
Cross-World Mixology: Bartending For Another World

Every few days somewhere in another world a bar opens up for 3 days and nights only and disappears on the 4th day. The owner and his apprentice makes drinks for any race whether you're a king, a monster, the undead, or anyone else and to anyone who accepts hospitality to be in the bar of otherworldly tastes, a bar named the Phantom Cat. Some say the owner has a secret that his own people don't know except his regulars. What secret could it be?

Sandwich_Author · แฟนตาซี
118 Chs

More Visions and Fascinations

I woke up in some kind of a dream...

"Oh you've awaken from that sleep you're in." Said the stranger.

"Wait, who are you?"

"Oh you don't need to know my name kid." Said the stranger.

The guy is oddly faceless and I can't tell who he is exactly so I'll stick to stranger for now.

"So sit with me here Vic don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you." Said the stranger.

"Okay who are you exactly. Not that I'm asking for your name it's just I'm asking for what you are."

"Nice question right there Vic who am I exactly right? Let's just say I'm your hidden thought. I don't really exist or do I? I'm just messing with you, anyways you've probably seen me 3 times now in your dreams do you know why?" Said the stranger.

"No, I don't really know why you are in my dreams."

"I see well then let's just say your potential is way better than what you've anticipated." Said the stranger.

"What are you on about to be honest?"