
Crimson Gale: Kazuki Uzumaki's Destiny

Within the hidden village of Konoha, a young ninja named Kazuki Uzumaki stands out with his vibrant crimson hair, reminiscent of the Uzumaki lineage. Kazuki, a half-Uzumaki, possesses an indomitable spirit and a prodigious chakra reserve inherited from his renowned clan. As he embarks on his journey, he must confront the challenges of his mixed heritage, battling against skepticism and prejudice that seeks to undermine his potential. Guided by the ancestral spirits of the Uzumaki, Kazuki embraces his extraordinary destiny and seeks to master the powers within him. Harnessing the winds that carry the crimson hue of his hair, he wields formidable wind-based jutsu, unleashing devastating gusts of chakra upon his adversaries. As Kazuki delves deeper into his heritage, he unearths hidden secrets and lost scrolls, discovering the true extent of his lineage's power. With steadfast companions by his side, he ventures forth, unraveling the mysteries that lie in wait and forging his own path amidst the chaos of the ninja world. Disclaimer: This Naruto fanfiction is a creative work of fiction and is not affiliated with the original creators, publishers, or licensors, and should be considered separate from the official canon.

FrankensteinZ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

Chapter 7: Dance of Shadows

In the secluded alley, a symphony of clashing metal resonated through the air. The clash of wills between a determined young boy and a seasoned Chunin spy from the Hidden Mist Village unfolded with intensity.

From the spy's perspective, disbelief washed over him. How could a mere child possess strength comparable to his own? The boy moved with an agility and flexibility that surpassed his expectations, displaying an astonishing mastery of clone technique and body replacement jutsu to deceived him. Their kunai met again in a resounding clash, prompting the spy to take a step back, his curiosity piqued. "How did you gain this strength, brat?" he demanded.

Kazuki's smirk never wavered as he responded, his voice laced with confidence. "Through sheer will and determination of becoming strong."

In an instant, Kazuki vanished using the body flicker technique, reappearing before the spy with a lightning-fast combination of punches aimed at his abdomen and a round kick directed at his face. The force behind the strikes sent the spy hurtling backward, staggering under the impact.

From Kazuki's perspective, he recognized the strength within his opponent. This man was undoubtedly at a Chunin level, and Kazuki sensed that he was purposefully holding back. The absence of ninjutsu usage suggested a desire to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. However, the spy's intentions became clear when he unleashed a water bullet jutsu, narrowly missing Kazuki's agile evasion.

A bead of sweat formed on Kazuki's brow as he realized the gravity of the situation. The water bullet jutsu could have cost him his life had he not evaded with precision. In that moment, a decision crystallized in his mind—he had to use a ninjutsu, even if it meant taking a gamble.

"F*ck it! I'll have to gamble now!" Kazuki shouted, the urgency in his voice palpable. Death loomed as a constant threat, and he refused to idly await his demise. While skillfully dodging the onslaught of water bullets with the body flicker technique, Kazuki weaved a hand sign, a mix of determination and desperation etched on his features.

Despite a grazing water bullet inflicting a searing pain in his shoulder, Kazuki pressed on. The spy's taunting invitation to cease evading and engage in direct combat provided the opening Kazuki needed. Closing the distance between them, Kazuki completed the hand sign and declared, "Wind Release: Gale Palm!"

A surge of wind chakra infused Kazuki's palm, as he struck the spy's abdomen with a force that reverberated through his entire body. The spy grimaced, feeling agony course through his veins as he was thrown against a wall, the impact resounding with a bone-crushing thud. 'Wind Release: Gale Palm is a wind jutsu that Boruto constantly used and I decided to use and gamble on that jutsu even without knowledge of my chakra nature.' Kazuki thought as he walked near the spy.

Blood trickled from the spy's mouth as he coughed, a sinister laughter escaping his lips. "Go on, kill me! Hahaha cough So you can experience the pain of taking a life for the first time! Hahaha," he wheezed.

Kazuki's smile remained steady, undeterred by the spy's twisted humor. With a swift swipe of his kunai, he severed the spy's lifeline, ending his menacing existence. As the spy's body slumped to the ground, Kazuki scoured the remains, searching for any useful items that could aid in his training or provide some much-needed funds.

Aware that the commotion likely caught the attention of the ANBU, Kazuki swiftly suppressed his chakra, a technique he had mastered even before acquiring the Mind's Eye of the Kagura. The ability to evade watchful eyes was an essential skill he had honed. Flickering away from the scene, he left behind only the remnants of the fallen spy and the damning evidence of his origin—proof that he hailed from Kirigakure.

The ANBU arrived at the scene, met with the chilling sight of the spy's lifeless body. Their silent presence lingered, the weight of the situation settling upon them as they contemplated the implications of this grim discovery.

Unbeknownst to them, a young Uzumaki prodigy had just emerged victorious in a battle of shadows, embarking on a path fraught with danger and growth.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

FrankensteinZcreators' thoughts