
Crossing The Lines

This is a story of a woman who is adventurous, a woman who likes to play safe, and a cautious man. Alexandra, Amelia, and Adrian are best of friends for as long as they can remember. They know each other's strengths and weaknesses; they even know each other's secrets and dating history. They find comfort from one another and promised to be always there for each other no matter what. But what if love enters their harmonious friendship? Will they fight or waver? Will they keep the boundaries they built or they will cross the line from friendship to love?

BlueSapphire_dust · สมัยใหม่
177 Chs

Chapter Seventy Nine

"You bitch! You should go to hell! No, I should drag you to hell myself!"

Alex screamed as she punched the boxing bag in front of her continuously. The punching bag belongs to her brother and is hanging on the back porch of the house. Ace rarely used it, only at certain times. Unlike Adrian, who will play loud songs and act like a famous rock band vocalist when he's upset, she prefers to punch the bag to release all her emotions. That is fun. It was as if she was punching the faces of the people who irritated and hurt her.

"Just having fun, you say? Just for a night?! It was just a one-night stand?! Fuck!" She punched the bag again, harder this time. Even though she had wrapped her hand in a cloth, it still hurt. But she does not care. She had to do this until her emotions subsided, even though she would eventually lie down exhausted. She has to feel physical pain in other parts of her body enough to make her forget that she is hurting inside.