
Crimson Knight : Beyond the blood oath

In the grey city that is Nile City, Callum was just a young lady trying to work his way through school so he could graduate and work his dream job when one night, everything changed! Upon being lured and attacked by some creature, he wakes up in Roux castle. There he comes face to face with his attacker, Viona Roux who informs him that she did it to him, not only that, she had "saved" his life using her blood, turning him into a blood slave. In a world where vampires control the free world behind the fourth wall, he's bound by a blood oath, forced to serve Viona, hunting rogue vampires and monsters to the end of his days, well, at first at least. She was quite cold but after the two warm up to each other a bond develops, one that goes beyond servant and mistress. However, as time goes by Callum, who was initially a humanitarian, one who inwardly shunned at the feeding practices of vampires began to change. It was his interactions with the humans after exposure to the supernatural world that gave him the spectacles he needed to view things from this perspective. Becoming indifferent and realizing that humans and vampires were two sides of the same coin, even they were once human, the exposure to power exposed the true monster inside them. Will the boy lose himself to this realization and world? Only time will tell.

Shinobi_Of_Nairobi · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 6

A couple of days go by and an eerie night later, a young lady is hitch hicking along one of the main roads headed towards Nile City. The town was surrounded by a dense population of uni-species of trees. They had a thin trunk and peaked like cypress. The only clear spots from a plan view would be the well maintained tarmac roads and a river that went through the city.

This night was cold, a casual breeze would flap her sun dress, swaying it and exposing her brown spotless thighs. She walked casually while humming an irregular tune, like the kind you hear at the cathedral of a horror movie. Her slim arms freely swang as she maintained her steady pace.

About two hundred metres behind her, a car appeared. It speed up and slowly decelerated as it got near her. As soon as she heard it's rambling engine, she held her arms in a way that expressed discomfort due to cold. Her pace also slowly changed, she walked slower and kind of weakly. The jovial expression on her face swapped with slight sadness and her humming cut short.

A man sat at the drivers seat, he scrutinized her, so much so she could tell he was on to her. She could hear the decelerating car had a quick smile on her face before it quickly faded back to sadness. The man slowly approached her and just as he was next to her, she stopped and he lowered the window on the passenger seat.

"Hey there, " he greeted her charmingly.

"Hey," she greeted him back with a tiny sorrowful voice.

"Need a ride? I'm headed the same way," said the man. Clearly they were as the road either led you in or out of Nile City.

"Yes please, " she said nodding, a slight relief registered on her face. He smiled more realizing how desperate she was for his hand.

"Get in," he said unlocking the door. She opened the door and boarded the car. He began driving and rose the window up. She was trembling a bit, from the cold he thought.

"I'm Barney, what's your name?" He asked her.

"Aaliyah," she answered him.

"So what's a fine girl like you doing walking alone in the middle of the night out here," he asked his eyes barely on the road. For the most part he was staring at her and occasionally glancing at the road. She acted shy, didn't look at him as he spoke.

He was infatuated, it wasn't some random testosterone spike, not entirely, she truly was beautiful. She was black with brown skin. Long thick dreads and a couple of piercings. On her middle finger was a ring that reassembled the other piercings on he. Her upper front incisors were relatively large like bark teeth, her lips were brown and juicy. Slightly round cheeks that matched her forehead, all put together to make up her masterpiece of a face.

Meanwhile Barney looked somewhat casual. Apart from the lust and greed in his eyes, there was nothing awfully special about him. He was balding and had black hair, he seemed to be in his mid forties, with his red t-shirt and blue jeans.

Pretty as her face was, his eyes focused on her thighs. His groins began to rise slowly pushing so hard against his metallic pants' zipper that it was almost painful.

"I'm supposed to be at Nile City by seven in the morning. I'm a foreign exchange student and tomorrow is my first day in UON. If I don't report early enough I'll be in trouble, " she said. Whole time he barely hear a thing. He was itching to grope her, and he did.

"You seem so cold, " he said placing his right arm on her left thigh. She twitched a little acting startled as he slowly moved his hand up through Thailand headed for Virginia. She was obviously uncomfortable and didn't hide it at all with very clear nom verbal cues that he ignored. She tried moving away from him but his grip got tighter, she made a squeak sound that made him grin.

"Please stop," she whispered with dread and disgust in her voice trying to pry his hand off her thigh but he was not having it. "Come on, I can warm you up real good, " he said licking his lips as he sexually harassed her. He slowed the car until the eventual stop so he could deal with her accordingly. She then tried to open the door but he locked it. He smiled staring at her thinking she was stuck in there with him, what he didn't know, is that as she stared at the tinted window, she also smiled as he was stuck in there with her.

In a fraction of a second, she turned grabbing him by his neck and pinning him onto the head rest of his seat. Her nails grew into long claws and he began to bleat like a goat as she pressed hard on his throat. His hands rushed for hers but it was all futile. There wasn't anything he could do against the crushing force of her hand. The smile on her face became a grin as she watched the smirk on his get wiped and turn to fear. His eyes locked on her as she exposed the fangs in her mouth.

"How many have you raped?" She asked him. He went on struggling as if he was actually making any progress in his waste if an attempted to escape her clutches.

"Answer me!" She yelled expressing a bit of rage and shaking his head like a rag doll. Her claws growing longer as they begin to penetrate slowly into his neck.

By this time tears were already falling from his eyes, he was so confused. How the hell did the shy girl become this domineering succubus?

"Fff...four! It's only been four of them I swear!" He said crying.

"Only been four?!" She asked in animalistic groan. It sounded like a bear that spoke English. The door on her side was kicked right off and the two then came out. She was dragging him on the ground by his legs while he screamed for help. No one was coming, these woods had a bad reputation dating centuries back. "Bears" had always been bitting into hitch hickers necks and mauling them to death, after a while people learnt not to stroll in them especially during the night.

Upon reaching a couple of metres in, she stopped at some tree.

"Let's see how much you like it when someone rams a stick in you," she said before developing wings similar to that of an eagle. She then took off into the air fly through the branches navigating through them like they were web strings in her way, meanwhile the man slammed hard into each one, it felt like getting with a barrage of baseball bats.

By the time the two were beyond the peaks and tips of the tree tops he was bruised and battered. His body was all bloody and sticks poked into him from all over. He was still very conscious and in agonizing pain with sticks poking out of him like a hedgehog. The man was loudly screaming, at that point it was all he could do, hoping someone would somehow be able to catch up to this thing and somehow save him from it.

She then held him in an upright position and flew to one of the tree tops them forcefully sat him on one. The peak of the tree shoved into into his butthole. He let out a loud cry as blood dripped down his bround pants onto the tree branches. His face full of bruises and wounds, the tears from his eyes impurified by the blood from his wounds as they combine and roll down his cheeks together.

She placed her hands on his shoulders still smiling at him, she had a grin on her face as she slowly descended to his level.

"I wanna rearrange your guts, " she said to him. Zero remorse in her eyes, she was enjoying every bit of it. He was in so much pain, he couldn't speak anymore but just like she did, he expressed his discomfort with nonverbal cues and just like he did, she ignored them. She pushed him further down, a bit to where the thickness of the trunk significantly increased. She didn't force him down any further as she knew it would kill him quick, the point was to make it as painful and as long lasting as possible. She then flew back a bit to get a better view of the gallery.

On looking at her hands, she saw the blood. She licked some of it and squinted in disgust. It was as if it was sour. "Your blood tastes like sewer water."

He just sat there, barely moving as any slight motion slid him down further, the pain was excruciating and every second of it was worse than death. He really did wish the grim reaper came sooner but it seems Aaliyah and him had a deal.

A short moment later, she left him there. Flew down to the road and went on walking towards Nile City like nothing had happened. Regardless of the blood on her hands, she went on humming to her eerie tune.

"What the hell!" Exclaimed Callum from within as he sat there staring at his bank account balance. He has three hundred and two thousand dollars on there. As far as he knew only two thousand belongs to him, then again, Viona did say money was put into his account. He sat there at the gazebo wondering what the hell Viona was thinking giving three hundred thousand dollars to a teenager.

"Hey dude," says Falco from behind him. Next to Falco was Aaliyah in a completely different dress from the one she wore the previous night. It was a white shirt dress with a brown belt around her waist. It was short reaching a few centimeters above her knees, long sleaved and allowed ample breathing space for her breasts.

"Ayyye," said Callum wondering who the hell Aaliyah was.

"Hi,I'm Aaliyah," said Aaliyah stretching out her hand to greet him with an innocent smile on her face. She had a ring on the middle finger of her right hand, it had a sun emblem on it. Callum shook it greeting her back, "Callum." Both Falco and Aaliyah sat down next to Callum, he seemed like he was itching to tell Callum something.

"Dude, I need to show you something she did. Remember Mr Ervin's assignment? The one half the class flopped?" Asked Falco.

"Yeah?" Answered Callum.

"She coded it! And get this, in Assembly. Not C, Assembly!" Said Falco all excited. "Show him!" He said to Aaliyah.

Aaliyah turned to her bag and took out her laptop, as soon as it powered on, she began searching for the file containing the program. She seemed to not know exactly where it was which was weird as it was hers but they had no right to judge, half the time they forget their phones are in their hands and spend minutes searching, going as far as using the flashlights on their phones to search for the same phones.

Finally she finds it and opens the code, the two gents get closer for a better look. Callum takes off his jacket and places it on the back rest of his seat. Aaliyah on seeing his physique can't help but stare. She cuts the stare short and settles for a couple of obvious glances at him.

"Damn, that must've taken like ten thousand lines of code," said Callum looking at the screen. "I know right? She's so cool," said Falco, he sounded like a seven year old boy bragging about their cool older brother.

Aaliyah on the other hand was hardly about the tech stuff, she was all over Callum, caressing him with her eyes and cutting the day dream short everytime Callum moved an inch so as to not make it awkward.

"So you work out?" Asked Aaliyah looking at Callum. Falco turned to Callum for a moment and as some of the excitement on his face faded away and looked back at the computer.

"Ahh, yeah, from time to time," answered Callum.

"What's your bench PR?" She asked.

At that point it occured to him that before when he was still fully human, it used to be a hundred and fifty kilos, but after becoming a blood servant, he'd been juggling tonnes around like ping-pong balls. He couldn't actually say that however hence he settled for modesty.

"A hundred and fifty kilos," he said looking at the computer. He was also a bit of a shy guy. He loved the gym and talking about it, he just wasn't a huge fan of getting all the attention around. It made him feel awkward and slightly anxious.

"That's hella impressive, " said Aaliyah smiling at him.

"Thanks," said Callum.

"So he's the new Roux guard dog, he looks tasty, I'll enjoy him," she said inwardly referring to Callum of course who was totally oblivious of this but praying she would stop talking about him.

"Check out this loop!" Said Falco trying to divert their attention back to the computer, he seemed slightly jealous of the fact that she was impressed with his body. But why wouldn't he, Callum had the sculpted physique of an African god. A dirty among men.