
Cross-World Mixology: Bartending For Another World

Every few days somewhere in another world a bar opens up for 3 days and nights only and disappears on the 4th day. The owner and his apprentice makes drinks for any race whether you're a king, a monster, the undead, or anyone else and to anyone who accepts hospitality to be in the bar of otherworldly tastes, a bar named the Phantom Cat. Some say the owner has a secret that his own people don't know except his regulars. What secret could it be?

Sandwich_Author · แฟนตาซี
118 Chs

Now That's Done

After an hour or two I didn't realize he already killed off the monster. That was a world-class monster... How the hell did you manage to take it out?

'Well I was just using your current abilities. Is there anything wrong with that?'

I don't think so. But how though I'm still shocked how you managed it all on your own.

'So you're doubting your own abilities then. I just used what you have at hand.'

Not that I doubt myself it's just that I'm still not used into using them. I mean I'm still new to this kind of stuff.

'You say that and yet you've surpassed what your Master was expecting from you.'

Was I? Was I really underestimating myself? Anyways can you tell me who you are anyways since we finished the monster already.

'The thing about that is I'm you. Well I do have a name but I don't think it's appropriate to you.' 

So what is it then? I don't care if your name is inappropriate. I just need a name so I can tell who's talking.