
Cronicles of Aruan: scientist reincarnated in a world of magic.

In the year 2023, Aruan (or Aruanã) was a survivor. As a biologist-engineer at the Butantan Institute, he was researching the mutation of the rabies virus. His work involved experimenting with cellular regeneration of the nervous system to develop a potential cure. However, what he thought would be a breakthrough ended up becoming his worst nightmare. An infection spread from his assistant, leading to the destruction of his lab, and soon the virus spread across Brazil and the world. Haunted by guilt as one of the few survivors of the apocalypse, Aruan roams a desolate world alone. His journey takes an unexpected turn when he is discovered by a surviving militia. He helps this small village thrive, providing guidance and hope in a world gripped by chaos. During an ambush by a rival faction, Aruan is tragically killed. But that’s not the end of his story. Summoned by the Gods, he is chosen as their champion and sent to another world to serve their will. This opportunity offers him a chance for redemption, a chance to correct the mistakes of his past. Given the divine powers to choose from, Aruan faces a peculiar option: Science Manipulation. Eager to employ his newfound abilities and the knowledge from his former world, he selects it without hesitation. Little does he know that he’ll be reborn into a world where magic is the dominant force, presenting a unique challenge.

Lucas_Senna · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Fragments of Guilt

It had been four years since it all began – the onset of the Zombie Apocalypse had brought chaos and destruction to the world.

Aruan, always skeptical of the news broadcast on television, had been one step ahead from the start. As a Biological Engineer, he understood the magnitude of the danger far better than most. In anticipation of the catastrophe, he had meticulously prepared a well-fortified hideout stocked with ample supplies.

As the initial chaos subsided and civilization fell, the government responded by deploying militias to different regions, aiming to restore order and maintain a semblance of authority. Over time, these militias evolved into independent factions. Instead of solely combating the undead, they began fighting amongst themselves, resulting in a world consumed by factional warfare.

Conflicts between factions had become the norm, exacerbated by the scarcity of resources and the dominance of industrial plants in the cities. Aruan had adapted to this harsh new reality, aligning himself with the "Mancha Verde" faction – a choice that would shape his path in unforeseen ways.

Once again, he assumed a significant role in society, wearing multiple hats: an emergency medic, a resourceful researcher, and an integral member of the exploration team. On this day, Aruan and his team – comprising Eric, Carla, Ronaldo, and Peter – embarked on a mission to acquire essential medicines for their community. Their destination was the General Hospital, a potential repository of much-needed supplies.

Eric, Ronaldo, and Peter were armed to the teeth, battle-hardened soldiers with a commitment to their faction's cause. Carla, on the other hand, was a resourceful scavenger, skilled in navigating the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world. Despite the ordeal, Carla, his loyal assistant and closest friend, had managed to retain her compassionate nature. A young mute woman, she had become an invaluable asset, especially given her ability to communicate through sign language – a skill she shared with Aruan, allowing them to maintain silent yet effective communication during their dangerous forays.

For Aruan, who had grown up without a family, Carla had become more than just a companion – she was akin to a sister. Through thick and thin, she had been his steadfast ally, offering unwavering support and camaraderie.

Today marked another routine expedition for essential supplies – an endeavor crucial for their faction's survival. Little did they know, this expedition would turn into a nightmarish ordeal, triggering a sequence of events that would shatter the veneer of normalcy they had desperately clung to in this new world.

- Damn, damn, where are the painkillers?

Aruan was desperate, throwing several antibiotics into his backpack as he plundered the hospital's pharmacy. Blood dripped from his hand due to the shattered glass on the table. With haste, caution was his sole concern, since the sounds of gunfire indicated the invaders were getting closer.

As he moved to another shelf, his eyes scanned all the medications until they stopped at one of the analgesics used in surgeries to anesthetize patients. He quickly grabbed as many as he could and stuffed them into the backpack, without worrying.

With a trembling, blood-stained hand, he opened the door. While the other hand gripped his trusty machete, he swung the door open quickly, only to be faced with a Fallen. It was a woman, around one meter seventy tall, blond hair, pale skin covered in irritated patches, signs of broken capillaries, and chunks of flesh missing from her arms, likely the result of bites. Foam bubbled from her mouth.

Aruan didn't hesitate. With a swift thrust to the side of the Fallen's head and a quick withdrawal of the machete, blood splattered onto his hand.

Addicted to adrenaline and nervousness, with the sounds of gunfire getting closer, he heard a terrifying whistle that made every inch of his being shiver in fear.

Walking down the corridor, Aruan soon found his companion Carla. They were at the hospital searching for medicine for their faction.

- Carla, glad you're done. Let's go, we can't waste any more time here.

Before his friend could respond, a whistle came from the end of the corridor, followed by a gunshot.


Aruan fell to the ground, unable to stay on his feet. Blood streamed from his leg like a river toward the ocean. His attempt to press the wound only made things dirtier... redder. Waves of pain made Aruan grunt.

- A... Ru... An, how long? Wow, you're so different. If you get any paler, I won't be able to tell you apart from a Fallen.

The man said, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire in one hand and a pistol in the other.

- You bastard.

Aruan cursed.

He tossed the backpack to Carla and, using all his strength and the wall's support, got up. Every inch of movement sent a pulsating pain from his leg throughout his body. Summoning all his courage to endure the pain and stand, he finally locked eyes with his assailant.

- You bastard, you planned everything from the start.

The man turned as if looking for someone.

- Who, me?

He said, pointing his thumb at himself.

- I just came to visit an old friend. Did you really think I'd stop talking to you just because you left my house without a warning?

'Crap, crap, crap - the damn psychopath, of all the factions, Ronald had to pick a fight with Pavilion 9. Now this lunatic won't stop until everyone's dead' - Aruan thought.

- Carla, take the medicine and run.

Aruan positioned himself between Nig and Carla. Knowing he was already dead and having long made peace with death, he did it at least for Carla's safety. When he turned to see the young girl, she made some sign language gestures, trying to hold back tears, and then ran down the corridor with the backpacks, fleeing the hospital.

He turned to face his tormentor.

Nig wore a leather jacket over a black t-shirt. A piece of white cloth was tied around his neck, and a lunatic grin stretched from ear to ear.

He nodded in agreement, raising the pistol once again and shooting Aruan's leg.


Aruan collapsed, groaning in pain, clutching his leg.

- Look at that, I thought all lab scientists were wimps, but it seems you've got some balls, huh?

But what you did, Aruan, can't be fixed with just balls. I needed you to make a medicine to save my loved ones. And what did you do? You ran? And as if that wasn't enough, you had to kill them all, didn't you?

He couldn't finish. Aruan interrupted him.

- You...


Nig's blow cut Aruan off, and he felt everything fading away. His vision darkened, consciousness dissipated, and his eyes closed.


His eyes opened again, adjusting to the dim lighting of the room. Lying on a table, he felt excruciating pain, a lack of balance. He tried to speak, but only intense waves of pain manifested.

- Thought it'd be that easy? To die, huh? Don't worry, I've prepared a very special ending for you.

Nig held a needle.

- This blood here was taken from the fallen one you knocked down a little while ago. Soon she'll wake up and find a new partner. Congratulations, you've finally found a life partner, huh, stud?

Nig gave Aruan two taps and injected the infected blood.

Then, he headed for the door.

- Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave the couple to enjoy their privacy. Enjoy it, stud. Ah, I'd love to have that honeymoon too. Too bad I still have many little birds to hunt.

Nig said as he blinked and closed the door.

'So, this is the end, ah.' - Aruan thought

Aruan attempted to laugh at the irony of it all, but only pain and bizarre grunts escaped his voice.

'Hahahahahahahahaha, it truly is ironic, this ending. And so, the creator dies by his own creation.'

After hours of grunting, the room finally fell silent. Hours of pain and irony filled the thoughts of a young scientist reflecting on his mistakes.


*4 years earlier...*

- How much longer until we reach Phase 3 trials for R23?

The president asked.

- In two weeks, with this central nervous system restructuring process, and a few more years of testing, we'll be ready to treat patients. In a few years, we'll be able to help patients with permanent traumas.

Aruan responded.

- Excellent. You can proceed with the testing using the R10 prototype. I'll assign you two more assistants and a new laboratory.

The CEO replied with a smile.

- And Aruan, you and I together... We will... change the world.

This is the first chapter, i will write 10 chapters of introduction.

Soon i will create a discord for anyone who would like to suggest.

Here is my intro:

Hy guy’s i am Lucas, a Brazilian Author, this is the second time i am trying to write, normally i do only for fun as a hobbie but this is the second time i am trying to open this hobbie to the world, i hope u enjoy.

My english is pretty bad so if u have suggestions and notice some mistake plis warn me for me to fix it.

That’s is all folks.

Lucas_Sennacreators' thoughts