
Crimson Requiem: The Prince's Descent

In a desolate and ancient castle atop a hill, Prince Kael's world shatters when his beloved wife, Princess Elara, is brutally murdered. Consumed by grief and madness, he turns to dark powers to resurrect her. Desperate to reunite with his lost love, he makes a sinister pact with the old god Zol'fun. With a haunting melody, Kael lures his loyal maids into the throne room, offering their blood and souls in exchange for the power to bring Elara back. As Kael's ritual unfolds, the castle becomes a nexus of darkness, its walls whispering secrets of the malevolent magic within. With each sacrifice, Kael's power grows, transforming him into a vessel of Zol'fun's ancient malevolence. Yet, the cost of his power weighs heavily on his soul, and his very essence darkens. The once-pure halls become tainted by the shadowy power that Kael wields. Rumors spread, and fear infects those who remain in the castle. Unbeknownst to Kael, a group of villagers, bound by terror and armed with ancient lore, rise to challenge his dominion. The stage is set for a battle between light and darkness, as Kael's reign clashes with the resistance's determination to reclaim their land. In the midst of the conflict, the reborn prince's malevolence becomes a force that threatens to consume everything. The resistance rallies against him, their courage and resilience standing strong against his dark power. As the fate of the land hangs in the balance, the tale unfolds as a haunting symphony of sacrifice, power, and the unyielding spirit of those who dare to challenge the shadows. "Crimson Requiem" is a tale of forbidden magic, the allure of power, and the indomitable strength of the human spirit in the face of darkness.

CJRavencent · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Echoes of the Pact

The haunting melody had barely faded when the castle seemed to hold its breath, as if even the stones themselves understood the weight of the prince's choice. Outside, the moon's glow dimmed, casting an eerie pallor over the land, while within the throne room, the air grew thick with anticipation.

Kael stood before the portrait of his beloved Elara, his chest heaving with a mixture of trepidation and resolve. The old god Zol'fun's promises echoed in his mind, his heart lured by the prospect of power to mend his shattered world. Yet, even as the words of the ritual still hung in the air, a seed of doubt gnawed at him, a whisper of the consequences he might unleash.

Unseen by the prince, shadows converged, coalescing into a shape that swirled in the darkness — an embodiment of the ancient power he had invoked. Zol'fun, the god of the depths, listened, watching, as Kael grappled with his inner turmoil.

"Prince Kael," the voice from the shadows purred, its tone both inviting and chilling. "You stand at the crossroads of fate. The lives you offer are but tokens, and their blood shall paint a tapestry of your desires."

Kael's gaze shifted toward the darkness, his eyes meeting those of the shadowy figure that had materialized. A shiver ran down his spine, yet he stood his ground, unwilling to falter in his resolve. "I have made my choice," he said, his voice steady, though his heart thundered within his chest.

The shadowy form seemed to nod, its tendrils swirling like smoke. "Very well. The pact is sealed, and the old god's gaze falls upon you. But remember, every boon comes at a price, and power such as this bears consequences."

With those words, the figure dissolved, becoming one with the shadows once more, leaving Kael alone with his thoughts and the weight of his decision.

Days turned to weeks, and the castle began to change. The once-vibrant halls now seemed to whisper with secrets, and the air held an unsettling chill. Servants spoke in hushed tones, exchanging wary glances as they went about their tasks, haunted by the changes they couldn't quite understand.

As for Kael, he secluded himself in the depths of the castle, surrounded by forbidden tomes and ancient scrolls. He poured over the cryptic writings, attempting to understand the depths of the power he had invoked and the consequences that surely followed.

In the shadows of the throne room, Zol'fun's presence lingered. A sense of unease pervaded the air, an ever-present reminder of the pact made in blood and darkness. Kael's heart was heavy, his nights tormented by dreams of a realm between worlds, a place of echoing cries and eternal suffering.

And yet, he was not without reward. The power flowed through him, coursing like a dark river through his veins. Spells that once eluded his grasp became mere whispers of incantations. The eyes that once held grief now burned with an unnatural fire, casting an otherworldly glow that seemed to pierce the very shadows themselves.

But with every new spell mastered, with every inch of power gained, the prince's soul darkened. His laughter became hollow, his gaze distant, as if the price he had paid reached beyond the lives of his maids and gnawed at something deeper within him.

Rumors spread of his newfound abilities, and even those who once admired him began to fear him. Whispers of the pact he had made to the ancient god Zol'fun echoed through the halls, a name spoken in hushed dread.

And so, with each passing day, Prince Kael's hold over the maids grew stronger. He called to them with the haunting melody that had once drawn Elara to him, but now it was a siren's song, luring them into the throne room like moths to a flame. Enthralled by the dark magic that clung to him, they entered willingly, eyes glazed and steps unsteady.

The prince's voice resonated through the chamber, the ancient language twisting into a chant that echoed within the maids' minds. They stood in a circle, each woman a pawn in Kael's quest for power. His voice, once full of sorrow, now carried an air of twisted triumph.

As the chant reached its crescendo, Kael's eyes flared with an unholy light. He raised a dagger, its blade gleaming as he drew it across his palm. Blood welled, a dark offering to the god he had beckoned. With a triumphant cry, he extended his hand toward the maids, a beckoning gesture that they could not resist.

One by one, they stepped forward, offering their hands to his. The blade slid across their palms, mingling their life's essence with his own. Crimson droplets fell to the cold stone floor, forming a sinister sigil that pulsed with malevolent energy.

But Kael's thirst for power knew no bounds. As the ritual unfolded, he demanded more than their blood; he sought their very souls. Their life forces were drawn from their bodies, the once-vibrant women reduced to empty shells, their essence now bound to the ancient magic that surged through the room.

With each sacrifice, the air grew heavier, the very fabric of reality warping under the weight of Kael's desires. And as the last maid's life force was consumed, a deafening silence enveloped the throne room. The air crackled with dark energy, the sigil on the floor glowing with an otherworldly light.

Kael's eyes shone with unholy glee, his heart racing as he felt the power coursing through him. He raised the dagger high, his voice thundering in a chant that seemed to bridge the gap between the mortal and the divine.

"*Zol'fun, accept this offering, souls laid bare,*

*In darkness' name, my power I declare.*

*From shadows' realm to the depths unknown,*

*Grant me dominion, power to be shown.*"

As his voice reached a crescendo, the very air trembled. The throne room seemed to collapse in upon itself, a vortex of energy swirling around Kael and the sigil. And then, with a blinding flash, it was over.

The aftermath of the ritual was a scene of chaos and horror. The throne room lay in ruins, the walls scorched by the unfathomable magic that had been unleashed. And at its center stood Kael, transformed, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light.

With a triumphant roar, he raised the dagger high and, in a single swift motion, severed his own head from his body. The act was both grotesque and mesmerizing, a culmination of his sacrifice, his power, and his twisted desires.

The headless body crumpled to the floor, blood pooling around it. But the head, the vessel that once held the prince's fractured soul, remained animated. It laughed, a mad and haunting sound that echoed through the castle's shattered halls.

As the laughter subsided, the head's eyes gleamed with newfound clarity. No longer

shackled by mortality, Kael's spirit felt reborn, an embodiment of the dark power he had sought.

The headless body stirred, and from the stump of its neck, a swirling vortex of shadowy energy emerged. With a malevolent force, it drew the disembodied head toward it, and the two merged, spirit and body becoming one in a grotesque union.

The transformation was complete, and where Kael once stood, a new entity now existed — a being of darkness, power, and a thirst for dominion. The reborn prince, no longer constrained by mortal limitations, gazed upon the ruins of the throne room with an air of satisfaction.

"Zol'fun," he spoke, his voice a chilling echo that reverberated through the chamber. "I am reborn, your vessel of darkness and despair. The maids' blood and souls have paved my path to ascendancy."

The very walls seemed to tremble at his words, as if the castle itself recognized the birth of a new and malevolent force. Outside, the moon's glow remained muted, casting an unnatural pallor over the land.

The reborn prince turned his attention to the portrait of Elara, which now seemed to shimmer with an eerie light. He extended a hand toward it, and tendrils of shadow reached out, enveloping the image. The portrait contorted, its colors warping and twisting until the figure of Elara seemed to weep tears of darkness.

"Elara," he murmured, his voice a twisted echo of longing. "You were the spark that ignited my descent into darkness. Now, you shall be the key to my reign."

With a surge of his newfound power, the reborn prince shattered the portrait, and from its remnants emerged a shard of dark crystal. He held it aloft, and the crystal pulsed with a malevolent energy, resonating with the very essence of his being.

The castle itself seemed to shudder, its stones groaning in response to the ancient power that now coursed through it. The reborn prince's laughter echoed through the halls, a cacophony of madness and triumph.


In the days that followed, a dark aura settled over the castle. Its once-familiar corridors now held an air of menace, and servants whispered of eerie echoes and phantom figures that danced just beyond the edge of perception. Fear spread like wildfire, each whispered tale carrying a weight of dread that seemed to infect even the bravest hearts.

The castle's grandeur had turned to decay, its walls damp with a malevolent sweat that oozed from the very stones. Shadows clung to corners like living things, and strange whispers filled the air, as if the very walls had become a chorus of tormented souls.

Kael, now a vessel of darkness, wandered the corridors with a predatory grace. His presence was felt even when he was unseen, and his laughter, a haunting melody that echoed through the halls, sent shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to hear it.

Servants avoided his gaze, their eyes downcast in fearful submission. They spoke of the maids who had entered the throne room and never returned, their fates shrouded in mystery. None dared to confront the reborn prince or question the source of the chilling power that now held him captive.

Within the throne room, the sigil that had once pulsed with malevolent energy remained, a scar upon the very fabric of reality. The blood stains on the stone floor had faded to a sinister smudge, as if the castle itself wished to forget the horrors that had transpired within its walls.

Each night, as the moon cast its feeble glow over the land, the throne room seemed to come alive with an otherworldly presence. Shadows danced in patterns that defied explanation, and the air crackled with a dark energy that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to approach.

And in the heart of the darkness, Kael stood as a beacon of malevolence, his eyes ablaze with the unholy light that marked him as something beyond mortal. He gazed upon the sigil, his mind a canvas upon which the god Zol'fun painted its dark desires.

The mystery of the castle deepened, its corridors a labyrinth of secrets that whispered to those who dared to listen. Those who remained within its walls lived in constant fear, their days punctuated by eerie echoes and unsettling sights that defied explanation.

And at the center of it all stood the reborn prince, a figure of darkness whose presence hung like a shroud over the land. The very air seemed to hum with his power, and the castle itself bore the scars of his malevolent reign.