

We quickly got into the car, after realising how cold our bodies were becoming. I motioned for Reed to turn around, which he willingly obeyed as I started taking off my swimwear.

I wore Greg's T-shirt, Reed's hoodie and my shorts. As I turned around, tapping his back to give him an okay to not look away, he was already dressed and soon started the car.

Reed called an uber for me while I stared at the view in awe of his balcony. A pair of arms went around my waist from behind, pulling my body towards his.

"Hey." Reed whispered against my ear, his nose snuggling my neck.

"Hey." I smiled.

Small kisses were soon made on my neck. I giggled, swatting his arms away from me. Reed turned me around in one quick movement, ruffling my hair. I reached out and grabbed both of his wrists. He removed the strands of hair in front of my face, placing it behind my ears.

I stood still as Reed cupped my face and in a swift motion, kissed me. My body trembled when I responded. He moved back, finding a chair and guided me to sit on top of him.


My body was on fire. It was like Reed could sense what I was thinking when his hands lifted and removed the hoodie. I grabbed his neck, pressing our bodies against one another while he gripped my hair.

Reed's hands cupped, massaged and squeezed my ass, then they went under my shirt. The sensations tripled as I moved my lips downwards to his neck and collarbone.

He lifted my chin up, pupils dilated as he stared into my eyes. "I need to know who you are, mystery girl."

I was caught off guard. Shifting uncomfortably with my hands on my lap, Reed's hands slowly went up and down my arms, trying to ease me.

Sighing, he begged. "A name. Any name."

Running my fingers through my hair, I gave in.


Reed widely smiled, pulling me in for a long peak. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." He said in between kisses as he no longer attacked my lips, but my face.

I only laughed, gladly receiving his adorable kisses as if I were a little girl. A notification came from Reed's phone. He pouted. "The uber's here."

"Oh." Was the only word that managed to get out of my mouth. Hand in hand, we walked downstairs then outside. I was about to get into the car when Reed pulled me towards him for one last kiss.

Separating, he handed me his phone and took mine. "My number." I chuckled, inputting my number in his cell.

"Bye Reed."

"Byn Lynn."

He hugged me once again, cupping my face for yet another kiss. "Stay the night, will you?"

"Goodbye Reed." I pecked his lips before entering the car. With his right hand on his heart, he wiped off an invisible tear from his eye.

"Why do I get the feeling like I'm never seeing you again?" Reed shouted.

I rolled the window down, smirking. "With those crappy acting skills of yours, don't be surprised."


"I expect my homework done for tomorrow." Professor Victor dismissed us.

Happily, I packed my books, ready to call it a day. Today was a little bit cold, making me feel proud for choosing an oversized navy sweater, ripped blue jeans and some brown combat boots. After adjusting my glasses, I redid my hair into a messy bun.

Bag on my shoulders, I exited the classroom. As soon as I made it outside, Taylor texted me.

We're running low on some food. Sent some money into your account for you to go grocery shopping. Last time was my turn btw. ;) ~Taylor

On it. Still remembered :| ~Kaitlyn

I searched for the nearest grocery store, getting ready for the trip ahead. My fingers strolled through my contact list and I texted Logan.

You free? ~Kaitlyn

Yeah, whatsup? ~Logan

Wanna go grocery shopping with me? ~Kaitlyn


"Thanks again for agreeing to accompany me." I leaned back against the car seat.

"No prob, feeling honoured that you thought of me."

I shrugged. "You were the only guy I remembered who had a car."

Logan laughed, playfully pushing me away from him. "Hey! Eyes on the road, remember?"

"Chill, I've got this. I'm an expert when it comes to driving. You're in the presence of a legend." He boasted, pulling off a grin.

Rolling my eyes was the only thing that I could think of. I bluetoothed his stereo with my phone, playing Yummy by Justin Bieber featuring Summer Walker remix.

It was a start of a good vibe to get me hyped up about passing isles and isles. Just the thought of simply walking around made me lazy.

Luckily, when we entered the store, Justin Bieber's Running ft Lil Dicky was been played. I grabbed a trolley, tossing in what Taylor requested. Winking, Logan started busting his moves, while rapping to Lil Dicky's part.

I believe in love

Girl, you got my hopes all up

When I left you, when I met you

I called mom and told her 'bout it

I got all up on your IG and was scrolling down for hours

I got back to 2015 and you started looking young, so I stopped (oh)

Post intercourse when you walk by (ass, ass, ass)

More buns than a Shop Rite (whoa)

And you wanna sleep over my crib?

Lemme go and get you a soft t-shirt, here (soft tee)

What are our kids gonna be like? (Hmm?)

What is your skin routine like?

Girl, just run around bed with me

I'll flirt with you all cleverly (ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy, ayy)

I'll lock you down, Pat Beverley

I'll kiss your breast so tenderly, wussup? (Your breast)

How are you so hot and so cute? (How?)

I wanna make a language up with you

You're already driving me crazy, so just

I couldn't help myself by not joining in.

Keep running over

Me with your loving

I'm only right here for your consumption

Keep running over

Me with your loving

Looking like it's turning into something

Better that than turning into nothing (way-oh, way-oh)

Ain't no interrupting this eruption (way-oh, way-oh)

Together, we goofed around then paid for the items. Logan helped me put them in the back of his trunk.

"Thanks again." I put on the seat belt. He chuckled and began to drive back to campus.

"Anytime Kait."


"You're a lifesaver. I totally needed this." Taylor groaned in delight, eating chocolate.

I gave her a thumbs up, then continued to finish my homework. She jumped on my bed, closing my laptop with her free hand. Smirking, she stared at me. Long and hard.

"What?" I tried to open my laptop, but she steadily kept her hand on it.

"Where did you disappear to after Greg's bonfire? I only recall seeing you the day after that."

"I--um..." I blushed. With her hands under her chin, Taylor grinned. "Ooh...Spill."

After a few minutes, she gasped when I finished telling my adventures with the famous Reed West.

Taylor bit into her chocolate once more, nodding her head. "So...you're telling me that Reed doesn't know your real name?"

I sighed, further explaining. "Technically, he doesn't know the first half of my name."

"Classic mystery girl strategy. Why are you prolonging all of this? Just tell him the truth, before he finds out the wrong way."

I removed my glasses, trying to relax. "I'm leaving Taylor. Next semester I'm out of here, so what's the point of getting attached to a guy who might never see me again."

"Come here." She opened her arms and gave me a hug. "Who knows, maybe you'll stay longer here."

A tear fell down my left cheek, which I quickly wiped off. "With my parent's financial problems, I doubt it."

Taylor grabbed my face and shook it. "Negative energy, be gone!" I laughed at her stupid tactics, but somehow felt better.

I shooed her off my bed. "I seriously need to finish my homework now, Tay."

She stood up. "I understand. Just remember one thing though."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"Make. Each. Moment. Count." Taylor snapped her fingers.

I smiled, taking in what she had said. I had the best roommate anyone could ask for.


I was in the coffee shop across campus, finishing my assignments. Taking a sip from my cuppaciano, I continued typing on my laptop. Today was just as chilly as the day before, making me feel content that I wore my grey fluffy slumber boots along with the rest of my outfit.

As I was listening to music, an unknown figure stood in front of me. I looked up, staring at Greg as he non-stopped waved at me. Removing my right ear plugs, I raised an eyebrow.

"Umm...can I help you with something?"

He frowned. "Come on Lynn, it's me, Greg." Giving off one of his signature smiles, I still had to act confused, even though I was finding this amusing.

"Whose Lynn?" I looked around. His eyes went open. "You." Greg pointed at me. "Are Lynn."

"No." I shook my head. "I'm not."

"Well, isn't this awkward?" He chuckled. I only gave him a brief smile, and resumed with what I was doing.

He waved in my face again. Go away Greg! I took off my eye plugs once more. "Yes?"

"If you're not Lynn, then who are you?"

I sighed. "Wright. Dawn Wright." He sat down across me, offering his hand while widely smiling. I don't remember you being this crazy, or wearing glasses.

"I'm Greg by the way." Holding in my laughter, I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Cute glasses." He commented.


"Waiter please!" Greg signalled. A student came over to us. "What would you like to order?"

"I would like a beef burger and fries with some water. For her--" He waited for me to order as well.

I chuckled. "A steak and kidney pie with iced tea please." The waiter nodded after she wrote our orders down and left.

"So Kait...mind telling me why you resemble so much of my friend Lynn?"

I simply shrugged. "I should be asking you the same question, since I'm the one whose being harassed by strangers."

Greg clapped his hands, chuckling. "Well good for you." I playfully glared, finishing my now cold cuppaciano.

"She's a lot more nicer than you though, I can see the difference."

Grinning, I pointed at myself. "It's not my fault that I produce chilled vibes."

He laughed his ass out. "Feisty. That's something you guys have in common. Reed's going to like you."

I rolled my eyes, then crossed my arms. "Hey, could you tell that guy to leave me alone? I'm not this girl who you keep mentioning."

Greg leaned back against his chair. "Sadly, I have no control over that best friend of mine."

My elbows rested on the table. "Ncaw, you guys are besties? Why am I not surprised."

"Stop acting childish with me Wright. I'm older than you." He proudly added.

"And how do you know that Gregy?"

He snapped his fingers at me. "Freshmen, right?" I nodded. He smirked.


"What does that have to do with knowing that I'm a freshmen?"

Groaning, he shhed me. "Patience kid, you're ruining this moment we're having. Anyways, I know just about everybody, well technically, the one's I want to know and everybody knows me, meaning that I haven't seen your face around here before so you must be fresh meat."

I frowned. "Isn't that what idiots say in high school?"

Greg shrugged. "High school, College, University. It's all the same."

The waiter came back with our food and Greg immediately dug in. "I've been waiting for this moment ever since Lecturers started to tire my brain out this morning."