
Crimson Monarch: Endless Journey.

Overlord x Tensura Future Chat Group Op to Godlike Mc Massive Harem. Wish Fulfillment. If you want in depth story with character development then this isn't for you. ============ Gaining the memories of another life and reborn to the earth of the Overlord Verse. Erix Khan ensure that his arrival to the new world to be breeze but fate has another plan in store for him. Finding himself in Central Axis World with many elements that shouldn't exist. Age of God Dungeons? Soul Rank? Watch as Madness dragon and Crimson Monarch begin his conquest. Anyway, hope you enjoy. I'll try to update as much as I can.

ChesterCure · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
133 Chs

Chapter 2 - Spear of Eradication

The taste of her lips was certainly beyond what Erix ever tasted despite it being sloppy. He felt something was being drained out of him and quickly knew it was the innate power of Albedo who was a Succubus.

The race that she was in was the highest kind which was Demon Empress. He was such a dedicated fan of the game that the developer gave him a parting gift that essentially made his entire collection of subordinates to have the highest type of racial traits.

He hasn't checked his status if he has one at least. Erix had numerous jobs and classes at the highest caliber where some were specially tailored for him. He had both World Enemy and World Champion having bypassed the restriction using world class items that grant requests from the developer making sure there was a loophole when he requested it because they would reject it if he wasn't careful.

In addition to that, he had another one that only recent occurred which was Eternal Ruler of Yggdrasil when he went on raid solo across the Nine realms that took a lot of preparation and time but it was all worth it as he gain an item that would let him rebuild the entire plane which was a Seed of Yggdrasil. He hasn't planted it knowing that a better option is to plant in the new world to take advantage of its effect since the lore written on it will come true.

Erix stepped back and sat into his throne leaving Albedo in daze as her mind was filled with the memory of their kiss that made the scarlet king smile softly then cough a bit taking her out from her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, lord Erix!"

"It's fine, Albedo. There are more pressing matters to attend to."

"Ah yes, what can I do for you, lord Erix?"

"Beside the 4th guardian Fenrir, have all the other floor guardians gather in the Amphitheater in 1 hour."

"As you wish, lord Erix."

Albedo bowed leaving Erix in the throne to contemplate as he glanced at the weapon tailored by his guild which was the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown but he did not like the staff as it was more of a symbol for his guild. Erix's character build had elements of magic but his strongest aspect is using a spear.

'I wonder if I can open my inventory. My personal spear should still be around.'

He thought to himself and decided to take the staff trying to put it into his inventory. It didn't take him a second for it to be placed into a pocket dimension that caught him by surprise but felt familiar as if he had done it a thousand times. His class and race bypassed everything allowing to equip anything he desires but has his favorites.

'Is this because of my class or is it because of this new world? Frankly, my intuition is certainly telling me that this isn't the same new world that I'm familiar with. Guess it won't take long to have my answer once Sebas finishes surveying the premises.'

Erix nodded to himself as he tried to take out his personal weapon and soon a long scarlet spear appeared that seemed to vibrate excitedly to be wielded by his master making the scarlet king smile and said.

"Happy to see me huh?"

He said with a smile as the spear glowed in response showing that the weapon gained sentience. The weapon was called [ Spear of Eradication ], it was made after gaining the world class items that grant him a request to the developer and made the weapon to be a growth type that will get stronger each use. He made plans for it and gave specific lore with instructions that soon forge the strongest weapon against literally anyone since it has multiple forms and skills.

Not to mention, the spear can only be wielded by him and those he allows. The weapon started out extremely weak but due to his hardcore leveling allowed him to turn it into Pseudo World class items that affect the game itself. He vaguely remembers how the player raged only to learn that the weapon started out extremely weak and the only reason it was so strong was because of Erix's dedication.

In other words, Erix was overgeared especially now because of how he collected nearly all world class items before the game ended even bought it from players because they didn't need it having quit the game entirely. An arsenal of world changing items that has infinite use because of other world class items made him virtually invincible now.

'Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. I'm strong but far from invincible. It's best if I can assess myself first then see how I'll fare with the denizens of this new world. Once I'm confident then I shall conquer this world and whoever gets in my way will perish.'

He evilly grinned hoping to create a world that would avoid destruction like the one in his previous world's future. Erix also hated how entitled people had become in his other world, the earth of 2023 where ignorant and social media blindly followed a system that hides the truth.

Erix, like scarlet king, contradicts how the past is in constant conflict with the modern world. He dislikes how the world turns out and wishes to avoid it if necessary but his priorities still lie in his desire to conquer the world and obtain beauty to be by his side.

"Patience, you will have your chance to display your might again. For now, let's head and meet the twin."

The spear glowed happily as Erix teleported to the floor where the twin dark elves were. He was amazed how it felt to teleport and how it distorts space around him. Erix walks into the hallway until arrive at an exit to find the colosseum. He looked up, seeing how the artificial sky and starry night were truly breathtaking. Blue planet was a person who was like Erix who enjoyed the scenery that had long perished where only old video and records were the only way to see the beauty of it.

He didn't blame humanity, rather only the corrupt and greedy. Erix is hypocrite since he'll eventually do the same but he is not a fool like them and would look at the long term rather than the short term.

'What a truly breathtaking scene. I wish my mother and father had seen this. Perhaps I can revive them but that would only result in them getting into danger again and I don't know if they'll still even consider me their son after I've become this being.'

Erix loved his parents despite his hatred to the world and felt pain that they died when he was young. He decided to revive them in the near future where he has everything under control or at least has conquered 3 to 5 worlds. Erix looked down before descending into the staircase focusing his concentration in sensing the place, finding two signatures that told him that it was Mare and Aura.

He noticed a young woman performing a stunt as she jumped down and another young woman jumped more gentler than she was as the two ran towards him. They were a lot older in figure than the canon and both were female but Aura likes wearing male clothes yet she was more well developed than Mare.

"Welcome to the Amphitheater, Lord Erix."

"I-It's a pleasure to be in your presence, Lord Erix."

The two bow simultaneously while Erix nodded as he tapped his spear into the ground and said.

"No need to be nervous, there is something that I wish to test in this place and hope you don't mind me intruding."

"Intruding? You surely jest, lord Erix. No one in the great tomb of Nazarick considers you as an intruder. Everything belongs to you…e-even myself included."

Aura blush at the last part while Mare was just flustered without even doing anything while Erix chuckled lightly. It was true since he rewrote the story and he was the one who ruled over them.

"If you say so, well then, an anomaly has occurred and things seem different than before which is why I've summoned all floor guardians except for Fenrir to gather in the Amphitheater."

Erix finished and saw Aura grumbled at the news and said.

"Does that mean Shalltear will be here?"

"Afraid so. We need to discuss our course action with everyone. Anyways, I wish to test out my weapon a bit and hope you two can help out."

Both eyes are shown looking at the [ Spear of Eradication ] as the weapon had countless legends having been used to slay World Enemy and even an Armageddon class monster solo. Erix died numerous times trying to defeat that monster since it should have been a guild raid. He was the man who made the impossible possible.

"I-Is that the [ Spear of Eradication ] had been said to have the capabilities to defeat even the world enemy single handedly."

Mare exclaimed looking at the magnificent length of Erix's spear that was long and sharp that could impale anyone. The weapon was on par or surpassed even their guild weapon and if it was ever sold in the prime days of Yggdrasil then it would be priceless.

"Indeed, a weapon forged from my countless battles and journeys. It is like a child to me and a sibling to all of you."