice. In the note, it said that there was a robe for me to put on sitting on the table next to the door of the bathroom and I was to feel free to take as long of a shower that I wanted and there was plenty of food and drinks. I will be by shortly to collect you. Then it was signed Will. I looked at the tray of food it all looked so yummy there was a whole bunch of choices for me to choose from and they were still hot and the picture of juices was still cold with ice still in it. I figured that their leaving must have woken me. I took a few bites of everything that was laid out for me and it all tasted so wonderful I wouldn't be surprised if the food was prepared by a five-star chef, and the juice was just what I was needing I was so thirsty I downed a whole glass rite away." Janette looked at the girls and had the biggest smile she was remembering all the wonderful flavors that everything had.

Janette said, "I was glad that all the portions were just a bite or two, but even at that I was stuffed before I could taste everything. As soon as I was full I decided that the sound of a shower was just perfect. I could tell that they had cleaned me some but not like a shower would and the potty was sounding really great with all the things that I had been drinking lately. So I grabbed the robe and oh my god it was the warmest, fluffiest, and softest robe that I had ever felt in my life I couldn't wait to put it on. When I opened the door to the bathroom my jaw just about dropped to the floor. The room was bigger than my whole apartment it was like you could have put it in the bathroom and still had some room. In the center of the room was a whirlpool tub and it looked like 4 people could easily fit into it but you could tell that it was designed to be used by one. I thought that would feel really great but knew that I did not have time for it and that was such a shame. Then I took a look at the shower and oh my god it was the most extravagant shower I had ever seen in my life. There were shower heads that would spray you from every direction at the same time and there was a feature on it that made it feel like you were standing under a waterfall but you could change it so that it felt like you were out in the rain and it was the perfect temperature. I had never had a shower that made me feel so wonderful."

Janette breathed out a contented sigh remembering how wonderful that the water felt caressing her skin. She continued after taking another sip of her drink, "There I was in the most beautiful bathroom I had ever seen in my life taking a shower that was just blowing my mind I just had to try all the settings on it and then there was a bunch of buttons there were 50 in a block with a nozzle beside each one and then there was another block of fifty buttons with nozzles next to them than about at face high was another button and a nozzle. As she looked there were no soaps or anything in the shower there was one little shelf in it and on the shelf was a luffa sponge and a personal razer and they had both been sealed in plastic. I could tell that the room had been prepared just for me as I looked at the sink there was a single toothbrush that was wrapped in plastic as well and at the back of the sink was a variety of toothpaste dispensers. It was just the coolest looking bathroom that I had ever seen."

Janette looked at the girls and they were all smiling with her and this time even Patty was smiling. "Well, I closed the door and locked it. Not sure why I did it's not like they hadn't seen what I look like nude and I don't lock the door at home but it just felt safer to me for some reason. I stepped into the shower and at first, it was hard to figure out what all the controls did but once I got the water on how I wanted it and to the perfect temperature at least that part was easy there was a digital display that you used to set the water temperature. Well once it was already in pushed the button that was alone and shaving-cream came out of it. I understood the other buttons had to be shampoo and cream rinse and the other set was for body wash soaps. I was glad that there was a razer there I had just shaved yesterday before we went out but I wanted to make sure that I was smooth today. It was like oh my god you guys have no idea how wonderful all that was and as I pushed the buttons one by one the shampoos were just so amazing and then the smells of the body soap mixing with the sents of the shampoos were just blowing my mind. It seemed to take forever to choose just the right two but I finally decided and it was just out of this world it made me feel like I could just live in the shower."

Janette did a hair flick at that point as the others watched and they had to admit that was part of what was making her look so different the other part was that she was happier than they had seen her looking in years. Janette gave a little giggle and said, "I just hated ending the shower and getting out of it. I think that I washed my hair at least 4 times, and the smells of the soaps blended perfectly with my body chemistry I didn't even need perfume. When I stepped out of the shower the coolest thing happened the vents and fans started on their own and the heat lamps came on. I was almost expecting a blower to come down from the ceiling to dry me off after that." Janette let out a little giggle. I tasted each one of the toothpaste before selecting the one that I was going to use. After brushing my teeth I took the towel off my hair and looked for my brush, and there was not one there, in fact, none of my things were in the bathroom. I thought that this will never do I can't face them without my makeup. I took off the towel that I dried off with and threw on the fluffy robe and man was it soft. But I opened the door before having the robe completely closed and tied and there on the bed sat Will I guess he had come in when I was in the shower. My face went beet red and I just froze in my tracks."

Janette paused and said, "I just have to potty anyone else?"

They all had to go they spilt into couples to take turns going. Stacy made sure that she was paired up with Janette.