
Cross Worlds

Have you ever wondered if there are other realities? Perhaps a world with magic, or with mythical creatures only heard of in fictional stories? If these worlds do exist, why doesn't our world have any of that? Some people feel like they're in a loop, like every single day is the same thing over and over. Some of us may be okay with that, but others...are just tired of it. Riku Fumiya, an average everyday high school student suddenly wakes up in a room he doesn't recognize and his body is much different from how it used to be. He soon discovers that he's switched bodies with himself from another reality! How will Riku L, the Riku who ended up in the body of his fantasy self, handle the world of fantasy with a reality just a cruel? And is the world Riku F, the Riku who ended up in the body of the Riku of the "boring and normal" world, ended up in really as plain as it seems? Now I know what you're thinking: "Another Isekai, really?" Well, this isn't technically an Isekai. Give it a read and you'll see what I mean! All pictures belong to the respective owners.

LoneWolfSora · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 1: "Waking Up in a Mysterious World"-1

"Okay Riku, stay calm. You can figure this out. This is just like an anime where you die and end up in a completely different wor- wait, did I die?!" Riku then proceeded to freak out even more.

After a few moments, he took a deep breath, multiple deep breaths, and calmed himself. "Stay calm... This definitely isn't a dream and I'm definitely not being pranked because I have no friends." He chuckled sadly. "And it's not like I died... I know I didn't get food poisoning or anything because I made the food myself... I still have all my memories, but that's normal in a cliché like this, and it definitely doesn't seem like I was just born, so it's not like I died and got reincarnated with my memories..."

Suddenly, Riku's wrist started beeping continuously, rather loudly as well, making him jump. He looked at his wrist to see a watch on it. It seemed to be an average smartwatch, but it didn't have any buttons on it. "What the..?" He saw that alarm was going off on the watch, and the time matched his wake up alarm, two holographic words being display from the screen: "Sleep" and "Cancel". Riku quickly pressed the sleep option to stop the obnoxious beeping.

"Weird... How could it have an alarm if I just got here? Did someone else set it..? Maybe there's someone else here!" He then proceeded to jump out of bed and search through his clothing for suitable attire. Oddly enough, all the clothes in the room matched the style of the clothing in his room. He merely shrugged it off, getting dressed in a deep green t-shirt and brown pants. Realizing how cold it was, he quickly put on a brown leather coat and wrapped a deep green scarf around his neck. "That's better..."

Riku then ran to his door, quickly realizing it had no doorknob and stopped, but once he got close to the door, it slid open on its own. "Woah. That's dope. Anyways." He ran out, exploring the home, and found that the layout of the house was very similar to his dream house. Other than the bedroom, the house consisted of a guest room, two bathrooms, a lounge area, a kitchen with a patio, and a basement. His basement could also be called a gaming room with all the advanced consoles it was filled with. "Huh, this is literally my dream house... Maybe I'm in the future..? Nah, that cliché's way overused." He spoke was if he were in some kind of anime.

He then walked out onto the patio, the patio having a blue, transparent, cube around it, the whole house itself also covered in the same transparent, glowing, blue outline, consistently fading in and out, just barely noticeable. "This must be some kind of barrier... Maybe its for bugs or something. If that's the case, I definitely appear to be in the future... Or at least a futuristic setting... Did I actually time travel..? I still live alone, yet my house is way more upgraded and so much more dope. But how did I get here?" He half sighed, half groaned. "What's going on?!" His voice echoed after he yelled in frustration.

He suddenly heard a strange buzzing sound from behind him. He turned, seeing a giant bee, hovering and staring at him from afar, but it started to fly toward the house. This bee was a bit odd; it was much longer and skinnier than a normal bee, Its eyes red its stinger was more like a spear head than a tiny needle, and its wings were rectangular. "Holy- what the heck?! A giant bee?!" The bee seemed to be flying right at him, its speed increasing.

"O-Oh Crap!" Riku looked back at the door and realized that he wouldn't be able to make it back inside in time with how fast the bee was going, even with the automatic door. He put up his arms in a defensive manner and hoped for the best, his eyes closing tightly. The bee continued to fly forward, but bounced off the transparent blue cube around the patio. Riku heard the noise of the bee slamming into the barrier and slowly opened his eyes to see what just happened.

"W-What the..?" Riku watched as the bee continued to ram against the barrier, trying to get to Riku. He slowly smiled and started to laugh, holding his gut and pointing at the bee. "Stupid bee! You can't get through the barrier!" He then thought to himself, "Thank god that's actually a barrier..!"

The bee seemed to glare at him as he laughed and its eyes flashed for a moment, aiming its stinger at him. He stopped laughing and blinked a few times, smiling nervously now. "E-Eh?" It fired a thin yellow energy beam at him from its stinger and he yelped in fear, falling back to try and avoid it, but the barrier was unfazed by the beam as well. Riku stared at the small streak of steam coming off the barrier where the beam had just hit, sighing in relief. He started laughing at the bee again, though the nerves in his voice were still there. "Sucks to suck doesn't it mister/misses bee?! You still can't get me!"

The bees eyes suddenly started glowing and it began emitting a sound wave of sorts from its rectangular wings. Only a few moments after it did, about nine more bees came flying out of various parts of the forest, floating to the bee that was attacking the barrier and grouping up Riku eyes widened at the sight of all of the bees glaring at him with their red eyes, all of their eyes constantly flashing. He managed to remain calm as he thought of the barrier however. He thought to himself, "N-No need to worry, I'll be fine, the barrier will keep me safe..."

They all began to fire beams from their stingers directly at Riku, all firing at the exact same spot, and the spot of the barrier they were firing at began to turn red. His eyes widened once more as he realized that the barrier was weakening due to their focused attacks. "S-Shit..!" The barrier slowly began to crack little by little as the bees continued to fire. Riku trembled with fear as he started to scramble back, his legs paralyzed from how frightened he was. "T-They're gonna get through!"

Riku shook his head and quickly jumped up, running for the door. "I have to get inside..!" He reached for the door and heard what sounded like glass shattering behind him. He turned his head, only to see a bee fly through the broken part of the barrier directly toward him, aiming its stinger and making him yelp in fear once more. As the bee closed in on him, the caw of a bird could be heard and something quickly flew through the broken part of the barrier, so big it broke the barrier open even more, and it slammed down on the bee as it landed, crushing it.

Riku jumped a bit as he saw the creature standing before him: a griffon. He didn't know whether to be afraid or amazed, just gazing at it for a moment. It was just like the griffon mentioned in fantasy stories and anime he had always seen. The front half of its body was that of an eagle, the second half that of a lion. The griffon's right wing was mechanical, as was its front right leg. Riku didn't have time to wonder what that was all about however as he noticed that the bees were starting to fly in one after another. The griffon turned around to face the bees, staring them down with anger, determination, and confidence burning in its eyes. The griffon was protecting Riku.

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