
Crimson God's New Heir

The focus centers on the god king of unparalleled might. After engaging in a climactic battle against both demonic forces and celestial entities, he makes a monumental decision. Abdicating his throne, the god king bequeaths his divine legacy to a son long lost in the human world. As the story unfolds, it delves into the aftermath of this celestial conflict, exploring themes of sacrifice, inheritance, and the profound impact of a god's choice to pass the torch to a descendant in the mortal realm.

KamiNoZero · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

The God King’s Decree

*A millennium before the present day: The Battle between the Demon Realms and the Heavenly Realms.*

"Milord, they have arrived," resonated my voice across the expansive hall. The crimson lord, adorned in black robes and a hoodie, pivoted his gaze in my direction. "It is time." As he ascended from his imposing throne, I seamlessly fell into stride beside him, poised to enact his bidding.

"Drago, what's causing the delay? Your presence is urgently needed on the front line. Comrades are perishing, and our defense is crumbling. We require your strength," pleaded the messenger, the urgency in his voice mirroring the gravity of the situation.

*Crimson L Drago: The Crimson God, the sovereign of all gods.*

I cast a reassuring glance toward the messenger. "You've done admirably in holding them back for now. Rest here. My crew and I will handle the rest," I assured him. With a nod, I signaled to my seven lieutenants, and as a united force, we ventured toward the impending battlefield.

Drago and his allies hastened to the front lines, where a relentless clash between demons and angels unfolded. The air was heavy with the stench of war, and the toll of lives lost was palpable in every direction. It was imperative to quell this conflict swiftly.

In a precise moment, an abrupt ceasefire seized the battlefield. Combatants on both sides froze in place, unable to make a move. Drago's imposing presence had cast a spell over them. "This battle is over. If any among you still has the energy to fight, I am willing to challenge you, if you have the courage," Drago declared.

Drawing my red crimson katana, a collective gasp swept through the battlefield. Those who opposed us willingly stepped back, surrendering their weapons. Even the most formidable demon lords dared not challenge the God king. My presence was an undeniable force.

The battlefield fell silent under the commanding gaze of the Crimson God, his red eyes piercing through the remnants of the once chaotic clash between demons and angels. The air seemed to hold its breath in the presence of Drago, the mighty ruler of the demon realms.

With a flourish of his crimson robe, Drago sheathed his red katana, signaling an end to the centuries-old conflict. Demon lords, fallen angels, and celestial beings bowed in submission, acknowledging the power of the Crimson God. The war between realms had come to an unexpected halt.

"You have done well," Drago declared, his voice echoing with otherworldly resonance. "But this senseless conflict ends now. The time for war has passed."

Battered demon lords and broken-winged angels nodded in agreement. Even celestial beings, who had fought fiercely, accepted the God king's decree.

As the defeated forces retreated, leaving the battlefield eerily calm, Drago turned to his lieutenants, marked by crimson emblems on their armor. "Return to the demon realms," he commanded. "Ensure order is restored, and our subjects understand the new era beginning today. No more chaos, no more unnecessary bloodshed."

The lieutenants bowed, vanishing into the shadows with a nod from Drago, leaving the God king alone on the desolate battlefield. Drago closed his eyes, reflecting on the events leading to this moment.

*A millennium of conflict,* he mused, *and now, finally, a chance for peace.*

The skies cleared above, and a gentle breeze swept through the once war-torn landscape. Drago spread his wings, the color of deep crimson, ascending into the heavens. As he soared, his eyes glowed brighter, a powerful aura surrounding him.

The God king's decree echoed across realms, resonating with divine authority. The balance between the demon realms and the heavenly realms had shifted under the rule of Crimson L Drago. A new era had begun – an era of harmony, overseen by the sovereign of all gods.

Heavenly beings observed from above, uncertain of the future but hopeful for the peace Drago promised. Demon lords, under their God king's command, prepared to rebuild what war had torn apart.

Little did they know that tranquility would soon face challenges from forces beyond their understanding, setting the stage for a tale transcending realms and testing the very fabric of existence.

Hi all I hope you all will like my story. This first chapter is a prologue on the start of my novel.

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