
Who Did It?

POV- Raven Blackthorn

I couldn't believe what I heard. My brother, Trevor died in his office and no one saw the culprit.

" Ma'am, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

I couldn't say a word, I wanted to say something but all came out as a faint whisper.

I was always close with my brother Trevor. We grew up together, sharing everything from toys to secrets. But as we got older, things started to change.

Trevor became more distant, spending more time alone and avoiding my calls. I tried to reach out to him, but he always seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

Even with that said I still cared so much about him and I can't believe what happened.

He never had enemies. Whenever we talked, he would always tell me about his success and how he would help me get to a nice apartment. All of his dreams alongside my heart are shattered.

After a couple of weeks, I decided to let it go. I need to move on, I need to be strong, for him. I know someone did this to him, Trevor never wanted to end up like he did that morning.

I get up from bed and pick up my laptop. He told me about a big company his working for named "Wraith Market".

Maybe the name isn't like the corporation, he said it's a nice place.

All of this was made by the Wraith family. They seem to be popular so I click on blue text and it redirected me to a Wikipedia page of their history.

Someone from there is familiar to me, I saw him working at his desk when I brought Trevor his lunch.

His getting more and more interesting as I look through his owned buildings. Lucius Wraith has a club two streets away from the company.

It's 6 PM and I decided to freshen up and go to his club. I need to find some info and I also need to be careful. My drawer wasn't full of designer, quality dresses, you could say they were just right.

The dress is a beautiful black silk that flows elegantly right below my knees, it isn't too small nor too big. It has a simple, timeless design with a V-neckline and delicate spaghetti straps that crisscross in the back. The dress hugs my figure in all the right places, accentuating curves and creating a flattering silhouette.

The black heels are perfect with the dress, adding a touch of sophistication and glamour. They are sleek and modern, with a pointed toe and a stiletto heel that elongates the legs. With that said I pick my bag and take an Uber to the right destination.

The club entrance was beautiful, in the front it looked like some fancy hotel, with a red carpet and all the things you see on TV. As I look at the cars that are stopping by bringing different couples, I can't let unnoticed the luxury cars that they have.

The club was crowded, full of different people that are dancing right in the middle of it. The music makes my ears scream at how loud it was.

My plan was easy, get in and get out without anybody noticing. It was the perfect Friday night to do it. Everyone couldn't see because of the smoke that formed on the ceiling so I quickly vanish through the crowd and get to a back door.

As I open it, not sure of what is going to be in front of me, I see a huge hallway leading to multiple black doors. The walls were painted a beautiful shade of crimson with some patterns on it, it was fascinating.

I open every door quietly until I reach the correct one, Lucius's office. Every object in this room was placed perfectly, everything was neat.

I go to his desk and open a random drawer. He had all of the files organized, leading me to Wraith Market. Every employee had a page with all the information. There he was, Trevor Blackthorn.

I freeze in my place when I saw a picture of him with his head on the desk and the blood coming through his skull. The time he deceased was 01:34 AM.

I need to find the culprit.

How can he have this valuable information right in front of him? He knew everything about anyone, I bet he was running every dirty business from that company.

My nerves start to build up and I accidentally knock out a stack of papers from Lucius's desk. I can't even try to put them back when I heard the door from the hallway open and footsteps right at the entrance.

I run to the back of the door. Someone opened the door and had a gun right in the front, ready to shoot. I quickly grabbed it and pulled as hard as I could then knocked him out with the handle of the gun.

The papers from the desk were still down but I grab Trevor's and dashed to the closest window. I carefully open it so I don't attract more unwanted presence and put the right leg and then the other letting myself fall, but not when I saw Lucius open the door from the hallway, he was looking straight into my eyes like he could pierce my skull. He had a strange aura that I despise.

I couldn't stay to chat with him because he rudely gets his gun out and starts to shoot right in the window beside me. He didn't want to hit me, I saw that.

Lucius looked like he aimed right at my face but he wanted to scare me away and surprisingly not kill me.

I run as fast as I could out of his club's yard. After passing one block I hear cars coming my way, I guess he found out about the documents. Taking a suspicious alley to my apartment wasn't the best decision I could take, telling the truth when I saw two crackheads in front of my eyes.

I got a weapon on me, but I wouldn't like to use it at night when I can't see anything.

"Are you alright, miss? You look like you could need some help. "

" No, thanks. I'm completely fine."

Right in the middle of me passing them, someone puts a hand on me. I take his hand and then put it on his back, hearing the hysterical screams that he made, I'm sure he Lucius heard it too.

Right before I could leave the place, a blinding light comes from the end of the alley.

The cars were blocking the way I came and the only way out of this was jumping the fence that was in my back.

"Just give the documents back and that's it, no one is going to be hurt." His voice was deep but there was no time for rethinking my life decisions.

I grab my knife that was in an elastic band on my thigh and hold it at the random person in from of me.

I back up so I could reach the fence and jump when it was time.

" Look, I don't even know the man just let him go. All I care about is the files and nothing else." Those were the last words that I hear after I jump the fence and the gunshots aim at the men.

Don't think he saw my face that well. If he did, he would surely call my name. I change my clothes and put everything in order.

How do I get revenge?