
Cross Worlds

Have you ever wondered if there are other realities? Perhaps a world with magic, or with mythical creatures only heard of in fictional stories? If these worlds do exist, why doesn't our world have any of that? Some people feel like they're in a loop, like every single day is the same thing over and over. Some of us may be okay with that, but others...are just tired of it. Riku Fumiya, an average everyday high school student suddenly wakes up in a room he doesn't recognize and his body is much different from how it used to be. He soon discovers that he's switched bodies with himself from another reality! How will Riku L, the Riku who ended up in the body of his fantasy self, handle the world of fantasy with a reality just a cruel? And is the world Riku F, the Riku who ended up in the body of the Riku of the "boring and normal" world, ended up in really as plain as it seems? Now I know what you're thinking: "Another Isekai, really?" Well, this isn't technically an Isekai. Give it a read and you'll see what I mean! All pictures belong to the respective owners.

LoneWolfSora · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 7: "The Slums of Graycott"-1

By the time their days had come to an end, Riku F. had moved into a room made for one person, by request, and had met the girl who would show him around and explain things to him in a more detailed fashion. Originally Nishida planned to give him a roommate, but not only did Riku F. not want anyone to find out about Riku L, he also didn't want anyone to find out he could use magic. He had to beg to get a single room, but Nishida allowed it in the end. Riku L. spent the rest of his day training with Artemis with the blade gauntlets she had showed him, and learned quite a bit from her in the little amount of time they spent training together.

Both of them had gotten notifications about everything that had happened to each other and they had the same reaction. Almost simultaneously, they sent each other the same message. "You lucky bastard!!"

Riku F. was the first to follow up. "You get to train under the Artemis?! The one I've looked up to for years?! No wonder the name of this place sounded so familiar, I can't believe I forgot!"

Riku L's message going through right after. "You're going to the all girls' organization, Artemis?! How?! Why?! Well I know why because it told me, but wow! You are so damn lucky! I thought sensei's name reminded me of something and it was that Artemis!"

They both sighed audibly as they read one another's messages before sending messages again simultaneously. "It's not like I asked, it was offered."

Then they sent the same message at the same time once again. "I know, I read the news thing."

Both of them became equally annoyed and sent the same message, yet again, simultaneously. "Stop doing that!" Riku L. stopped for a second and started laughing. On the other hand, Riku F. grumbled to himself before sighing and falling back on his bed.

Riku L. sent another message. "Have you met anyone you liked?"

Riku F. stared at the message and thought for a second before responding. "Well, the girl who's going to be showing me the ropes seems nice. The president isn't all that bad I guess...and everyone else I don't know yet. Most of them don't seem very happy with the arrangement though."

"I see, Artemis is very nice and she seems to be a fan of yours. You'll have to tell me about the kind of heroic stuff you've done lol."

"Maybe another time. It's late and I have to wake up early. The girl showing me around is a very busy person. I imagine she'd be a student council member in one of your schools if she attended them. Goodnight for now, and good luck with your training."

Riku L. smiled a bit. Even though it was himself, he felt like he finally had a real friend. "Likewise to you, rest well."

Riku F. just lied in bed for a moment, several thoughts running through his mind, about the Artemis of his world and the "heroic" things he's done. He then set his phone aside, setting and alarm and going to sleep.

Riku L. however decided to stay awake. It was only about 9:00 PM, so he decided to wander around the town he was now staying in. He had decided to rent an apartment in town so he wouldn't have to make Roco fly back and forth between his home and the area Artemis and him trained at. The town was so close to the training area that he could walk and get there in less than fifteen minutes. As for his house, it was at least a thirty minute flight on Roco's back.

Riku explored the town in a casual outfit, hoping he'd be less recognizable to others. He ate dinner, explored several different stores, and looked at all the technology this world had to offer. There were kids on hoverboards, some with hover-boots, some held very advanced handheld gaming devices, there were a few drones flying around, and more. "This world really was a mix of the modern world, the fantasy world, and the future." Riku thought to himself, smiling as he continued walking, and soon ending up in a part of town with few lights and run down buildings.

"Well this is different..." Riku walked throughout the rundown area, looking around everywhere. He could see many homeless people, as well as young children, roaming around or sitting by fires. He noticed a few munching on rations, a few with signs for money, or even just asking for food and clothes in general.

Riku frowned at the sight. "Even in a world like this...there are still places like this..." He stopped as he noticed a young man, wearing what appeared to be adventuring clothing and gear, standing before a middle-aged man who was on his hands and knees. He looked as if he was begging. Riku walked a bit closer so he could hear what was being said. The man was indeed begging, for food, for his children who were hiding behind a corner, looking frightened. Riku guess this young man was a hero. "He'll help...right..?" He mumbled as he got closer.

"I thought I told you to move old man!" The hero suddenly kicked the middle-aged man in the gut and made him roll on his back, grunting. The young man then walked over to him. "You really need to learn your place." He raised his leg.

"Daddy!" The children cried.

"Hey." Riku swept the young man's other leg with his own, making him fall back.

"Ugh!" The young man grunted as he fell on his back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He glared down at the young man.

The hero looked up at him and glared right back. "No, what do you think you're doing?!"

"You attacked a man who was just asking for food. What the hell do you think I'm doing dumbass?"

"I was just teaching this man, who's lower than a commoner, his place. To ask someone like a hero to help him, what a joke."

"...But that's what heroes are supposed to do: help those who are weaker than them."

"Um, no, heroes are simply people who save towns from being destroyed and various other requests for money or other rewards. We don't take specific requests or special ones without a reward."

Riku scoffed and clenched his fists. "Is that really all a hero is in this world..? What a joke..!" Riku thought to himself. "Just screw off before I kick your ass."

The hero glared at him, but even he had enough humility not to fight where there were children and innocents nearby. He merely scoffed and walked off, purposely bumping into Riku. "You had better watch your back." He gave him a glare before walking off.

Riku glared at the young man's back as he walked off before looking at the middle-aged man. The children were at his sides, whining a little. Riku walked over and knelt by him. "Hey, are you alright?"

The two children looked up at Riku, a boy and a girl, and the man looked up at him as well. "Ah I'm alright... Thanks for the help though..."

Riku wrapped his arm under the man's shoulder and helped him up, acting as a support. "Let's get you home."

"...Thank you..." The man muttered.

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