
Crimson Requiem

On Pause

Znvie · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs


" Huh? " says Inu, as he looked at Haenami whose face, was tainted by blood, while he was on his knees the blood on the ground started to reach him, however, he was still processing on what's going on.

Hiroshi was whimpering on the hole in his palm, he tried to shout but Haenami was sealing his mouth tightly with his hands.

Through the eyes of Haenami was a sight of a merciless killer who never back downs on his prey, Momoka on the other hand was keeping the barrier while on top of Hiroshi.

" Let me go, please! I'll never do it again, I have a family. " Stabs, the knife deepens through one of his legs, screaming for help was futile as Haenami doesn't have any intention of letting him go.

" Family, right? If you truly care for your family you wouldn't do such things. " He then grabs the knife and pulled it upwards, Hiroshi groans as Haenami then slit his throat.

Jumping down on Hiroshi, he looked at Inu.

" D-don't worry, I won't tell anyone! Just let me go, please. " He lowers his head, Haenami raises his head and hands the knife to Inu.

Momoka then jumps on Haenami's shoulder and both of them left, Inu could only look at him go as he was left alone in the corpse of the thugs.

" He, I- "

" Fuck, I'm such a wimp. " He laughed hysterically while looking at the skies, contemplating his actions.

" That's right, I should change. To be someone like you! " He wash his face with the blood of others, standing up he looked at Hiroshi and stab the knife at his chest.

He soon left, leaving the traces for the people to find.

Haenami removes the blood on his face and approached Aria who was patiently waiting on a bench while Yeon sleeps on her lap.

She raises her head, happy to see her son.

" Ah you're back, did you find what you need? " Haenami nods at her and carries Yeon as they go home.

Haenami was resting on his bed while Momoka was sitting on his chest.

" Are you sure it's okay leaving that guy alone at the crime scene? He might rebel and report you. " Haenami groans softly and turns sideways, Momoka falls down and looked at him.

" No, he won't be. " Haenami then rest for the night with Momoka.

Somewhere in the market, there were knights that were carrying paper roaming the city.

The knights approached one stall and handed a paper.

" Hello, have you seen this person? " As the owner reads the paper contents, he was surprised and eagerly said yes.

" Oh? Would you mind telling us the details? " The owner nods and so he talked to the knights about the information he knows, " So I was almost asleep during that night because no one buys at my shop. Suddenly, a man approached me and his smell is so bad. The stench could kill me, I tried to know him more as he seems to be suspicious but he never spoke and his face was covered by a mask. "

" That's why I never got a chance to dig deeper, but, he was holding on to a dagger that is dripping. It seems to be fresh since it also has a bad smell. When I peaked to see what it is, I could tell that it was blood. I was so nervous because he might kill me but thankfully he didn't. " The owner then points at the floor outside the stall.

" Look at the ground, that's blood. " One knight kneeled down and swipes his finger on the ground gaining a bit of the blood from yesterday.

As he rubs it on one of his hands, the blood turns into a speck of dust.

He looked at the other knight who nodded at him and looked at the owner.

They were surprised to see him disappear.

Before they knew it, each of their head starts to fall off caused by a mist that passed through them.

The last knight who also has a speck of dust on his hand blocked the dagger that's causing the mist, he then pushed the person causing it and there reveals the culprit.

It was no other than the owner, who was on the wanted list.

Diego, The frost legion commander.

He's a wanted criminal that's caused many victims to lose their lives at the hand of thugs, that Deigo leads. He's the biggest scum of them all, despite his good-looking face that's all the compliment you can say because this guy is rotten from inside.

Diego aligns his dagger from his face as it turns into a mist disappearing on his hand, the knight kept his cool and faced Diego despite the odds.

" Are you sure about this? You're at a disadvantage. " Diego steps on one of the heads on the floor and rolls it around while looking at the knight.

" You can't even see this! " Diego swings the dagger from afar, as the knight kept his focus he was surprised to be hit by something sideways.

Turns out it was a mist, but what does it mean?

He looked onto his side to only find that his armor was cracked by the hit he took.

He slightly loosens his grip on his sword and lowered his stance, Diego was curious about what the knight was planning and so he strikes once again.

The mist roams once again in the air, as the knight observes its movement. The mist suddenly splits, but that was because he threw his sword.

Catching Diego by surprise, the sword passed by sliding only to the side of his face.

Diego wipes the blood on his cheeks and removes the mist in his dagger.

" I finally cracked the code! " The knight exclaims as he celebrates but that's when Diego swings the dagger in the air so fast that it snaps and sliced the knight's armor horizontally.

Diego's face was clearly pissed by the knight grazing his face and so he stabbed the ground causing it to freeze and reached the knight.

The knight's foot was frozen soon enough and Diego slowly walks closer to him.

" Do you really think you would win against me? You dream too much, now spill all the things you know. " He then points to the dagger's end at the neck of the night and continues to talk to him, " What do you say Twilights? " The knight smirks and looked up, laughing at Diego.

" What's so funny? " The knight looked at him, between those eyes. Diego suddenly snapped out and sever the head of the knight.

" Motherfucker, how dare you say her name with that filthy mouth of yours. " His eyes were the eyes of a psychopath.

But what does the knight actually tell Diego that drove him to this end, only he would know as he completely froze the body of the knight and departed.

Back at the manor, Haenami woke up to see Momoka back in her human form.

He found her reading a newspaper beside him.

" Oh you're awake, come look at this. " Haenami slowly raises his head as Momoka slides in to show the newspaper.

" A wanted criminal on the loose, please report to the twilight if you find this man. You will be rewarded, dead or alive doesn't matter as long that you bring him to us. " Momoka reads while Haenami listens.

" Apparently, this man is very strong because he took down the five knights of the twilight. They didn't manage to grab any intel from him but there's one thing that it says " It disappears "or something like that. You have to train further because there's a chance you might bump onto him soon. "

Haenami gets off the bed and scratched his head, he then grabs his clothes and wore it, and heads outside.

Momoka goes back into the fox form and walks beside Haenami, who seems to be surprised as they look down to see a familiar face waiting at them.

The Duke looked upstairs and grinned, " Oh look, there he is. Boy, come here quick. " Haenami obliged and sat beside the duke.

" This is, Uncle Lui. He's a duke just like me but he's a relative of mine so remove the formalities. The reason he came here is that he's excited to meet you! See, Uncle Lui is a genius when it comes to medicine. " Uncle Lui then chuckles, " Oh, you praise me too much! I'm just a mere old man. " Uncle Lui looks at Haenami.

" You must be the boy that this duke has been talking about ever since? I thank you on his behalf for saving his life, our mother would be sad if he suddenly passed away. " He then bows at Haenami which caused the young man to look at the duke, asking for help.

But when he asked for help, the duke suddenly looked away and whistle.

Momoka on the other hand was giggling at him because of how badly he asses the situation,

" Please raise your head, it's nothing much. I'm just repaying his kindness towards us. " But then Uncle Lui cut him by answering quickly,

" Oh it is a lot, and that's why I proposed an idea for the entire family to visit our manor. "

Uncle Lui's beaming smile passed through Haenami's stubbornness and so he agrees.

" Thank you, please prepare your luggage two days prior to this day. A carriage will arrive and send you to my manor. It will be a long trip so be sure to bring a lot of past times materials. That's all, i'll be on my way now. " Uncle Lui stands up.

" I'll be waiting for everyone, especially you. " Pointing at Haenami, Uncle Lui happily walks away.

" Duke, what have you gotten me into? " Haenami looked at the duke who simply shrugs at him.

The duke just sips his tea and said,

" You'll meet a lot of strong people there, nevertheless. "