

Cross: (Shocked) I said I don't know what you are talking about and perhaps where I go and what I do is none of your concern my lady. (Walks out)

(Cross got to the royalty table)

Mane: What is your name young boy?

Cross: I am Cross.

Mane: What do you know about respect.?

Cross: Many things sir!!

Mane: I don't think so, if you know anything about respect you won't look me in the eye when having a conversation with you. It could be very dangerous.

Cross: But what's with you guys and looking someone on the eye in this town. That's what everybody says. Arghh.

Mane: What a bold kid?. I would spare you because I haven't seen you around before. But next time you watch your tongue.

Cross: Yes sir.

Mane: And you know what? I hate it when people make me wait so much.

Cross: Yes sir!!!!!

(Cross leaves their sight and leaves for the kitchen to continue serving.)

Mike: What problem are you having with King Mane.

Cross: King Mane?(Angrily says)

Mike: Yes, the greatest socererlord in the whole nation.

Cross: Wow, (Breathes heavily)

Mike: Is there a problem?

Cross: No not at all.

(It's time to lit the fire, so that Armanda can devour its sacrifice)

King Morghdad: Hello everyone your attention is needed here. Welcome to another year of Armanda celebration. It's something that must be done every year to please Armanda, if not it will escape from our town. Armanda is a creature that scare other town away from attacking us its our own warfare. No town will attack Wallnock and ever succeed as long as the Armanda is still

In our possession until you get the Kanima. And now that no one has suceeded in getting the kanima scroll. This is what makes us the second greatest in the nation. Long live Wallnock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crowd: All hail Wallnock!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cross: So if the sacrifice isn't made Wallnock will lose the Armanda.

Mike: Yea, other towns will try to take over and control the town.

Cross: Towns like.

Mike: Malikos, that's what they have wanted all their life.

(King Morghdad lits the fire, and the Armanda comes out of its inner cave. Everyone gave a standing ovation. Very soon Armanda started giving unwanted noise in the cave)

King Morghdad: Peter what is wrong with the Armanda.

Peter: (Whispers) We have a little problem sir.

King Morghdad: (Excuses himself) Please excuse me royal men I will be back soon. (Drags Peter outside the hall.)

Peter: We have a very big problem.

King Morghdad: What is the problem?

Peter: Vera Escaped!!

King Morghdad: What do you mean by that? We both know that is not possible.

Peter: I was also surprised my lord.

Tom: Peter, everything is not going on well with Armanda.

Peter: The sacrifice escaped.

Tom: What? That is not possible.

King Morghdad: You know what? we will pretend as if nothing happened. Nobody aside us most hear of this, we must be very careful. You know Mane must not hear of this. Peter set out to look for Vera you must find her.

Peter: Yes my lord!!

Tom: This is not good.

(Murmuring continues among the crowd, its unusual)

King Morghdad: Great Wallnock!!! You must have heard the sounds of Armanda. This only happens once in a while and we are sure we are in control of this.

( Mike and Cross leaves the hall to chat outside)

Cross: What do you think is wrong with Armanda? I have a feeling something is not going on well.

Mike: I am not sure too.. I will try to find out.

(The ceremony ended and everyone went home unconvinced nothing is wrong with Armanda)

King Morghdad: (Worried) How will an harmless girl just escape from the cave of Armanda it has never happened in the history of Wallnock.

Queen Rosalyn: You have to be patient my lord. I am sure the girl will be found before Armanda leaves the town.

Sarah: Everything is going to be okay dad. Just pray Armanda dosent get into the hands of another town.

(The knights are ready for the search of Vera they are assembled in the courtyard)

Mike: (Sights Peter) Brother I need to speak with you on something.

Peter: I have no time for now, the sacrifice escaped we have less than 24 hours to find her, so that Armanda the pride of Wallnock wont escape.

Mike: I sensed it, this is trouble.

Peter: Real trouble.

(Mike goes back into his room)

Mike: Vera is missing

Cross: What? That is not good.

Mike: I am afraid, we are no match for Malikos without Armanda. Oh my god.

(Sarah enters the room, unexpectedly)

Sarah: What did you go to the eastern forest to do.

Cross: My lady, I don't know what you are saying...

Sarah: (Cuts in) Don't lie! I saw you. What did you go there for?

Cross: What do you mean?

Mike: Cross? No my Lady he is a total stranger

Sarah: Vera had escaped and the only way she can pass to escape is through the eastern forest. Don't let what I am thinking of be true.

(Leaves the room)

Cross: I don't know what you are saying my lady.

Sarah: You will know soon, when Peter and his men arrives from the eastern forest. (She takes her horse and leaves the town alone)

Mike: Cross tell me what I don't know what is going on Cross?

Cross: I released Vera.

Mike: You what?

Cross: Yes I released Vera.

Mike: Peter must hear of this. How dare you. (Heads for the door)

Cros: (Drags him back) You can't. Vera is a socererlord, and I will become her omega.

Mike: And how will that please Armanda?

Cross: Vera is the sorcererlord of Torshin. The greatest In the nation.


Unknown person: My lord the sacrifice for Armanda escaped Wallnock is now porous for attack.

Mane: Wow, I sensed it also. So the great Armanda will leave anytime soon if the sacrifice isn't offered.

Unknown person: Yes my lord. Peter and his men are on their way to bring back Vera.

Mane: I have an assignment for you. Don't let that happen, get there before them and kill Vera, don't let Vera get back to Wallnock.

Unknown person: Yes my lord.

(Back in Wallnock)

Mike: What do you mean Vera is a Socererlord of Torshin?

Cross: She is the daughter of the great Astandara, I know this is crazy but I don't really have time to explain. I am from Astandara I spent 19 years with him.

Mike: How do I believe you.

Cross: You will me soon enough. I will soon get my powers.

Mike: Armanda will escape and Malikos will strike us down. That is the worst thing that can happen to Wallnock.

Cross:When I become omega to the the greatest socererlord in the nation all that will stop.

Mike: Wow, this is interesting. So what are you doing in Wallnock. Like Sarah said. You have a mission.

Cross: To save the greatest Socrerlord in the nation and that's what I am going to do.

Mike: Can you do this?

Cross: I will be back, its like Sarah knows everything about the plan. I have to get there before her.

(In the eastern forest)

(Vera heard footsteps of knights coming towards her.)

Vera: They are here.

(She starts running, then the knights gives her a hot persuit)

(Now Vera was chased until there was nowhere to run to again, it was the end of the road for her)

(Cross was still on the run wanting to save Vera before the knights gets her)

Peter: It is the end of the road for you Vera, surrender and follow us to Wallnock.

Vera: I am sorry but I have to do this..

(She closes her eyes and started casting spells.)

Vera: Trsihanaveratysmalliad!!!!!!!!!!.

(A very big earthquake happened that killed half of Peter's men everywhere became dusty everybody was down including Cross who just got there.)

(An unknown arrow suddenly hits Vera in the chest, she tries to remove the arrow another hits her in the abdomen. While everyone was down Cross stood up and ran towards her. He looks everywhere but didn't find the killer, the killer was gone already.)

Vera: (With blood in her mouth) Bring your hands Cross...

(Vera held Cross tight with her eyes closed. Then casted spells with her last strength)

Vera: You are now the Sorcererlord of Torshin. Save Torshin Save Torshin.

Cross: Vera No! Don't die don't go Vera. What of the scroll.

Vera: The scroll.. The scroll.. Its..its..me... (She dies)

Cross: No!!!!!!!!!!!! (Cross cries out loud with vera's body in his arms)

(In Malikos Mane's Palace)

Unknown Person: It is done my lord, but….

Mane: (Cuts in) No buts.. I trust you, you have done me a great favour and I will fulfill my promise when the time comes.

(In wallnock)

(Peter and some of his men wakes from coma and gets back to Wallnock)

King Morghdad: Peter what happened?

Peter: She is dead, I don't know how, but I know she died.

Sarah: Who killed her?

Peter: Easy my lady, Vera is a sorcerer.

King Morghdad: Sorcerer? How is that possible?

Sarah: A sorcerer?

Peter: She killed almost all of our men with magic, just an ordinary Sorcerer can't do what she did. Only a Sorcerer lord can do that.

Cross ended up saving Vera..But do you think Sarah is going to be an obstruction to his mission...

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