
New Appearence

POV- Lucius Wraith

The past few weeks have been draining for me. First my best friend..Trevor Blackthorn's death, and now me finally quitting my family's business.

And when I say finally, I mean almost two weeks of negotiating with my parents some affairs since they didn't want to let me go. My little brother Kai, the only one who really cared about my well-being, was the most confused about why I wanted to leave so badly...but I couldn't tell him yet why.

I've been suspecting my parents ways of making money so fast, and just found out some clues as to why. The only reason I can't tell anyone this is because I don't have proof yet.

The only one who helped me was Trevor. He was the one who grabbed my attention too about it. But because he seems to have digged too far into this, he got killed. By who? I don't know yet.

And now, his little sister Raven seems to want to find out too who did this. I don't actually know too much about her, since I've never met her, but Trevor told me she has a good heart and a strong character, so I believe him.

Right now I'm going to one of my hidden offices in one of my few clubs that I own. I needed to check some documents and some emails from Kai about the company.

But when I arrived, I immediately noticed something wasn't right. After I made my way through the crowd of people, I got my gun out and opened the door to the hallway to my office. And that's when I saw it.

Someone, a woman by her siluete, was at the end of the hallway with a document in hand, just then closing the door to my office.

I immediately pointed the gun towards her, but reconsidered it and shooted a bullet at the window beside her. I didn't expect her to right after run away so fast, so I quickly got into a car with some security guards, and followed after her.

Right as she seemed to want to hurt someone I shouted:

"Just give the documents back and that's it, no one is going to be hurt." By the time I finished the sentence, the guards cornered her against a fence.

"Look I don't even know the man just let him go. All I care about is the files and nothing else."

But it was too late. She jumped over the fence and dissapiered. Guess that even if I seem nice she won't listen. Good thing I finally recognized who she was. I suspected Raven might find me, but I'm impressed she found my office this quick. Seems like she's as smart as Trevor was..

No problem. I'll just hire someone to look after her. Right now I need to go back to the Wraith Company to pack my things and maybe say goodbye to my brother.

I'm sure we will meet again, after all, I've heard a certain someone wants to occupy my position at the company...